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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. Why though? Then again I'm mostly quoting other games where its a thing, like it was in Rift and honestly worked well. Guess GW2 is just different that we expect to kill the pet who most likely is nowhere near the Ranger, I mean how often is your pet next to you in splash range? This spec relies on the pet, yet if the pets dead, the specs dead. Its the only spec in game that might allow you and your pet to be near each other on the same target, but if they still die instantly regardless, it defeats the entire point of the spec. At this rate, SB makes for a better pet spec, cause at least we can revive the pet there by merging and un-merging. It should take some damage, sure, but it should be able to tank it unless its directly targeted. Make the E-spec make people want to target the pet over the Ranger. Make the Ranger pet actually worth the target, as it can't be rezzed as fast as a SB, but still be a priority target, instead of just allowing people to target the Ranger anyway and kill the pet at the same time.
  2. Pretty much, I mean how often do you see Core Rangers asked to be in groups 😛 Imagine playing core Ranger and people begging you to join them cause of your pet. If Untamed doesn't do that... What is the point of it.
  3. Exactly, there is no point to be this spec. Why we'd want our terrible AI pets back and lose out on damage entirely, we'd basically be cc bots in meta squads that do no damage, one thing to remember is that CC abilities do exactly 1 damage in wvw. I doubt they'd let this hammer hit for more then 1 unless they change that update. When playing the closest meta build we have for squads, Immob SB, at least we can actually still deal good damage while having lots of access to Immob already. We already have a lot of that cc, and can already do good damage and it all be Range or melee with GS / x/axe. Make this a core Ranger spec choice and give us an actual E-Spec
  4. I like how peoples solution to problems is "just use the pets with the highest health" yeah because making a large portion of our pets redundant and useless is a good idea right? It would have been great to get an actual support spec so people would actually WANT a Ranger in big squads or meta squads outside of "here have some immob". Personally I had hoped this spec would have a lot of Unblockability with the hammer to combo with LB so we could actually hit people from range for a change. Instead we get forced into hammer as its the only weapon effected by Untamed even though Greatsword.. is still better in every way. We all stopped playing Core Ranger because its 100% terrible. SB is just better in Every. Single. Way. This should just be the new core Ranger spec, and we get a different Elite spec for the expac.
  5. TBH, this should just be core ranger, this is not an elite spec, cause what exactly is the reason for core ranger even existing anymore? Its like "here, have your bad ai pet back after you got so used to SB fixing the problem by removing the pet, also its still terrible in any format outside of pve content". Its like a slightly better core Ranger. Nothing special about this E-spec, its just core Ranger back.
  6. Coming back to the game to my Ranger main and looking at new pets, that's all I saw, everyone saying use that purely because it is one of the only pets in the entire game that actually is able to hit something. Pets need a massive overhaul if they want us to use them in a pvp setting, and apparently a bugfix. Also that heal, they were totally meme'ing with that heal, I thought some of the others were bad but that is just hilariously useless. Easilly the worst new heal from any of the nine elite specs. Not allowing swapping during its duration combined with pets basically having no health or being dead in pvp 98% of the time... what on Earth were they smoking when they came up with that.
  7. tbh, it should have been a thing in game since game launch that pets are nearly immune to aoe damage/ground target damage from all sources. ST them is fine, but dying to random aoe is something that is just dumb for pet AI.
