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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. The only thing Bladesworn has going for it is overtuned numbers, if they are tuned down the spec is dead on arrival. Its not fun to play, if you even take a single step in any direction or are cc'd in any way all of your charge goes away, flow needs to stay between combat ect. Playing Bladesworn sucks. But this is a Ranger thread, Bladesworn has its own many many issues but Untamed is entirely unplayable as it stands. But in that case, using GS/LB why would you not just stay SB and be better at everything haha. Almost makes it that Untamed would be better without the mechanic. Where's the "turn off green on myself and pet" button as all it does it make me take more damage or remove my pets abilities if its a ranged pet and if melee, the pet ai has them shadowstep, get one hit off, then go back to running and not melee'ing them like usual. As Smokescale is one of the only pets in the entire game that can actually hit their target and that is the sole reason most run it.
  2. ..... hahahahahahaha whooo boy I feel like Warrior should be like the tutorial class everyone has to play to get access to the game, and then it can be like "now go play a good class and really feel what this game has to offer". Others must feel our pain! The pain we've felt for 9 years!
  3. That and giving us a green glow which vastly effects how we dress ourselves. Though this time they went overboard and just decided all Untamed will look the same no matter what we wear. At least you can still see our bodies when merged. But yeah, There is not enough time to do the work required to fix the broken mechanics of multiple classes, like I can see Bladesworn for example getting numbers tweaked which is literally all they have atm as playing the spec sucks But the sheer over tuned numbers it has makes it strong. It will be rather disappointing to see Untamed not be changed by EoD release and possibly for a long time after, I mean only recently did Scrapper get their buff that makes the class extremely good for group play. Took them years. Will it be years before we see our first Untamed played? If nothing is changed, then yes. I just don't see why someone would choose this boring basically core spec but worse spec. Yeah, honestly I say they are all bad because of simple reasons like that. Hammer itself should have the port on it. Would we really go from a two hander that has dps options, defence options, and an escape/charge AND cc to something that only has dps options, some cc... and is slower?.... I rolled an Engie after this beta, leveled it to 80 and honestly the Engie hammer with Scrapper is such a fun spec to play, I am having more fun playing this then I had trying out untamed By Far. And soon it will have a pet that can tank, in a spec that can heal and provide 25 might stacks as well as alacrity and infinite vigor amongst many other boons. Or play untamed and be a worse then core spec with a pet that is hardly buffed at all by the spec with a slow hammer that dies faster then all 3 other specs the Ranger has.
  4. Yeah, hoping that Untamed is actually NOTHING like the beta tests are like. Because it is easily, EASILLY the worst E-spec out of all 9, because no one will ever play this spec unless they want to nerf themselves. Its worse at DPS then Soulbeast, its worse at CC compared to Druid, can't support like Druid or even Soulbeast can, has less survivability then both other elite specs. Just giving flat vitality is nothing the elite has too long of a CD to be used like Dolyak stance can be used or Druids normal survivability and you want to force hammer which makes the elite worse in every way. All the cantrips suck, like they somehow forgot that we'd have 0 cleanse options but then just give us a cleanse that makes us have max stack vuln on us. Druid can remove every single condition on them on every transform, this class? 10 seconds to remove 1. There's a reason I run cleanse on weapon swap. So its worse at everything compared to what we already have, and even when downed worse then all other Ranger specs as the pet does not use abilities when you are downed, meaning it won't CC mobs/players or damage them at all. Untamed as it currently is is a noob trap, if you play it, you are saying you want to play a nerfed version of Ranger that is a jack of nothing. So hopefully they massively rework it, all weapons need new abilities, even if its just changing the auto attack, and pet families should have different abilities, ranged pets find that being untamed is useless.
