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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 5 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Though I raid on occasion, I wouldn't consider myself a raider -- and I remember doing the meta in an organized squad just fine before it was nerfed. And it was a fun challenge at the time.

    You can dislike EoD's plot and the modern style of expression (I am not a fan of modern American speak in a fantasy game, either), but at least it was well written and compelling within its defined parameters.

    I am still hoping for a Drowned Old Kaineng map and content that will take us away from all that annoying high-tech...

    In any case, what I am not looking forward to is the return of the waiting game in between story chapters. I was thrilled when they announced the next expansion -- which we now know will not be what people had in mind when they read "expansion". Let's wait and see what we will actually get.

    It was 100% not completed once before the first nerf, or did you not play EoD on release? Raiders who were trying to hardcore do it failed. Only after the first nerf did it start to be defeated. 

    • Confused 6
  2. On 2/17/2023 at 4:19 AM, Tiviana.2650 said:

    I actually like this ..

    Spring Roadmap

    The next chapter of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons arrives on February 28. With familiar allies like Detective Rama and his hat at your side, you’ll travel to a new location in Cantha and come face-to-face with a deadly foe that resides deep within the Jade Sea. That storyline will conclude a few months later with an update that introduces additional playable space to the map, adds meta-events and boss encounters, and lays the groundwork for future to-be-announced adventures. Unlike a Living World release, all owners of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons will gain access to this content, meaning there’s no pressure to log in to unlock it and no gem cost for missed story chapter unlocks.


    Now if they get alliances going soon i will be ecstatic


    But what about the sheer many of us that hated eod's story? More of the same of that terrible story written terribly won't translate into many sales of the product. I saw it all over peoples voices being silenced but the effects of the censorship is showing with GW2's decline making them have to change tactics once again. 

    Most people disliked EoD's release and how the raid boss final meta could not be beaten by raiders until it was nerfed the first time, and most people disliked one of the major advertisement features of the expac was locked behind this. No idea why they didn't make it a story unlock like they should have. EoD when you talk to most people was a massive failure and the only reason it sold was because right before it came out, GW2 was at a high it hadn't seen in years with the Return to Living world FREE release event. 


    If they in such a state that their usual free releases that bring the most players possible back to the game cannot keep the game alive, it really should be a red flag for us as to how things in the studio are going. 

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  3. On 2/17/2023 at 1:53 AM, Baseleader.4128 said:

    You're not  wrong, I believe this is in a big way a business decision.


    However I would say that a more consistent schedule of updates, and having teams work more permanently on certain aspects of the game are good. Also, better marketing and making it easier for newer players to pick the game up can grow the population of the game which does benefit us. THese big content droughts really hurt the game I think.


    I do think the amount of content (over a 3y period) might be quite similar and could come at a slightly increased price which I get upsets people a bit but could simply be necessary for the studio. 




    Especially once you realise GW2's income for the company is a tiny fraction compared to what their other projects generates. 

    I mean, are they doing this cause otherwise they'd have to shut the GW2 part of their studio down? Are jobs on the line? There is a lot we do not know. 

    If they had stuck from something that worked from the start, the game would be so much better off and be more popular, but we have no idea what goes on behind the scenes for these forced decisions that feedback can't change. 

    • Confused 4
  4. Considering one month into the what must have been an actual failed EoD release that only worked due to all the players who returned to the game for the living world return event - they announced the next expansion instead of a living world... 


    I'm not entirely sure even Anet knows what they are doing anymore. They seem to be spitballing ideas and then just going with it. Knowing from past experiences, they won't listen to ANY feedback given to them here about it either. This is what is happening next in their "wheel of how we release content". 


    I'd much rather they go back and fix IBS. Change it up, give us the missing five chapters and flesh out the story we currently have anyway. They need to re-design the story from IBS to EoD, both need a different approach by different writers as they both pale in comparison to the epic story telling of LW4. 

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  5. Anet, doing anything positive for Wvw/pvp? good luck with that, its been years. since they actually did something people could consider good for the competitive community.


    But seriously Vanilla gw2 when 

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  6. I mean, its basically been the same content for 10 years right, besides a new map, warclaw/gliding. And people saw how Warclaw went.


