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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. The OP is so confusing. "I Like this objectively bad direction the game is going therefore the silent majority agrees with me".

    Runes have existed in the game for over 10 years right? at no point in the entire GW2 games history, its entire life, have they ever taken a system we currently have access to, and take it away from us. 

    They have never done this before. They have never taken away something we already earnt or de-valued something we already have or plan to seek out. Until this "mini" expac (a living world we pay for) where they will drip feed relics back into the game where they forgot that legendary runes existed. This game earns most of its money from cosmetics, not expansion prices. If anything releasing more expansions like what they are doing here will only cost them money in the long run as people leave. Personally my own opinion is that the game was a better game before EoD existed on its server. Nothing that expansion added benefited the game. At release none of the beta testing we did had been updated on any of the elites, which meant many were broken and all the "beta" testing we did was pointless. 

    All they had to do was release the relic system with what we currently have as six runes, every single one, and then make new ones for the expansion. 

    All they had to do was reward people with the legendary relic (without having to buy the expansion) as soon as you crafted your sixth rune, then the runes actually grow in value instead of decline. That should come out on expansion release day, not promised what could be a year in the future and then we will still need to buy the expac/work for it regardless for no reason other then I honestly don't know. 

    This mini expansion is just such a bad direction for the game its amazing, because relics is just one of the controversial features. 

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  2. Reminds me of EoD's story as well when you realised you can actually alt-tab and watch a movie while they are talking as you can afk through 95% through EOD's story. 

    Even the fight sequences can be afk'd, I afk'd shortly after entering the city zone and came back to unlocking the jade bot. I afk'd after collecting messages before the first one finished, afk'd afk'd afk'd. 

    Besides the start mission and a mansion mission, which I think are the only ones which can't be afk'd cause you have to actually move! 😮 Still constant dialogue that's great to turn off to 0 volume. Seriously EoD has to be played with 0 volume dialogue because of how unskippable it is. So it makes sense that living worlds or any story following are going to be walking sim with dialogue dumps. 

    I think they have forgotten how to write a good gw2 story like they used to, cause we did have some good stuff in the past not including lw3 which was just weird. But even that features quests you couldn't afk. 

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  3. On 6/28/2023 at 4:36 PM, PseudoOAlias.4279 said:

    Old [Daring Dragon] was supposed to be the PvP trait. It was fun, unique, and while people thought it was underpowered, it was actually pretty good and scaled well if you built for it.

    This alacrity change was clearly a half-baked idea to begin with. The [Daring Dragon] gives 10 seconds of alacrity without any boon duration in PvE and the tooltip isn't even done.

    New [Daring Dragon] provides 3s of alacrity in PvP and WvW to an attack that barely does any damage there to begin with and has the most ridiculous "use requirements" of Building 100 flow and then channeling without being interrupted to use. If you want Bladesworn to do alacrity for PvE fine. Everything's nuts now so why not. But why not just put this in the slot that [Immortal Dragon] is using and bring back the FUN version of [Daring Dragon]? The idea of a Grandmaster shifting a slash from: "Something that supports your allies" to "One big hit that generates might & is ublockable" to "One that does a bunch of little hits but gets progressively stronger as it applies vulnerability if you spec into the flow to maintain it." You could even revert the change and make new-new DD give alacrity per charge loaded. That way you could still give out alacrity by doing a bunch of little slashes. Best of both worlds.

    As is in WvW the only use for existing [Daring Dragon] is roaming with 100% boon duration. And even this just generates a build that is even more spamm-y than before. Partially because [Shield Master] is still bugged and lets you permanently reflect projectiles as long as you upkeep aegis and partially because regular Dragon Slashes STILL DO NO DAMAGE. Meanwhile Deadeyes are running around with new [Steal Time] that can be double-cast over their shoulder at 1500 range and hits for 7K+ without any might, vs a fully charged [Dragon Slash] doesn't even do 6K and misses half the time because of terrain jank.

    The old options were already in the game, and I will eat an actual shoe if you provide me metrics that more players were using [Immortal Dragon] than old [Daring Dragon]. Ya'll are always going on about "We don't want to delete cool builds unless they're dramatically over-performing." Old DD wasn't. It was just fun. Please, please, please don't make us play this way.


    Proof that it was fun, and good but not OP:


    Proof that it's viable but not the best:


    You should know by now, Warrior is not allowed to have fun things or win. 

  4. On 7/1/2023 at 6:10 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    If you @ him he will notice, but the forum mods will reprimand you at some point.

    Ask my how I know.

