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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. Like the person above said, the Pistol should have been a MH, had a auto attack, had its 4/5 be 2/3 and allowed use of offhand axe. That combined with being able to swap weapons faster, none of this CD upon using dragon trigger. If you could actually swap weapons then it'd be so much better and have much better "flow". Swap to Gunsaber, fire off abilities, use dragon trigger, then swap back to MH pistol/Offhand axe to keep going then swap back would have been a neat rotation. Instead all you see is long CD's on everything as you constantly wait.
  2. This is beta testing for a reason, everything is subject to change after all. I mean I know this is the warrior class and all which means reduced hopes and expectations already, but still, it might still be able to change even though we are warriors 😛
  3. So that answer is yes, no real gain of stab outside of using movement skills with the strength trait, and only one stack of stab on the flow gainer, so you will be cc'd out of it all the time. And lose all charges, and all flow.
  4. Is anyone, ever, going to use Dragonspike mine? I don't understand the point of it. Its worse then shake it off, has a longer cd, only has one charge and doesn't get effected by the elite. Its only bonus is it resets dragon trigger. Like we totally need more access to doing less damage. Needs a total revamp/change
  5. Yeah for sure, rooted for 5 seconds where you can be killed and of course, cc'd. You don't move, dodge, and all you get 2 aegis's. They really shoulda just made it that while charging, you are immune to cc then it'd at least semi usable. As it stands, on my Ranger, I just use Dolyak stance, break stuns, get six stacks of stab, and basically become immune to damage all while being able to move and do everything I would normally do. We have to root for five seconds, sit there only getting base protection boon and can be cc'd all to gain what? Less damage then our auto attack? Flow indeed needs some work, as well as the entire stance when it comes to pvp. slow to fill and disappearing instantly almost means you can just pretend dragon trigger doesn't exist. Which also of course, means we lose access to burst skills and bonuses - as the dragon trigger stuff is counted as a burst skill for traits. But also. seriously. WHY does dragon trigger, give us weapon swap CD? is that a bug?
  6. Simple solution to it would be to make the stab from flow stabilizer last longer + give at least 4 stacks for its duration. That way we'd have stab while charging and can still use aegis to block.
  7. So far I see most complaints about this spec in pvp, I Guess people were hoping for a pvp based warrior spec finally, as right now who would actually want to kitten themselves by playing a warrior in pvp. I think the weapon is mostly fine, and dragon trigger (you should be able to dodge/move but I digress) and pistol is fine and perfect. Just for wvw and pvp... Really though some subtle changes are needed, you should keep flow outside of combat, it should not drain. This will help in all game modes, Most of the time unless you are fighting high HP targets everything is long dead before you get anywhere near close to max flow + charging it + unleashing something. Which means you constantly run around gaining and losing flow and never using it. Gunblade cooldowns need to be shorter, I know they are this long due to the elite, but that basically means you have to take the elite. Being balanced around the elite means all other elites are pointless. I do love the projectile block, handy in wvw especially with three charges. And I like the heal. But the other ulitilies feel like they have been a bit too over balanced. The cripple/immob wall requires you to either place both down literally next to each other or most of the time never immob anyone. A Ranger using immob has so much more access to it that it makes this skill pointless to use anywhere. Flow Stabilizer giving one stack of stab. One stack? why is it not more? And such a short duration. We already don't have utilities that other classes have that both stun break and apply multiple stacks of stab yet our classes access to it requires us using movement skills+strength trait line to gain it. Its a great utility for flow, sure, but I wish it was our stun break, and gave some more stacks of stab. Dragonspike mine is terrible, the cd is insane. Why anyone would pick that over Shake it off astounds me. 35 seconds and the elite doesn't effect it. For open world I don't really have much complaints, the sustain looks fine with max sustain + strength and defence trait lines, lot of access to heals with gives more flow which gives more heals. And a potential full heal. The only change based on open world really would just be that flow stays charged.
  8. I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love itI love it I love it I love it I love itI love it I love it I love it I love it There is no way they let Warriors actually be able to do something like this. Please let Warriors actually be able to do something like this. Its AWESOME having fun playing warrior again. the BLADESWORN IS AMAZING
  9. To me that sounds awesome, and more realistic. Its our special mechanic, its supposed to look the same
  10. This specs finally after years is going to make me play me fave class Warrior again, so I am hyped for sure. I Like every aspect of it. They went and gave us a Gunsaber!! AMAZING.
  11. I'd already mentioned this in another thread and was ignored, its like people can't read/ did not watch the same video. You can see that you can still swap between an equipped set and the gunsaber, so all our swap traits still work. I really can't wait to see what it the best weapon combo with gunsaber, what theories we come up with on release/beta testing
  12. The what is this post? Terrible? Its the first elite spec that Warrior has gotten that people might actually play, I've seen people say they are core warrior still, and yet this one, this one looks special. It looks like it finally can be a good solo spec for warrior, giving Aegis, Barrier and healing bonuses. Combined with the Might stacking heal you might finally be able to do what other classes can do and solo in open world without needing backup or dieing to champs and legends. Personally, I can't wait to beta test, I can't wait to actually want to play my Warrior again.