  8. Ranger, the pet and range class. And what we get? Even more GIANT projectile blocks into the game, great. Good to see so many of these new classes get the ability to remove entire specs from the game. And Warrior like hammer, which as it does CC, could mean it does 0 damage in pvp/wvw game modes. Also did not show pvp/wvw based pet stats, which are A LOT lower due to nerfs. Pets used to be so strong at gw2 launch but now they die instantly, all the time, and are utterly useless. This class will be utterly useless in wvw and pvp. The 10% heal though could make it interesting for pve solo content. Elite is interesting with it being a more powerful Dolyak stance, too bad the recent changes to damage reduction massively reduces its effectiveness as it doesn't stack right with protection anymore, it could have been great if not for that change. And now Engie's get a better pet to use. Funny that. I so wish this spec had a ton of unlockable abilities so that you could actually range with it but instead, we are still shafted on that front unless we use our single signet for it. Doing no damage range and this spec is utterly useless looking for wvw and pvp, they really don't like Ranger much, do they at Anet. The reason SB works so well, is we remove the pets super badness at everything after all its nerfs, and gain abilities to use that actually do something with awesome stance skills. The stance utilities are just so much better then the cantrips here.
  9. Nerfs, buggy ai, pets being useless in pvp/wvw format. Be interesting to see if Mechanist is viable in pvp, cause then it would be the better pet class by far. Unless what we saw was pve stats for the mech (just like with Ranger pets, asif they let us have pve stats in wvw, they like some of our pets having <10k health in pvp format). I mean I Miss early gw2 pets, I remember back then my stealth Panther could actually kill people. All it needed to do was stealth and pounce and rip people to shreds, way back when Core Ranger was actually good. I see so many issues with this spec in pvp, purely because pets die instantly. Whereas if this mech doesn't, that means for non-pve content, it will be the better pet class
  10. Only EBG Defence timers seem to give part, I've done defend events in say, Bay, and at the end of the timer, it did not reset it to 10mins even though I had kills and wall repairs during the timer. Same deal with towers in redBL, noticed it not giving the 10 mins, unless that is just more incentive for everyone to be in EBG 😛 Or zergs. Which is what their changes will do, either camp flipping or zergs will be the only way to get participation.
  11. Exactly, it still takes too long to get to diamond chests, and with the removal of repairs giving timer, your essentially cut off from a major source of it when actually playing the game. Defence of an objective now won't give you pips. Which means, 20+ hours of camp flipping weekly. WvW has the worst reward system and ways to get it in game, so their choice is to make it worse? Nothing should be removed, it should be easier to get participation, and you should get more pips.
  12. Removing outnumbered pips is a step in the wrong direction. Unless the maps are balanced, so balanced that they don't have outnumbered over 4 maps 24/7 you will be getting less pips even with the added 2. Some people like roaming in outnumbered maps, which means they always now get 3 less pips. They now take many hours longer a week to complete a track that is capped. Why is the wvw tickets capped weekly? in pve you can pug into a full raid legendary set in a MUCH shorter time then it takes to get the wvw legendries. It could take a person multiple years of wvw to get legendries. Or a short time of raiding. You telling me that Oceanic players are just not accounted for entirely in this new reward system? How dare I play in NA times when living in Australia so I mostly get outnumbered pips that make up most of my pips? Also removing repairing part, the WORST part about wvw is keeping participation even when actively playing, you could hit 100 people die, and lose access to pips. You could escort yaks and fight people off but not kill anyone and lose access to pips. Now you can even try to defend a tower or keep, and lose access to pips. Outside of EBG Defence ticks do not give timer. So you have only 2 accesses to it essentially, flipping objectives or killing players. So the worst part of WvW, would be made to be even worse. So they want us to spend 20 hours a week flipping camps to get our tickets that gain super super slowly.
  13. Its been like seven years since I played during Halloween, one thing to note is I do wish Lunatic Inquisition was designed better, I have a LOT of fun playing it, but if you die as a villager at 0 seconds left you get rewarded with nothing, as well as like only one villager alive costing ALL ghosts all bags. I hear there used to be a bug that was a part of the events charm that they fixed, too bad I missed that. They appear to have made Villagers a lot stronger as well compared to when I played, like a lot a lot stronger, and a much shorter time. Its so easy to win as a Villager now, seen maps end with 10 of us alive. And so hard to win as a ghost and get anything.
