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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. What's the point of this thread? Other people play the game differently then I do so I have to complain? They already ruined a large aspect of wvw with the removal of many active ways to play the game, promoting braindead K-training as they only seem to listen to mindless zerglings when they make updates. If you are actively playing wvw tbh Grace period should never end. You shouldn't even need to worry about it even change it to damage to players alone sets it to 10 minutes. Its not even that rewarding to play and to max out takes as many hours as a full time job unless your rank is so high but then you don't even need the rewards at that point cause you are most likely full legendary. Everyone should be for better rewards when playing wvw so its better promoted, if its a "Cornerstone" of the game, what's the point of playing it if the rewards suck and are difficult to obtain? Yeah cause games that are unrewarding are totally what are played the most these days, looking at you New World and how it died faster then even I imagined. Or other area's of gw2 and how dead they are. If they going to make grace period as hard as it currently is to obtain, then they should do something like double the rate of skirmish tickets per week.
  2. So Anet, ETA on the update that reverses these changes to make WvW Objectively better for everyone? Not entirely sure why its been so long now that we've had wvw made a worse game mode in everyway it was before the update that changed this, why you needed to nerf scouts, roamers, solo players, defenders. Why Anet do you only want us to K-train? Why Anet do you not want us defending? Updates should only make Grace period easier to get, not harder for everyone actively playing the game. It makes no sense that you can be super active in wvw and get less rewards then people afk flipping camps.
  3. Would you play wvw if it gave nothing? Lets see how long it lasts before it dies entirely cept by these "hardcore" wvw players who want to be the only ones playing the game mode. I just don't understand this concept that things that benefit everyone are not good enough for you, the loudest complainers. You complain so much. Outnumbered pips should have never been removed, they should have just added pips on top. They made the slowest worst reward system in the game take longer on perm outnumbered maps. There is no incentive anymore to play on outnumbered maps like there used to be. It makes total sense to bring it back, in fact most of those wvw changes they did in the patch needs to be reversed. Why anyone would be for something that makes the game objectively worse for everyone is amazing. Unless a shill account? a dev account?
  4. Every non-Mesmer/Thief "yes please" every Thief/Mesmer "no"
  5. It felt like we were returning to the first story, the personal story, you get to die now you get to die now you get to die now you get to die. Still annoyed that Trahearne goes from saving Orr and cleansing it to saying "what's next" only to be excluded from the final battle which makes no sense unless you've actually been doing the dungeons to him being written off entirely and then killed. Faolain suddenly changes character and causes 2 deaths which was so predictable. I genuinely liked LW4, I think its the best story GW2 has even with its one forced death that was predictable and story would be better if it didn't happen. (just so tired of gw2 writers thinking death causes "shock" or has "value" in GW2) Its more just annoyance. More like sighing at how badly written things are, I mean I guess we can't expect a good story in an mmo as its railroaded and you can't make choices after the personal story ended but still, I had hopes after lw4. Why do you basically get to witness the death of the rest of the characters you know from the original story? Almorra's death served what purpose? Oh she's achieved her goal, not that we got a good scene with her after that goal and her celebration of killing the thing that wiped her warband or anything. Just, she's dead now, not even a scene with her and Aurene all things considered which honestly could have been cool. Smodor's character was altered so that he could be killed, and for some reason we can't side with him, even as a Charr. (wouldn't it be cool if Charr mains had a different take on IBS? We should have gotten choices considering everything going on). Our Warbandmate here to not really do much but at least they exist. We get to kill our other warbandmates and don't even get anything special for it, just they dead now by our own hands with no words the wiser. Its not shock value its just disappointment. Rytlock dies then essentially everyone we know is gone. Yet they won't kill Braham off cause people actually want him to die. Can we not have a single story without someone dying? I mean even we have died now. How long has it been since we had a character written like Tybalt or Vigil's old man Forgal for instance? had a laugh? I know they made us like our mentor just to kill them off, but after that single shock, nothing comes close even after nine years. That one death basically sets you up for GW2's entire writing style. No character has come close to that after all this time, how awesome would it have been to have your chosen Warband member from the start of Charr's Personal story to be that kind of character, to give you tips and laugh with you and joke with you (for Charr mains of course). Coulda done something epic there. Instead we get Dragonstorm and a mute Fire Dragon which has a rushed ending. IBS should have been an expansion, with what it had it could have been huge. I am looking forward to EoD but honestly, I'm just predicting more pointless badly written deaths.
  6. The bots are evolving! they are getting more sophisticated! what is next, they form a group of raiders and take smc under the noses of the enemy and then position themselves at the walls spam clicking them to repair, auto get supply and then auto run up the walls to attack enemies nearby!
  7. Yeah, those ratio's are rather obvious to everyone ay. Spvp is indeed a giant meme. Best way to play is to just rig the game from the start. And if you try and muscle in, get ready to be focused down hard.
  8. The worst class in the entire game that spends it time not helping anyone but itself and just ruining the fun of others while being able to keep up stealth 100% of the time and escape any battle (because that's balanced, sure), is saying that the update is good? Well that is not a good sign. Honestly i'll never understand why people play Thief. You offer wvw nothing but roaming and winning 1v1's against people not specced for dueling and then pat yourselves on the back for winning a fight you should have won. of course it does make it pleasurable when you beat the thief, but then all that means is that it was a bad thief.