  13. I LOVE IT!! Ok I was worried but if they keep it as is, I want to play my Warrior again. A strong power build like that? With defensive options like that? YES PLEASE. BLADESWORN LOOKS AMAZING.
  14. You can weapon swap to one equipped set it looked like, so your Gun blade and your sword/pistol
  15. No duels, and no simple trade mechanic to make safe trading outside of using the TP's fee's or hoping that you don't get screwed over in the mail. Both would be great, and its simple to prevent being trolled with a simple option to auto deny all trades/duel requests, then you don't even see it at all if you don't like it. There is no argument against not adding in duels and trading with that simple option. People who don't want it can still play as if the feature doesn't exist. And the people who want it, get it. You can't scam people with a real trade system that only allows trades if both parties have highlighted over all changes. Its essentially a win/win for everyone people for and against both things. There's not much reason to not have it in game, unless the programming behind it would be too hard to implement.
  16. I did it on my Ranger, in fact I did the entire Gauntlet and all achievements on my Ranger. Hizen's Soulbeast build is a menace, but its mainly ST so works well on this boss. (I use Poison Trap for aoe when needed and Shortbow instead of torch) As for Guardian, I'd have no clue how to prevent yourself from doing aoe damage. Main thing would be to just find abilities that have small cleave and go ham (don't play guardian) Yeah it would be nice indeed to have more incentive to do it, its too bad they nerfed the awards to much - what I heard is they used to drop a good deal of the event tokens, but Anet nerfed it to prevent farming, almost making this run give basically nothing after the first way through. Honestly if you fight a t3 boss or higher with multiple gambits and win you should be rewarded for doing it 😛
  17. Yeah for sure this, it would be nice if they dropped something, especially the harder ones. I mean they cost tickets and are a harder fight then most champs are, yet don't drop anything champ worthy. Especially if you use gambits. Right now it appears you only do them for the achievements, then afterwards there appears to be not much point to doing them at all. Even if its really fun and i'll enjoy it daily with the daily event achievements, it would be nice if it was a viable farming spot. Hearing that the rewards were nerfed, is a bit disheartening, as this is my first festival, so had no idea there was more incentive to do these hard fights before. I Mean if you can beat that dark boss with light you should be rewarded each time hah.
  18. Its funny seeing threads like this, especially after Anet's "Berserker spec for Warriors is great at everything"
  19. A warriors life this. I mean, its hard to get hyped for Warrior. Yeah they will totally let us dominate and be the highlight and fotm for EoD. Totally, that is exactly how Anet and Gw2 works. 😛 If its good, it will be nerfed. If its bad, it won't be buffed 😄
  20. Its either that, or it could be showing a one handed pistol and one handed sword. In either case, it looks like we not getting dual wield pistols
  21. I love it. Honestly its one of those features you wish was in the main game. Practicing on these things are like suped up target dummies with mechanics that are a great way to test builds in a pve environment against mostly one target too! Even if the last boss of T3 took a bit, it was honestly quite fun and at the end, felt like I had earnt the mini and AP. This feature is a banger. Great place to test beta characters too honestly! My first Fotfw, and its a blast and a half. Such good mastery exp. Thanks Anet! 🙂
  22. If you got the supply drop week one, this week we got to choose from a very wide selection of mounts, and got 2 skin choices in total, which is a lot. And tbh, if you grind for gold and swap to gems, you can get any skin you want free and via in game methods. Just bauble farm. Can still earn em 🙂 Plus the track in wvw gives a skin, and the track itself nearly pays for itself
  23. According to the wiki, the game already has DR that does reduce loot drops and quality
  24. I can't really see how other people having more gold then you somehow gives them an advantage or edge over you, when full legend gear, is the exact same as full asc, which you can get in a day of playing at max level if you know what you are doing. If anything, them putting more T6 mats up to sell helps everyone out, as it reduces prices for everyone, if you are actually making legends you want cheaper ways to make em' and T6 mats are one of the most expensive parts.
  25. The problem honestly is the ENTIRE Participation system. We need ideas more so to change how it works. The fact is you can get all your wvw tracks done by afking inside a tower and just repairing walls every 10 minutes, just need to make sure it gets hit once every now and then which happens so often in ebg. I mean it'd be good if people part hunting didn't count towards the maps small que as well. But really? they should make it that you always have participation, and if you are actually active it increases to a higher level then we have now. but that activity only stays while you are active, with no timers involved. It'd be great if actually being active in wvw actually sped up the process of getting your pips and tracks done. Its not like we make much gold at all in wvw even with completing them faster. This can be done by making the timer tick forward a minute on a tower cap, maybe making it tick five minutes forward on a keep cap, and 30 seconds on a keep defence. That way, being active means you are earning your rewards much faster then someone afk'ing to get them at the exact same rate as you. Edit: Not sure how to work the system around pvp kills of course - it would be too abusable unless something happened after like 20 kills or so
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