  5. To be fair, Thieves are excellent classes at escaping an infinite number of players, multiple ports and stealth being the most broken mechanic in the game. And this person was talking pvp aspect of wvw, but yes wvw damage is nerfed so hard and escapes are so easy for some classes like those 3, that it happens often on the pvp side of things. People love running away 🙂
  6. I played GW2 pvp back at launch, then 2 years after launch, and then now. I see the matchmaking has not changed over the many, many years. The game appears to want to force you into a 50/50 win ratio, like, I do well enough and get around 20% usually for my team, then I'll have a spree of matches where I'm suddenly 40%+ of nearly everything on a 5man squad. I didn't think I'm that good but even the enemy team seemed pretty bad, could take on 2 of them at once, yet my team was some of the worst players I think that could exist in pvp matchmaking cause that happens on a 500-100 loss where I did most of that 100 as I was the only one to cap a point. I wish I was joking. Then the next match, You go from a struggle to winning 500-10 without even needing to do anything, I could have afk'd at spawn and won. I mean I know its been like that since I remember pvp'ing at launch but this is just hilarious. When I get a loss now its mostly just "oh the game must have decided I get my loss now I had a win just before". I really need to get into a pre-made and see what thats like, I wonder if they keep putting you against stronger and stronger premades until you reach a losing point (not the point of equal skill levels), then stay there at that losing point, lose until 50/50 then you are allowed to win again.
  7. From what I saw in the last beta I fear Spectre/Mechanist the most out of all EoD elites. Spectre duo roaming is brokenly op, being able to never die while being able to escape at a whim while killing in the middle of decent sized groups as they barely scratch you or your mate. Then you have the Mechanist which mech AA's people through stealth/clones so the dps stays on you even when trying to run away, with yes sounds awesome if you are the mechanist... oh wait actually keep that screw stealth and clones.
  8. Its funny though, just by playing the actual game in wvw you can tell what certain classes needs buffs or even individual traits or weapon skills, and yet a lot of nerfs are just flat across the board, like the cc nerf which removed warrior hammer from the entire game. While effecting everyone. Like, at least Scourges finally got their nerf, long LONG time coming to finally not see them everywhere destroying everything easily without even having to try as they face-rolled over their keyboard. Condi builds are only good for example, entirely due to the Trailblazer gear set. If they couldn't both extend the duration, increase its damage, while making them as tough as a tank we'd most likely never see Condi builds in wvw. So how do you balance that exactly? Condi has a sheer advantage over power entirely because of a gear stat set. If they didn't have that gear set, would anyone actually play Condi? Sure you can get away with viper or dire maybe, but they are nowhere near as strong as Trailblazer when it comes to roaming potential. Honestly it is really hard for them I bet to balance things, but seriously, buff warrior so its actually played in pvp a little bit. There's a reason there was 0 warriors in recent tournaments and yet the nerfed minionmancer still is on the winning team.
  9. Only has been discussed, if they were doing it in say, SMC, you don't actually need the 5min timer, because you constantly have the 10min timer for defence in effect. So this will do 0% to the people who afk in constantly attacked keeps/towers. Someone afk trebbing Duri? Hit repair every 10 minutes and you are good. This change only actually punishes active players.
  10. And? Why should you care how other people play the game? GW2 is known for its many different ways to play, judge achievements on yourself, not others.
  11. More Fashion war idea's yes! all for more dye options WVW armour needs it too! 🙂
  12. I tested it, the Pet does NOT use any abilities when we are downed if we are playing Untamed, so Untamed is the worst spec we have out of all 4 for when we are downed, it actually nerfs us. It would be great if it automatically unleased your pet and they used their F3 when you call them to start rezzing you, that would be special, but no, it does not. They don't use their unleased abilities or their normal abilities when you go down, and you cannot use them when you are down.
  13. Now one quick question as I don't want to login to the worst E-spec for End of Dragons, the Untamed. When you are downed, does your pet use abilities/can you still use your pet abilities? Cause usually when I go down in SB my pet unmerges, and then CC's whoever did it, knocking them down ect and attacking them with abilities. Cause if you can't/ it doesn't, that's actually kinda hilarious how this makes Ranger worse in even more ways.
  14. Yeah that, all they simply had to do was label all the unleashed skills as beast skills, then we'd even have access to 3 taunts on use, would be quite interesting. Instead they make them synergise with nothing and even add in a trait to waste a trait slot.
  15. At this point I think its the same person talking to themselves here as they needed someone who agree'd with them to post. Best to ignore these whiners and actually hope for a good spec.
  16. Yeah unfortunate that, what we were expecting from the reveal came to light to be true, the specs terrible and won't be played by anyone unless they want to be worse on purpose in its current state. So hopefully it undergoes a massive overhaul before release.
