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Everything posted by Gorem.8104

  1. I think its just an issue with the UI, that they can't show 2 discounts at the same time, so they double them up for the events, as usually 5 and 25 are discounted, in either case it is still cheaper to buy now then it usually is 🙂
  2. While I do hope Scourge continues to be nerfed, especially the revive mechanics, like please Anet, please nerf that. Outright removal is a bit much haha. Beating a Scourge is like a rite of passage, they are easily the most broken class in the game and should be nerfed much harder into the ground though.
  3. Its not actually a 50% discount, its less, for some reason its showing higher values in the crossed out section then it usually costs. its usually 5 for 450, and 25 for 2100.
  4. Yeah but it was a lot more annoying to pull off and didn't last as long. You are reaching and choose a certain phrase instead of quoting me entirely as well. I mean I guess the "In thing" for clout right now is to act disappointed and make up things but I really do like the cake feast and how it lasts 30 mins and is an instant thing. My hope was that they just made it last an hour or even longer. Again - actually read what I wrote 🙂
  5. Personally? I like the cake, I often run around without a food buff so a good food buff that is almost permanent will be quite useful to me. Could have been something else cooler but otherwise I think its cool. It is interesting to me though that they made this dye take many, many more years to complete the set, instead of just making it a per character dye kit. That would drive ocd dye collector people insane to see they are locked for basically the next 5 years. Really, just make the buff from the cake last forever and be overridden by any food consumed, now that would be awesome.
  6. We getting there, hopefully a fix comes in for the fix 🙂
  7. Hey, has anyone elses pets been swapping after this update without them meaning to? Problem is of course since we can't swap in combat, its rather annoying when suddenly I have the wrong pet out and dismount thinking I had the right one. Just noticed it after this bug fix to us swimming while merged (and by that I mean dipping our feet in for a second then out again)
  8. Honestly, sitting and waiting purely for Storage expansions to come on sale, cannot wait for that 🙂
  9. I tried tagging up before, no one joined, the usual tag tags up, insta 50 squad. That's the difference I see. There's almost 0 reason to tag these days unless you are a player who has been tagging for years already and fill a slot that a tag has no already filled. Even if a map is full, and there is no tags on the map, newbie tags I see often get maybe one person joining them. Stuck at spawn? someone tags up, no one joins them, I even join on them to test and check it out, and realise they are tagged but alone, surrounded by 50 people not in any group. Yet if you join an old tag, its already full. Seems like, essentially, you need to persevere with tagging, do it for years and then you are able to easily pull a group in, and do the exact thing you would have done years ago, only are able to since people are actually following you. I'm hoping alliances fixes this issue, as it will be a much more tight nit group as you will get to know everyone in your alliance regardless of you being tagged or not.
  10. My fave part about Virtuoso is in pvp they are a lot easier to kill, the easier Mesmers in the game to kill, I like that a lot, I want all Mesmers to roll this elite spec for pvp. Harb is so going to be nerfed, their 2 movement abilities have insane range, they can disconnect so easily as well as tank most anything and kill everyone - if they are played well. Bad players playing this spec will die faster then anything in the game. Its another case of "is this person actually using the right stats". I Know if we could inspect other players we'd all die when we realise what other people wear. Willbender is crazy underpowered, it almost needs an entire re-design. It takes all their skills to catch up to someone, which they then have no skills available to use to hit them with. Animation locks coupled with no damage coupled with no passives coupled with everything needing to have a disadvantage to have an advantage in something else. The best WB's I've seen use 0 utilities and elites and do not use offhand sword from WB. Its basically Core Guard the elite spec.
  11. hahahaha true that, you know what they should to, as they said in the reveal "Elites break the rules" is change it to be a five second knockdown that ignores Stability, so they need to use a stun break to break out or die, that you can use while moving, and give the rest a bigger range aoe knockback. Or even better yet, on cast you shadow step to your target and do an animation that can be used while moving with those new effects. Need to react fast to dodge it or interrupt it or you'll be punished. Maybe instead of a shadowstep it can be a leap with you holding your fist out and are shining blue with a grin on your characters face. Something fun, instead of what it actually is - an Elite you use if you want to make yourself weaker
  12. Fortunately numbers atm really shouldn't matter too much, as Beta characters are never going to be balanced in that regard, as currently WB is a glass cannon with no cannon, just a glass spec that tickles enemies and can catch up to them to tickle as they stand in place to tickle the air or place an aoe on the ground that tickles others for a split second as they take one step and are out of it.