  14. Only issue is the weapon swap trait - no one will take in its current form as you can never proc it, however the heal trait will be active nearly 100% of the time. The reduced CD's one is just the best in the next tree. So you basically already have 2 trait lines that will always be taken by every Bladesworn alive. Then you have the Grandmaster traits, which don't have an obvious best choice. Unless the bottom path actually gives you an increase in dps there is no point to ever take it in any mode. And the middle will most of the time have no effect against pve mobs and in pvp, you won't be using Bladesworn. At least the top path offers some great sustain in pve. With the heal doing squat in pvp but again, asif Bladesworn in pvp.
  15. Warrior is to be played as a meme, it makes sense that a meme is not in high end competitive play. Also its not like this is any different to previous years, and we all knew Bladesworn is our worst pvp spec
  16. It does appear to be, only issue is if those pve denizens have the ability to cc you. As any form of CC almost breaks you out of DT, removing every charge and not giving you flow back, its incredibly annoying to use this in pve. Its like, sure, we might not be able to die, and we can take stronger things now, we just spend large portions of the fight, sitting there, unable to move, not hitting anything, boringly sitting there, waiting, oh cool now we can attack. Its just funny how this specs ability is "flow" and yet it has the least flow of all warrior specs. Seriously, please Anet, give DT some CC immunity.
  17. The thing is, what was Bladesworn meant to do best? pve? We already have 3 pve specs, Core Bannerslave, SBbannerslave and BeserkerBannerSlave. It would have been nice for this spec to be a pvp/wvw spec, but its easily the worst purely because of bugs and kinks and "Flow" being the opposite of flow. It needs to stay out of combat, remove it draining entirely unless used. And of course fix it so that it actually hits because right now you can jump over all attacks from a Bladesworn. For pve, it could be our best pve spec by far. By super far. Might healing makes you always have extra flow charge forever. In combat its fine, and easy to not die in pve long fights. (unless of course the target can cc you, in which case the class is garbage). If they gave us cc immunity during Dragon Trigger that would be perfect. Also the pistol should have been main hand and had a longer range AA. But seriously, I do hope they change the class a lot and listen to suggestions. (Please swap the F keys and please don't make Dragon Trigger give swap CD and please let us DT when not holding the sword)
  18. Exactly. There's really no point to argue right now, with alliances you need people in all timezones for it to work. Stack NA and you have que's then lose everything during offpeak including the players you do have in those times
  19. bsw, Blade, sounds pretty good. Hopefully it does catch on that we get a different Abbrev for this spec. Not exactly sure why Warrior keeps getting it 😄
  20. To be fair, SoS did have NA before they all x-fered off, which led to the pop dropping low enough for it to open combined with the increase in server size. Plus, its easier on SoS, as you know you can play with ocx and have tons of ocx fights for a lot of the night these days, lot of players have come back and we do a lot of pvp all day long on the server. Playing on SoS it feels like these misconceptions started years ago and have been kept even if things have changed. We got hundreds of kills in my last ocx run on SoS. Too many old wvw vets that don't know how to let go of grudges it seems. And with alliances you will want ocx guilds in your alliance, fully stacking 500 Australia players or 500 NA players means you will always lose one side of the coin, every single day.
  21. Hey its the best Golem spec in the entire game after all
  22. hahaha! Wow, they really do want this to not be a wvw/pve spec at all don't they. And really, how cool would it have been if Dragon Trigger's 3 could hit people on top of walls in wvw, that'd be epic. Course can't let Warriors have fun like that can we, as people can just jump to dodge the class! hah!
  23. Yeah I EXTREMELY Hope they swap the F keys around. Its like they want us to forget years of muscle memory and have us have to re-adjust to not keep accidently swapping weapons when we mean to use our burst class ability. Or yes, do what the person above suggests, just too bad if you play multiple classes right.
  24. You understand we were talking about Warrior in pvp correct? Which does less then 5k? 😛
  25. Yeah, that. I do hope they swap F2 and F1.
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