  17. First impressions show that this will easily be our weakest spec dps wise, even druid could outdps and outcc it if the conditions are right. And pets end up weaker unless you constantly remember to use abilities that should be autocastable, why not allow us to set pet abilities to autocast, then they'd still use them without extra input and we can select which ones they use, say stop birds from casting swiftness. Feels clunky, and extremely weak. And we take MORE damage when unleashed? why? So if you don't use hammer, there is literally never a reason to take it off the pet right? cause all it does is make you weaker. But then the class is designed for you to swap constantly due to traits that would be entirely useless. SB allowed you to stay merged or unmerged, it was your choice... I just don't get what they were going for when they designed this spec, and how Engineers go and get a better pet that is customizable and stronger with a break bar that can outdps this entire class by itself. the ONLY saving grace is the aoe projectile block, which again is more anti-projectile power creep. The dome is huge and could stop range attacks entirely. Which means playing LB/SB is now again, even worse then before with this constant anti-range powercreep. Give us some more access to unblockable already.
  18. Yeah that, not exactly sure why they figured us going from SB buffing our damage stats and making us better fighters in every way, to a 15% less damage buff including missing out on various other buffs. Its a very large dps nerf, and we rely on a pet that most of the time won't even be able to hit its target in pvp unless for some reason you up against a bad pvp player that doesn't know how to move, doesn't use stun breaks and cleanses... In which case literally any build could beat them. Oh gee wow we get a single shadowstep on the pet that has a long cd. The problem is if the pet was actually good, the class would be broken. I mean I know a long time ago cats used to be able to solo people from stealth, if that returned I'd be amazed, it'd be fun just to see people complain about Ranger pets again 😛
  19. I used to run sword, but one to many self yeets off a tower made me entirely stop using it.
  20. Feedback is feedback regardless if its positive or negative, if anything you always should want negative feedback cause that means you still have room to improve 🙂 We are about to try it out in game, where we will see if our fears are met or not. Right now it looks like the worst E-Spec out of all nine that succeeds at nothing the Ranger could not already do, its kinda pointless if it doesn't add on. Kinda like how Thief specs are dps, dps, and dps. Glad they finally got something non-self related. From what we have seen, there is nothing special about Ranger. Hammer having CC just means it will be like Warrior Hammer, doing no damage to any target - making this spec the weakest dps wise spec possible the Ranger has.
  21. You know, that is an idea, if you heal someone else and they gain health back, set participation to 10minutes. Buffing couldn't work as then that'd be the easiest way to get it as you could just afk as a Rev and get it. Still most support has some kind of heal, so be interesting if they actually let things count with heals, that way you can support in a group and actually have an easier time keeping it up then the dps and tanks. CC'ing another player, should give participation too, harder to pull off then just damage dealt. Ya'know, things that you actually do when playing the game, instead of having to worry about this ticking timer you could just play and enjoy yourself. Sieging a target should give participation to everyone standing around the siege If its not inside a keep/tower. That would make things interesting as it could cause pvp events simply by more people being hittable. Idk, just seems like if you are actually playing the game you should always have it without having to try. Even right now its easily possible to be super active in wvw, play for hours, and accidently spend a lot of it outside of the grace period and miss pips entirely because you didn't do what you had to specifically to keep it up. You have to take camps, you have to get a kill every 10minutes. Removing one of our few accesses to it, only hurts active players, it does nothing for afk players.
  22. Exactly, all this change does, all it does, is punish active players who actually want to defend objectives. That's it. SMC will still have its supply spent on wall repair as people inside will still get 10 minutes, which means it will have 0 effect on afk people. Its literally just punishing people for sticking around to repair walls. If you defend something solo? You are basically punished with no rewards from the least rewarding game system in game. New way to attack something, break the wall, leave for 5-10minutes, break a nearly broken wall in seconds and grab the tower before its even CT'd. What Anet is telling us with this change is they want K-training to be a thing, they want everyone to blob as it will be the only reliable way in game when "actively" playing to get participation.
  23. Actually extremely low, in the time you get one set of Legendary gear from wvw, you have all armour classes and more unlocked in pve. Like why make wvw stuff take years to get, when pve stuff takes weeks?
  24. Well for one thing, at least the beta where we played say, Bladesworn, came out before these posts. The fact that its almost entirely predictable how bad this spec is is saying something. It will be interesting to see when it does come into game, to see if they have actually buffed pets a lot in pvp/wvw and are just not telling us, but also yes, the Cantrips are all terrible, and the traits looked really bad and the hammer requiring a charge up with every attack means it will be extremely easy for other people to proc on Interrupt effects. Here's to hoping this spec changes a lot before release.
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