  13. Be interesting to see what changes they have planned for this class, the fact that the new added offhand sword, is worse then other offhands for the class, and you really want to only use like one utility from WB and never the elite. It having less synergies with other trait lines does not help without passives. I love how you get punished too, like you swing and miss because your first attack hit. Or you need to land all your hits for certain activations. Which against any good pvp player will never happen. And this spec is not that good in pve. So its currently bad for pvp and pve. Four second knockdown on your elite means nothing in a pvp perspective, if someone doesn't use stun breaks in their bar they'd die to everyone and everything. And its such short range. The guardians down skill aoe knockback is stronger.
  14. The solution to this is simple, re-roll another class and learn that the game is fun again.
  15. Bug - Warclaw mount decided it wants to have permanent blight effects on itself (just visual, its supposed to have that much health in wvw)
  16. "- Memes about WvW being dead are just memes, WvW actually has one of the most healthy population numbers in the game." Oh Anet, I do so love how you play with us 🙂 It is great to know honestly just how much the devs care that they pat attention to everything we say here 😉 And a Scrapper main, so the knowledge as to how supports/healers get less rewards is known! All sounds rather interesting I was wondering if they will also increase the amount of WVW tickets we can get per week, as well as memories of battle. Cause It being the slowest way in the entire game to get anything good out of them, is not the funnest experience
  17. I'd love if the Scourge patch notes just said "nerfed to Warrior levels" And its actually just removed from the game entirely. Like, its honestly hilarious how other classes can do everything we do, but better. A Jack of all trades that spends years being a bannerslave. A hard rebalance is what Warrior needs for sure, the class needs an entire overhaul.
  18. Yeah the best power alternative to Trailblazers has to be Celestial. Its the closest we get to getting the three main stats we need (power, Pres, Fer) and Toughness+Vitality with longer lasting boons and debuffs as an added bonus. Your dps will be lower then a berserker or marauder but you will be tankier. That Trailblazer set really is just broken in how strong it is for Condi spec open world. Still, the best part about Marauder gear is you can use it in all pve grouped content, not having toughness is a good thing there. Mix in some Knight for survivability and you are good for open world.
  19. Play what you enjoy, try classes out we all play a little differently. In pvp everyone is max level, so you can use that to test max level classes. Roaming builds usually require a high skill ceiling, as even "Pressing 2 to win" as SB kill you if you not paying attention to reflects. Its a learning experience but pressing 2 to win only really beats bad players or squishy classes that overextended. If you only ever want to roam and never want to be in a group, go Thief, lots of escape options to run away when needed and you wouldn't offer much to the group regardless
  20. Been a Warrior main for years, Guardian getting WIllbender? makes me want to re-roll Guardian. Its like, what I wish Warrior was. A martial arts expert with melee weapons that sticks to their target and punishes them and has ways to protect themselves. Why Guardian gets it? Makes me really hope we getting something awesome for EoD. I swear if we get pistol i'm never playing Warrior again 😛
  21. And? I still say 2 handers are better, say we get staff? that'd be great. Your logic applies to the one hander sucking as well. Makes no sense. That or we get a new weapon type entirely. Again, hoping for 2 hander.
  22. I quit for six years and came back and have been playing every day since logging in for hours. Like, It'd have sucked so hard if i'd lost all my names I made when GW2 first released due to some "Name deletion" system that i'd have not come back and stayed quit. So ya know' not really the best idea
  23. Still am hoping for more Scourge nerfs to do with rez mechanics, and of course, changes to Trapper runes/removal of them.
  24. Scourge nerfs, finally, though what I like most is... YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SOULBEAST FIXES ❤️ yayyyyyy Thank youuuuuu
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