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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. I just did some testing, for scouting and roaming and actually playing wvw its still terrible, but I realised something. if you own smc, its actually got easier to afk to get rewards. As people are repairing less, walls stay damaged for longer, so you can watch a vid and just need to check back every ten minutes on a timer for the defence tick. That's rather hilarious. The entire game mode is so much worse after this update, and afking is easier, GG anet.
  2. So they did nerf siege too, they really hate us actually playing wvw don't they. They really want everyone to Zerg K-train. There will soon be no other way to play wvw besides only zerg k-training, pvp will end, why should anyone fight others? whats the point of pvp kills in WvW anymore? Defence is meaningless now, They hate Scouts, they hate Roamers. You will either have to AFK at camps, or AFK with zerg participation. Which is possible. So can't wait for camps to be removed as well since you can "AFK at camps not allowed how dare camps give participation! no more solo camp flipping how dare you play the game outside of zerging!!!"Which is basically what everyone defending this update wants. If you defend this update, you want the game mode to die.
  3. Why thinking so selfish? Other people play the game differently then you do, the games supposed to be all about different playstyles and how we all play differently. Why would anyone be for WVW becoming the only game mode in the entire game where you have to be told how to play and have to play the "Right" way? For some, say scouts and roamers, wall repair is a much higher ratio of their participation. Scouts especially could go hours just on wall repair alone, to make sure something stays safe. Removing an active aspect of the game is bad on all accounts.
  4. Yeah tbh, I love no down state as well. It makes the game so much more about skill, and less about being a face in a group and just winning because there is more of you. You can actually get kills and win outnumbered. No overpowered downstate talents or abilities and just pure fighting. Don't wish it stay forever though as its fun as an event, gets people to play again for a bit. Do wish we got it more often though
  5. lol, if that's true that's even funnier, I'd honestly hate to be a pve'r now. Ah well, no more repairing or sieging good luck getting your Gift of battles pve peeps :D. Better join up with that zerg and either afk now with participation that way or have to zerg to zerg your zergy zerg zerg gift of battle. Though honestly that's fine, as siege was the main cause of afk in wvw, whereas repairing walls is an active event and should be returned, the pip change ends up being fine for most players as its a benefit to everyone at all times of day. Even should make it base 3 extra, anything to reduce to many hours of now zerg play it takes to get next to no rewards. Anet hates scouts and roamers and defenders, they only want us zerging at all times. We have to play how they tell us, we can only play as we are told, no more making up our own game in wvw, the "Cornerstone" of gw2. Maybe a dev has never spent their entire day defending and feeling good that you held a tower or keep solo and are the reason your side won multiple skirmishes due to your scouting before.
  6. This exactly. Who is busy repairing while you are being sieged? disabling or killing the siege/enemy nearby is what you should be doing. Plus t3 keeps take the longest to fix up, if you are left alone to repair both 0%'s that is a very long time where repairing to save your objective is the only thing that will protect it. More often then not you are only repairing outside of being attacked and the only reason you'd do it during is because of participation. Essentially all this leads towards is more flipping going on as walls and doors will always be weakened. Its K-trainers love heart update.
  7. ? All ranks gained 2, not 6 or 7, and the max pips you can get now at max rank is 19 if you are a commander leading a decent sized squad and had completed wood the previous week. if you are losing and max rank, you get 13 pips a tick outside of leading a squad.
  8. If we talking bugs, ever since the update The gear icon for usable objects is not appearing on allied siege for me when being hovered over with the mouse ever since the recent update.
  9. Its hard to tell just how wrong you are, cause you are extremely wrong, off the scale wrong. Towers are not attacked 100% of the time, if you are a scout defending a tower, you need the wall repair to sustain you while you wait between attacks. Attackers now just wait 10 minutes and boom you are gone, whereas before you could save a wall for helpful use to stay at said tower and keep defending it for much longer then 10 minutes. ALL THIS DOES. ALL IT DOES is punish active players. It does NOTHING. NOTHINNNGGG For inactive afk players.
