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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. Couple changes still need to happen: Pistol range increase, or swapped to MH. Flow staying out of combat, so its actually fun to play in open world instead of being gain flow- lose flow on repeat. DT needs to be usable without Gunsaber out, especially now that it happens faster makes it even more noticeable. Flow Stab nerf to be reversed as it was the only utility used by many as we need more defensive stuff and yet they took away Bladesworns only access to it outside of DT charging. Lush forest is in a weird spot now, cause BladeS has high CD's on everything and now it doesn't help much at all. (whoever heard of 35 second cooldowns on abilities) Our dps is essentially lower, a LOT lower then the previous beta the only reason people got that high dps was because of Lush Forest being broken, now that its not...
  2. Couple changes still need to happen: Pistol range increase, or swapped to MH. Flow staying out of combat, so its actually fun to play in open world instead of being gain flow- lose flow on repeat. DT needs to be usable without Gunsaber out, especially now that it happens faster makes it even more noticable. Flow Stab nerf to be reversed as it was the only utility used by many as we need more defensive stuff and yet they took away Bladesworns only access to it outside of DT charging. Lush forest is in a weird spot now, cause BladeS has high CD's on everything and now it doesn't help much at all. (whoever heard of 35 second cooldowns on abilities)
  3. It is when it comes to pvp or use or fun factor. Unless of course you want more people to use this spec so warriors are even easier to kill in pvp
  4. Why did you nerf Flow Stabiliser? rip getting Stab and instead getting useless Fury.
  5. Hizen's SB build uses both daggers, and with Condi i've been able to solo everything in open world, legendary or champions, and bounties. I wouldn't exactly say Dagger is useless, its really effective in a tanky condi build. Of course, that is open world solo play, not really wvw fighting which does require the usual GS/LB combo as its just too good.
  6. Really should start a new thread after these changes, but: So they gave us back all our old pet commands, even stow is back, however for some reason its on different hotkeys then all our other specs? Yeah that won't be confusing at all with how muscle memory works. Why do this? its the same with Warrior as to how their F1 and F2 were swapped for Bladesworn, but now this is swapped 3 hotkeys at once for three abilities I WISH WE COULD AUTO CAST. Or just give us back what we used to have, honestly I don't want to control pet abilities, its just annoying cause often times in battle your pets dead or nowhere near you, you can't just use them cause they might not even be next to someone to hit. Still need to test if they fixed the pet doing anything when we go down, as previous Beta the pet did not use abilities when we were downed. Its still too much to micro manage and still too many states to be effective. That's if you use Hammer, if you don't then its a lot easier to play now that all weapons get something and the downsides of untamed is gone. Also good to see its different depending on weapon, that longbow has a good new ranged attack on one. Don't like the cast times though, means its incredibly obvious when to interrupt a ranger that's Untamed for easy use of interrupt procs. Cantrips are A LOT better. Might be actually useable, honestly this heal cantrip is easily the best heal Rangers have now in the game next to Heal as one, due to it healing more, preventing death and giving superspeed or stab. All in all, Untamed is looking a lot better as a niche class that no one will play as it suits no rolls we didn't already full, as it has less cc then druid, and less dps then Soulbeast. It would have been great if we could spread boons out in combat for melee wvw fights or something. Just wish it had something that made it special besides giving us more work to do for less payoff. Its basically just what core should be. I highly doubt if this spec is even as tanky as our previous elites though it is funny how Untamed's condi removal is tied to a useless giant 10 second trait or a semi good Cantrip that wants you to die. As for pets, they need their own abilities when untamed, ranged pets do not benefit from untamed and most pets still suck outside of untamed stat for sticking to their targets. Hammer is too weak, why do untamed and normal hammer abilities share CD's? If they didn't it'd be a lot better for all the stance swapping. Leaps are too short range, and abilities are not big enough aoe's.
  7. Well yeah, that was the first words before we even found out about the other inconsistences and 2second grace time on siege not even dimishing returns like they said, wvw rewards suck, and they made bad rewards, harder to get for no reason other then "to combat afk'ers" which it doesn't even accomplish. I'm still so glad I was able to defend a tower from t1 to t3 solo for hours pre-patch, had a lot of fun getting to the diamond chest while I spent hours defending waves of enemies before this patch came that would have made me have to leave the tower every ten minutes which would have resulted in losing it. wvw was so fun before the patch that didn't buff rewards but made bad rewards harder to get.
  8. They gave us a lot of goodies and extremely cheap gems, and bonus we get an expansion later. Like, if anything the "Free" stuff we get is more then many other games give us for higher money charges, and yet we get it with an expansion to play later! Can't compare gw2 to other games really.
  9. Well, my guess is since we already have a dps class such as SB (which requires a lot less effort to pull off and outdps's Untamed by a lot) I really thought this spec was literally just that melee brusier spec they wanted to give us for wvw fights. Which means really they need to make the spec tankier, and give it more cc aoe and more ways to get stab and give out some useful boons to allies. Maybe then we'll see Untamed actually being used at least somewhere.