    I see they locked and also hid your unsummon patch notes thread now as well. 

    Is there moderators following you? What have you done xD 
    So there is a moderator in the Warrior forums, hey mod, tell them Anet needs another new balance team, we already had the last guy in that discord group calling for "salt" are the new people any different? 

  5. 3 hours ago, FellFalls.3750 said:

    I typically play Warriors in games. I can't believe the amount of time I spent trying to make Warrior work' in Guild Wars 2. It's dog sh*t here.

    Literally everything on the Warrior kit is outdated & bad. & ANet seems determined to remove the few fun things it had left. See [Arc Divider] & [Daring Dragon] (still has a bugged tooltip btw) changes. -- And for no reason other than no fun on warrior EVER to boot. They could have just chunked Arc Divider damage down and either put alacrity on the existing Daring Dragon or on Immortal Dragon or anywhere else.

    I tried Rev & Guardian (both just magical' warriors.) Infinitely better in every game mode with functional build variety. Was clearing content WAY easier & having actual fun.

    Not to mention both of these are actually getting interesting SoTO weapons, while the "Weaponmaster" is getting shafted with another band-aid 2H weapon instead of what it desperately needs: a mid-range main 1H weapon. (With weaponsmaster' Warrior will have an absolute glut of redundant off-hand weapons. & You can't even equip 2 weapon combinations on Bladesworn anyway.) So what's the f*cking point?


    Oh & Bladesworn:

    a) Has 2-3 trade-offs. Not the 0 or 1 that other classes have. (1. It loses weapon swapping. 2. It loses regular burst skills. 3. It can no longer equip 4 on-swap sigils w/ Fast Hands traited.) Cool.

    I still want to know why they nerfed a build we had that could have actually worked by changing 3. Cause it did work like that at the start and they actively changed it to not work like that. We used to be able to slot the sigil that gives 100% crit (vision) which would mean we could insta pop 100% crit perfectly time with cd's for max damage with no need for any stat increasing crit, so we could also have better tank stats and focus on just damage and crit damage. But then Anet said "nope, Warrior not allowed fun things". 

    They appear to actually want to make Warrior a class no one plays and must seriously hate the fact this class exists. 

  6. I love how the last time I honestly had a ton of fun playing my Warrior was at core at launch time. For the first few years Warrior was such a fun and powerful class to play, even Greatsword 2 was fine to use and not a nerf to your dps like it is now cause Anet. 

    Our Especs? Dps, dps, and dps. Seriously its rather depressing how you just play another class and you realise playing a warrior is playing gw2 on hardcore mode. Its a way to experience this game by killing everything slower then other classes with less utility then other classes and less tanky-ness then other classes. 

    We had unique features but Anet decided our banners needed to lose said features. Everything nice we used to have is gone now. I mean even when Bladesworn released you could just jump and would count as a dodge to your attacks. The class has not been good in this game for so many years I am truly amazed people post in the Warrior forums at all. Why are you still playing this class? 

  7. Being fair most recently people do have less time these days for games in general. The hype that once was MMO's is gone forever as the people who would have played them have grown up and gotten jobs. It makes sense why you see other mmo's dying off or being shut down. I still miss Warhammer Online, was a great time while that lasted, now you either play the private server or nothing because the servers are gone forever. 

    The worst thing you could do right now is take things away that people earnt - especially if they earnt it when they had the time to earn it unlike today. Considering the next mini expansion is essentially a living world that they are asking people to pay for that is taking something away from people... 

    You had a winning formula for awhile, go back to that, pretend IBS and EoD didn't happen or anything after them and go back to lw4 style. The game was better before Jade bots or rather it was better before eod. At least IBS has awesome zones, both the first and last zones are epic. If you guys kept the lw4/pof pace going I Wonder if they realise just how much more money they'd have right now. 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

    Nope, Ultimate Edition is a great deal and I want to continue supporting this game. I'm sure I'll have lots of fun in the new expansion. 🙂

    But isn't that the same as saying "if the devs kicked some dirt on the ground, I would pay them for it, and coddle it and treat it as my baby"? 

    Supporting bad design choices and decisions is why games die and are removed from online play and are deleted forever, do you want gw2 to go away forever? Then give them more money when they make bad choices. Other mmo's have disappeared forever, why would you want gw2 to go away forever? Support the dev team when they make good choices. That's how you truly show support for a game you love. 
    Most will only buy the min they are required too now because of bad dev choices, if they made the right choices and did things correctly, they'd make a lot more money. Its simple math, in POF it was a return to form for people and was the games best earnings by such a large margin it dwarfs anything they have made in the past 3 years. 