  9. tbh, they should have really let us sign up for a week, and also made sure everyone was sent a mail in game telling us to do so, But otherwise this is a beta test, and soon it will be over 🙂
  10. afk repairing and yet they came out and killed you, interesting form of afk there as they defended the area and also pvp'd and yet that's apparently being afk? heh. Yeah how dare people defend objectives am I right? How dare people play the game differently then K-training.
  11. As chaotic as this is, honestly right now wvw is great fun. Just wish they'd give us back our grace time from wall repairing and siege use and we'd be golden !
  12. Ok so, has anyone figured out Untamed's purpose for existing? Like what is it best at and designed for?
  13. To be fair here, that is warrior in a nutshell. First beta showed promise, looked fun, had high numbers and just needed some tweaking and QoL. But they wouldn't let that live for long so before release at EoD they made sure to nerf the class and make it worse so that no one plays warrior, we can't have new players playing warrior after all they really cannot allow the class to look fun.
  14. That sucks, so much 😞 It was so much better being treated as a weapon swap... We just can't have nice things
  15. tbh, what you are supposed to do now, what I see people posting in defence of this terribly bad update for some reason, they say "oh just zerg now and cap things, stop defending, scouts don't deserve rewards only zergs should be rewarded" You can spend an hour fighting and defending, get no kills, and get no rewards but hey you got that tower tierd up and defended, good work. Or you can zerg, be a pointless, useless face in the crowd that matters nothing, and get rewarded for it. You didn't help, your contribution meant nothing, but hey at least you got some shinie's as compared to a person solo defending and scouting keeps and towers. Capping that T0 camp is so much better then defending that T3 keep or tower hey. I really do hope they actually come on and say "hey, we made a mistake, you can have your wall repair and siege grace period back, oh also while we at it, supports can get grace period by supporting other players in combat and damage to other players counts as participation"
  16. If you act like you don't wvw and make up things that don't exist and don't happen, you get treated as such. This patch objectively makes wvw worse, there's no discussion there. They took things away from grace period and did not add anything back. it's only gone factually one way. And its only hurt active players.
  17. The thing I find funny about Ambush skills is that, you know that if you see a Ranger unleash, to interrupt them then. A cast time, and a visual effect telling the world "hey guys, interrupt me now"
  18. Well those votes are rather one sided for sure. It was interesting to see changes to Bladesworn, that to me are only nerfs, they nerfed a lot about the spec, and still didn't give us anything we've been asking for. Like these changes were pre-planned and are just acting like we asked to have what they gave us, instead of like, flow staying outside of combat, or MH pistol or actual range on pistol or anything, nope, just halved damage on DT, that's what we wanted. That's exactly what the spec needed.
  19. Ohhh wait really? Soooo Bladesworn got even more nerfed this update then I Realised. if we can't use Sigil of Vision anymore, HAH Bladesworn sucks now. Extremely long CD's, no decent buffs and nerfed damage and nerfed ways to reduce cd's, gg.
  20. Sigil of Vision means every single DT used has 100% crit, so what does Fury do for the spec? Stab is > Fury all days of the week with the Sigil, in fact we can run 0 Precision with Bladesworn and just need the other 2 stats and can run defensive third stat. That's why I preferred Stab and see it as a giant nerf, cause we don't need any crit to have 100% crit DT's. The issue now of course, is as compared to the previous beta, the damage has been nerfed hard that Bladesworn is just, less effective at everything. I only see this change as a nerf to Bladesworn in every way. It was too good apparently, Warrior was apparently getting too good of a spec, so they had to already nerf it before release instead of giving us ANYTHING that we have been asking for entirely ignoring most feedback.
  21. Surprised they don't come and instead say "Or just play Berserker, cause that's one of the best classes in all game modes pvp, wvw and pve" Like they said before.
  22. I remember before a lot were saying how terrible the spec is and how unfun it is to play and how badly designed it is, but its only saving grace was high numbers making is semi-worth it. So instead of really fixing it from the ground up, they nerfed the numbers and nerfed flow stabiliser. Then nerfed one of our talents to reduce the awful cd's the class has due to a badly designed elite. Like case in point for a warrior, we had one good thing about the spec, so they nerfed it.
  23. Yeah that's one problem I see as well, even SB has a talent that makes its effects effect others around you, meanwhile this spec is incredibly selfish for no payoff. You are essentially playing a spec that has no benefit for others besides maybe a rez or two off with unleashed 3 on your pet, but then other classes do rezes better anyway while offering stuff for the group. This spec just feels so out of place, like it has no purpose. Would Power Rangers really give up GS/LB? And if you are not using hammer, might as well be a SB so you can provide buffs and also good dps.
  24. Do you even play wvw? Cause you type like you've never actually stepped into wvw before. Just how many people do you see afking at walls? oh wait that number is 0 if you actually play unless they are repairing the wall to save the thing from being taken. if you defend an objective outside of EBG, The ONLY WAY to get participation, is to get kills. That is it. The defence tick does not give grace, and wall repair now does not give grace. Actively playing wvw now does not give grace unless you play a certain way. Which is not what GW2 is about. Actually go play some wvw before posting.
  25. Oh wow, against a golem that's some cc? What about wvw with ancient seeds? Actual combat and use effectiveness, who actually cares what you can do to a golem, being able to cc a golem a bunch means nothing. Being able to cc a bunch in pve means nothing. in wvw I'd much rather take immob SB/Druid. both can already do Break Bars, and both are better in wvw.
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