  10. Why would you want wvw to die though? Do you? Instead i'd like to see wvw get better and bigger and be more active, which brining back grace period for defence of objectives, roaming, scouts, ect. would help, instead of the best way to get Grace period being afk methods like camp flipping or smc camping, or zerg methods of spam easy kills and captures. WvW had many ways to play, and they are removing the many ways to play, making it a much more boring game mode. Unless you are actually blind to the truth on this fact.
  11. ah, I see your assuming everyone plays the same as you do and has the same experience as you do, no wonder I saw so many for the kittenest wvw change ever, removing grace period for active play like defence and siege because "Oh it doesn't effect me, so I don't care" Right now, yes, servers can be outnumbered in all maps at the same time. Its quite easy for this to happen if you don't play on a full server/link and don't only play as a head in the crowd middle of zerg player.
  12. Darkhaven got Reapers Corridor and Phoenix Dawn, SoS got Griffonfall, nice new names 😄
  13. You can't Bandwagon anymore with alliances, it will finally fix and solve that massive issue with the linking system, no more stacked servers or problems of one-sidededness. If done well it will be pure balanced even teams. Learn about alliances before posting 🙂
  14. Reminds me of a post I made back in September, I mean, its too be expected after all 🙂 If they did listen to all our feedback and did change the class to be as good as it could be, we'd actually have a strong E-spec that is really usable and strong in all game modes. Can they really give warriors that?
  15. Does anyone like the change to Flow Stab? We get Stab sure on DT use but... I used it outside of DT as well. Bladesworn essentially lost access to easy stab use, back to just shouting free? 😕 Plus the trait still gives 100% crit right? Which means fury does nothing. The best specs I saw with Bladesworn needed 0 Precision. Plus I do hope they make flow stay outside of combat so it actually flows in open world. And make Pistol mainhand and give it some range and the various other improvements it still needs
  16. I just really hope they let us put pet abilities on auto cast, if anything put it back to the original system anyway., or give us the option to do so. Kinda sucks that if we go down, the pet doesn't use abilities. Still a lot of changes to happen, and my guess is they did not really have enough time to fix everything. Will be interesting to test the changes so far.
  17. These Re-links, lol, really gonna need that alliance system in soon
  18. The main thing is its been done much earlier then they should have, as we need it with the new alliance system, which should stop all outmatching. There should be no more outnumbered when Alliances come. Problem essentially is right now, wvw sucks to play with both that removal and the removal of many Grace period staples.
  19. As good as it would be for them to actually have " Hey guys we actually decided to update pvp for the first time in years" Watch them add the Trailblazer stat amulet back then you'll wish they stayed away. Can deal with Trapper runes even if they are broken.
  20. we did already have a thread addressing this: Cause yes, wvw is objectively worse now since the update, active players lost two sources of active Grace time and afk players are un-affected. Defenders, roamers and scouts need to use the K-training zergs slots to keep up participation essentially. Cause all this update helps is mindless zerging K-training. Eventually wvw will die off if they keep updates like this up, no matter how many people try and defend bad actions.
  21. Much more, its basically the only place I see people actively avoid combat, just sit at spawn and run out every 10 minutes to sit at a camp capture and then back to afking. Its the only time I see people actually afk. Afking at a wall only works already if its under attacked or had been attacked, which means, you need that wall repaired anyway. And it STILL works in Smc regardless, maybe I should record a vid of me Afking at SMC even after this patch now just to prove a point, the only place that this has ever worked, for a few hours just to see peoples reactions as to how this change only hurts active players. I'm so glad I spent hours defending and tiering up a Tower the day before this patch came out, so I got to experience wvw when it was better for solo defenders and scouts. But tbh, its how they work, they assume and attack you personally then get their mob to like their posts, its how that mentality works. No matter how many times you beat them over the head with a stick that this change only hurts the game mode and doesn't nothing for what they claim it does. WvW is forever in a worse state if no new changes comes out to combat this nerf to gameplay and rewards. And a Precedent set that they can remove sources of Grace time without even telling us. I mean they have still not officially addressed that.
  22. True, I forgot that feedback as well with many of us saying that it should be mainhand, that way we have access to our great offhand choices that we already have, unlike the mainhand choices we have.
  23. Sweet, Untamed can switch stances every second and all weapons get an unleashed move, hopefully its ranged so it works for all weapons, would be funny to melee attack with a bow. Was hoping Flow would stay out of combat for Bladesworn in this which it didn't get, otherwise interesting changes with Flow Stabilizer, which I had used, being changed to something I won't use at all. Stab > some extra Fury which you don't even need if you trait for 100% crit. Really gonna depend on how many stacks of Stab they gave you when using Trigger, but now you don't have access to it outside of Trigger. Ok but seriously why was Flow Stab, nerfed so hard and basically removed from play? Oh great. And please let flow stay out of combat.
  24. Now this is something we can all agree on, screw that desert crafting material coffer
  25. Yeah but, look at Dragonstorm, one of the reasons so many is there every spawn is due to the world boss portal device, hundreds of people have it. I go to bosses outside of the device, such as Death Branded Shatterer, and nobodies there for many kills, have to show up at the right time of day, say during one of Arilo's many run's. Same deal for this, we'd get many more instances of Marionette going if they added it to the device, more people def use it then outside of the game event timers.
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