  10. Yeah exactly, these people seem to think that only afk people repair walls, lol. Its like all the people for this have never wvw'd in their life. No wonder Anet put it in game, how dare active players repair right? Left alone at a keep to repair 2 t3 gates? Well welcome to not being rewarded for defending or repairing while actively fighting people off. Yet that person advocates the ultimate and only true way to afk, squad participation.
  11. I read this from the view that you are someone that never wvw's and only PVE's and likes to complain about other people playing the game differently then you are. How does this hurt the people repairing smc's walls, the literal only place in the game that is constantly under attack and needs repair? Oh wait it doesn't, they will still get the defence tick. Repairing the towers around smc helps people that don't own smc too, but also, how often do you see people at say, Duri, doing this? Oh if you actually play wvw, either there will be one or none inside as you have to hope it gets sieged once every 10 minutes. By ignoring all the feedback we gave them here, they have decreed that the only way for you to get rewards in WVW is to flip camps or join a zerg and K-train. They already stated they will remove the timer on siege attacks too. Which will mean again, no one defending, just people STILL afk repairing smc so nothing changes but active players being punished.
  12. Yes essentially if that was the only change its a benefit to most people without them realising it (Unless they only play during outnumbered times, like Aus playing NA times) I am Aus doing that often but realised that the total amount of ticks I get, the 2 extra would mean a lot more pips then getting the 5 now and then. In Mithril now, would be finished diamond if it was active the past week. Really, if they had only done that, and actually listened to feedback on the removal of wall repair only punishing active players then things would be fine. I spent 2-3 hours yesterday constantly defending a tower, and the only thing keeping me there was being able to repair the walls/gate to keep my timer up so I could keep defending against attacks. The best way to attack something now is to wait a good ten minutes, now all defenders will have left as they have no way of keeping timer up outside of you attacking it and them getting a kill on you (as I noticed, the defence tick on the tower in Alpine borderlands outside our base did not give participation, I had to rely entirely on repairs or kills). Now the only way to get participation there is to constantly get kills every 10minutes, which relies on people attacking the tower constantly and they not being too zergy so you can actually get kills. Why would anyone ever spend time defending an objective or repairing walls now? They removed the incentive, and nerfed one of the games worst reward systems. K-training ahoy.
  13. THEY DID NOT LISTEN TO ANY FEEDBACK. Why? we had multiple pages as to why removing wall repair giving part was a bad idea and yet they still went with it anyway. The ONLY way to play wvw now is to zerg? I thought they said wvw was a cornerstone so lets NERF its already terrible reward system instead of making it better? Better not play wvw how you like anymore, Anet wants everyone zerging 24/7. How dare you defend on objective. How dare you actively play the game outside of zerging, how DARE you solo defend a tower for hours as wall repair is your only way of keeping participation up. This is such a terrible update.
  14. Honestly the only thing you should be able to do to help stomps is put stab on yourself, the fact that you can do it with Elixir S or in stealth has always seemed broken to me too. at least some classes like Guardian can stop the stealth stomp, but Elixir S is just op or anything that instant finishers. Cause at that point, what's the point of downstate if you can be finished instantly.
  15. The other thing is, since they removed the ability to have pvp groups and you can only solo que or duo que, pvp guilds are kinda pointless. They removed an entire social aspect of the game cause "but mah 50% ratio matchmaking system" How dare you have something other then a 50/50 win/lose ratio. Again, kinda making pvp guilds meaningless. Unless you just mean you want to get into a win trading guild to allow for easy wins and break the system. The matchmaking for gw2 is terrible, one of the many reasons its pvp scene died. I bet que's would be 30minutes long if not for pvp dailies.