    Do not forget that the expansion was announced only one month into EoD. Which means it was 100% always going to be rushed and delivered incomplete. Imagine if PoF released with only 2 maps and none of the features promised, while also taking away something many people have earnt and only giving it back to them after potentially a year. Would that have gone down well? No. Instead PoF delivered and they made bank. When they give us something with quality behind it, they are truly supported and they make a lot of money. 

    But as it stands, they have lost all goodwill from their own playerbase and they need to earn it back. 

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  9. To be brutally honest the peak of gw2 was the Return to event we had before EOD release. I highly doubt we will ever see the game be as popular as it was during that, we had so much to do, all the zones were active, it was great fun, worlds were capping out so much in wvw the cap needed to be increased for the first? time (as usually they have been reducing the cap constantly). 

    It wasn't exactly new content but it was a great revival of old content, better then giving us lw1 by far. And lw2 maps are so much better with mounts. Its rather sad to see how things have turned out since eod released, I saw more people doing the lw2 sandstorm then doing eod. I have no idea why they actually did think giving lw1 content was a good idea, as it was generally hated by so many people. 

    Alas Return to, you were such a blast. 

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  10. All they needed to do was give people what we already have back in this new system while it opens up options to the future. 

    Instead they are giving us a 3 choice box, which may contain none of the effects you are using in your build. And on release we won't have all the six rune effects which means many builds won't exist anymore. They are both removing a feature we currently have and removing builds from the game. 
    if you have at least 6 runes you should be given the leggy relic on release because it should be that way, it should become the reward for collecting six leggy runes, simple method that keeps everything the same value in fact actually would increase the value of leggy runes as your prize after six is the relic. Making more people go for it. 

    As it stands, even for the people who currently have the effects of six bonuses from leggy runes they will have to wait for some quarter in 2024 which may have delays to get back something they used to have, and watch it cost both you needing to buy the expansion and your time/in game money even after your rune collection. They wouldn't be saying "progression towards" if they were going to give it to people who already have the effects of it unlocked right now. Its so vague it could mean anything. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Alexander.5321 said:


    My main mesmer has all 8 equipment slots unlocked and I use 5 different types of runes in them, so this current plan of 3 will punish whoever has legendary runes and bought all the equipment slots to use different builds.

    Also the example shown in the blogpost about Zephyrite Relic has a different effect than the actual 6th bonus of Zephyrite rune, so will all the other effects also change? Anet should show as example the Superior rune of the Scholar, since it's a rune that is used by most power builds, if the 6th effect actually changes, it might feel less like a punishment for whoever has Scholar runes, but if it's the same effect, it will be really bad having to spend more to have the same effect as before the expansion.

    And if the legendary Relic is SotO only, I'm afraid in the future anet will remove a % of weapon stats and sell it as expansion feature to get back to normal since it's the precedent, I can imagine 5th expansion being like "now your Bolt will have 3/4 of the stats and no lightning effects, but you can get the 1/4 stats and lightning effects back crafting the Legendary Sheath (significant progress for each legendary weapon you have!!!)".

    As for the "significant progress" for having Legendary runes, will it be what? Gold saved? Time saved? Currency? Account bound materials? Mystic Clovers? A handshake from an NPC?

    This is what I find the most interesting, as a way to get people to keep giving them money - take something we already have, remove it from the game, put it behind new content we have to pay for, repeat. They both save time on having to think of new things and rip people off at the same time. Its a win win for Anet. 

    This could have gone down so well for Anet if they just started the post with "if you already have at least 6 runes, at launch of this "new" content you will automatically unlock a legendary relic without needing to buy anything". Then we'd move on right away, have a reason to still get at least 6 runes, everything stays great and its good commication. 

    Instead its "Significate progress, and only in a 2024 quarter" 

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  12. 21 minutes ago, Vortus.2801 said:

    The expansion costs $25 and gives you hundreds or thousands of hours of gameplay. Are you really going to decide whether to buy an expansion based on something like a legendary relic? I don't think so.

    Actually yes, this is 100% true as those "hours" of gameplay don't matter at all to someone like myself after IBS/EoD were both handled poorly, as evidenced by the fact if you spoke out against how bad the EoD story was you got censored here. If they have to defend their story by silencing people, they don't get my money and the games story ended in LW4. Fortunately there is already a lot of game to play prior to EoD so the games still enjoyable without the "new" stuff that gets abandoned quickly as EoD zones launched dead. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

    Can you please confirm if the legendary relic requires the SotO expansion to complete or not?  This information is kind of important since this relic is taking a feature away from a pre existing non SotO legendary item.