  16. No, it honestly wasn't, purely due to the achievements they tacked on. If you didn't need to redo the Centaur camp with un-skippable cutscenes a thousands times just because of a single mistake in the final fight in the last 1% maybe it'd be fine then. The achievements is what made the experience the worst experience in gw2.
  17. Ah I remember this topic on the week that Living world was free, I joined in then too. Cause I'd just played lw3 for the first time, and it was going fine till this part. I play Charr as well, and was like, "where's my option to say no, please, stop, I don't wanna do this, please, game, what are you doing, where is my choices like you gave me in the personal story, game, please, stop please, what are you doing. Everyone who does this has to live through being crushed by rocks? Surely they'd kill a lot of humans that way. Never before had we needed to sign a "death pact" for some information. Yet some reason my Charr was perfectly fine with signing it against his own nation. Rest of living world 3 was fine, but that bit stood out like such a sore thumb.
  18. Wait, I'm confused, you can't que 5man in pvp? Is that why I only see people saying Duo here? They actually killed the pre-made pvp scene entirely? Why? Returned to the game recently but surely removing the ability to que as a 3-5man squad is an extremly dumb idea? Would explain why I don't see pvp chatter in my guild much, cause apparently its become an entirely solo thing to do? That's no fun.
  19. Why though? That is half the fun of wvw, if they go to that effort, that means you won!
  20. Only issue I see there is Ranked is where the pvp rewards are, they pigeonhole the player base into a bad match making system in order to get their rewards. No wonder its so easy to get your dailies done there, only need to do one match a day and its so much faster to get your daily chest done even if you lose, they want to try and get people playing it for sure instead of idk, fixing the dying game mode. Honestly it must be interesting to be at the top of GW2's 50/50 ratio matchmaking system, cause the game tries to place you into matches you will lose on purpose unless you can win a 1/2v5 against better and better players. To be at the top must mean the game gets confused and has to put you against worse players for a change meaning you get a lot more wins without even trying. They exist so that you keep your 50% win ratio. You have to beat the top players in the entire game to be able to break out of it. But that's how I've seen MM be done since game's launch, it wants to place you into matches you will lose badly. You have no control over this, just sit back and take your 500-<100 point loss.
  21. Yeah, must be hard for the downstate class to get that way when you can't even go downstate. 🙂 And great to see Necro's nerfed! Honestly I love no Downstate weeks in wvw, its great fun, but is fun as an event. It would lose its flavour if we got it all the time
  22. Are we sure about that? Previous beta's have shown that nothing can change between beta and release
  23. Haha! 😂 "So now you've experienced the world of Guild Wars 2, please select your profession to continue playing, or would you like to continue playing Warrior" "Disclaimer, if you pick this class, be prepared to love your banners"
  24. It does sounds cool to have other weapons be affected by it still comes down to a simple problem - if the abilities are actually changed and not just buffed versions of what we already have, that is a LOT of balancing to do. Combined that with multiple state swaps, could mean a lot of work, for little to no payoff unless they tweaked the numbers a lot. I mean what would the rotation be? All in one second you have to use a pet ability, swap unleash, use a weapon ability and remember which weapon you have swapped too while remembering whose unleashed while remembering to spam your pets F1 as its usually a spammable low CD ability unless its unleashed in which case to change targets you most likely want to save your F1 for that but also use utilities only when you are under a certain state with the right weapon out oh and woops you forgot to swap your pet during that rotation. All to do less dps then every other class. Or play SB, merge with pet, and just play normally with weapon swap being the only state change while outdpsing Untamed by thousands. Pets need to get new abilities depending on family / if ranged or melee. Our own weapons having new effects would be way to much work for them to do in time for EoD release. If anything, untamed should have only effected the pet, make it a true pet spec, it still does all its abilities it normally can do on auto, and gets more abilities added to it that can be insta-activated and happens at the same time as their usual abilities. But then I realise that if we want to do that now, we just need to re-roll engie, cause they got that spec, a super strong pet who they are the support too...
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