    Actually this is very important information. Cause as it stands if they also lock a feature we currently already have behind paying real life money for then legendary relics will have a paywall... to get back something we already had 15 months prior to it being added in a 2024 quarter. 

    After the way IBS was handled and the disaster that was EoD I wasn't planning on buying anything more from Anet, if they also pull this after already pulling the rug under from anyone whose ever unlocked a legendary as now none are safe and none mean your account is "finished in this slot" anymore I'll be surprised if anyone is happy. 

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  14. The Relic coming soonTM update where legendary armour and runes are being devalued because "get these and you are set for the rest of the games life" is now something that is not true when it comes to legend gear and I find it hilarious. Cause what's stop them doing this again?

    I really feel for the people who got a full legendary rune set only to have the rug pulled out from under them as now they have to wait 15+ months to have the functionality they already have now, again. No difference besides maybe a slight increase in stats and only a 15month wait for legendary relics that will only go down well if the people who already have 7 runes unlocked, get the relic free and handed to them once its in game. 

    If they don't and they still need to farm regardless and spend hundreds of gold regardless to get back what players had 15 months prior.... haha. I really don't understand the point of doing this to people who have spent the time and money getting legendary stuff unlocked and then pulling this on them. 

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  15. On 3/25/2023 at 4:42 AM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    I'll tell you. Because they ate all FIFTEEN of the strikes! But no...they couldn't let us have THAT could they! Freakin' mmos. Don't mind me, I'm just sitting here playing the Final Fantasy remasters on Steam.

    Now what a good game series that was, I still play the original GBA/Snes FF6 and 5 all the time, and 10/12 were so good. For the 12 remaster I totally just got a mod that gave back the original licence boards and many other cool mods, especially that breastplate missing Fran one... She's got a good model. 

    • Haha 1
  16. On 3/22/2023 at 10:50 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    When you pick up one of your alts and see how easily they meet or exceed what your warrior is able to do in damage with fewer hoops to navigate it because obvious.

    I actually am amazed how much easier it is to land damage when I dust off my guaradian, ranger, necro, and engineer.

    Taken almost a year break from the game and I see things have not changed much at all. 


    But then again, Its been a sad state for years when I did play, wondering why I had so much fun playing Warrior in the core game in Vanilla times when I played near launch and then much less fun when I came back after 2 expansion releases to the point I switch to a Ranger and wondered why I was tankier and could do more damage while still learning the class in worse gear. To other classes where as a Warrior you had to play well and be skilled, instead of standing still tanking everything and killing everything with no effort as I fooled around pressing buttons on my keyboard to do things as a Mechanist. 

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  17. 13 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    If you can find 99% of this playerbase to agree on what constitutes real content, I'd be surprised. Some people think raids are real content, but I'm relatively certain it's content for a relatively small percentage of the playerbase. Story is real content to some people, and some people skip all the scenes. Making legendaries is real content to some people but not everyone does it.


    And to some, fashion wars is real content. Shrugs.

    To be honest my faves are the ones who Griffon is the game. The Flying Club Guilds. 

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  18. On 3/2/2023 at 12:42 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Remember LS4?  Man, those were the days... 


    I feel like at this rate, Living story 4 will always be the "Glory days" of GW2 story writing. Nothing they have done since has come close to how well that entire story was put together. Its almost unfair to compare it to GW2 continued writing at this point even though its in the same game. Cause LW4 was just peak GW2. 

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  19. I still have no idea whatsoever as to why they made the skins you can unlock for the legend you around have unlocked so expensive to do. It really makes no sense besides it just being a time and money sink. 


    Better to unlock all the weapons for your account then to go for a single variant. 

    Its almost icing on the cake that they have now made them more expensive with a ninja update change making Jade Runestones rarer. 

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  20. Just checking peoples thoughts on this topic. Cause either the Jackal needs a buff, or it needs more use in all future zones. As it stands its just hardly used at all and yet it has some of the best skins in the game. 

    Case in point, the Samoyed. A new floof to ride that has a lot of floof and is a lot of fun when a few people are riding one and jumping on any Charr that happens to be around till they play dead. And some great idle animations. But the Jackal is a very underused mount as its use is only in a few zones for a few seconds or some select races where it's better to use then the beetle or raptor. 

    Yet the Warclaw would be the perfect fit to be able to use all unlocked  Jackal skins, as its something we all use in WVW whenever we mount, and already has dog skins so it could fit perfectly. 

    To be honest I just want to see more of this new Floof. 

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