    We've asked for additions for years, something new for years, yet there's still people against the idea of something different, as all the people who are still against warclaw would say. They recently even took away the mushroom speed boosts. 


    In fact, all they have done to wvw since announcing alliances in July.. JULY... has made it a worse gamemode to play. They have nerfed multiple sources of participation and bounced around these nerfs to either boons balls for and against but never enough against as there is still SO Much projectile hate. 


    Seriously, taking away outnumbered cause "alliances will fix that" then never giving anything to compensate the deader servers for being in outnumbered all this time? They literally have had a worse wvw experience for a year now. Why was wall repairing removed as a source of participation? why was SIEGE USE removed as a method of participation? 


    Its the cornerstone gamemode apparently that over the past year has progressively gotten made worse by Anet. 


    Why don't we have movable siege engines by now? Why don't we have anything cool in wvw, why has there been no additions or improvements to wvw? Why have they only made it worse since announcing it was the cornerstone? 

    And please tell me since I had not played wvw in awhile, they have fixed the cornerstone wall in reds north keep. 

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  7. I still love how games that came out before GW2 had more customisable UI then gw2 does 10 years later. 

    In Warhammer online, we could mod the game extensively and adjust everything in the UI, I had multiple mods to track my kills on certain people and add my own effects and adjust the UI to however I saw fit. I think even rift had more options at launch but its been a long time since I played that and I played long time before the current owners. 


    It would be nice it gw2 had customisable UI and caught up with other QOL things that existed in other mmo's over 10 years ago, but that's apparently asking too much with the small team we have left with this game. 

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  8. Warhammer online had player collision, and it was awesome. Made defending keeps so fun with the tank line and how hard it was to push through, I usually played the tank in that line holding back the enemy, was awesome fun. 


    However, one of the main issue it causes, is insane amounts of lag as the game is trying to calculate all the collision happening at once. 


    Huge lag, but also huge fun. (till the game died and they changed it so defenders get the best gear in the game so people just stopped defending until the final cities) 

  9. On 9/28/2022 at 6:51 AM, Ruisenior.6342 said:

       So power/riffle mechanist is the highest damage spec at this moment? My benchmarks aren't telling me that, with willbender and catalyst(my most used specs) i'm getting better numbers by a good margin

       I should be doing something wrong

    It sort of is like cause and effect. 
    The benchmarks for melee could be higher, but why play melee? If you need to break away from a boss, it means your dps is 0. You are currently doing no damage. Also quite often melee requires more apm, again, requiring skill and playtime experience to pull off higher numbers. 

    Or just play mechanist, be ranged, have a pet that ignore mechanics and get close to your benchmark on bosses that you get on a static golem without needing to try hard at all which is also good enough to clear almost every piece of content the game has on offer, a group of 8 Mechanists + 2 scrappers have cleared harvest temple cm with no one dying as an example. The fact is, you don't need to try hard on a mechanist to win, you just need to show up. Its not LI at that point, its bad game design. 

    It is all about taking the easy path to reaching the benchmark you set for yourself in actual combat. Right now, Mechanist is by far the easiest to pull this off. 

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  10. And yet, you have Hizen solo'ing the Tower of Nightmare as a Bladesworn before the update that I still think will nerf defence's survivability gains in open world but that remains to be seen. 

    Regardless, Bladesworn is basically the build Warriors will need to play as to remain relevant, even with Spellbreaker benching high, its still just a useless benchmark that doesn't truly mean anything. 

    Bladesworn before any changes was already able to do anything required of it. REally the changes they should have made should have been more towards giving us something other then 4 melee spec dps power choices. 

    • Haha 1
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  11. Oh interesting, they changed gyro's back, but then basically removed the elite Scrappers get from the game. haha. 


    Seriously, I miss Scrappers before EoD dropped, good times. There'll be so much less point to use them for any content after this, even with the gyro's changing back, just cause of the constant nerfs it keeps getting again and again. 


    It was made useful, it was made into the best support spec for wvw. It had its place in pve and wvw, and yet now Anet is intent of removing its use in both pve and wvw. 

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  12. On 9/19/2022 at 1:13 PM, HeIIica.2945 said:

    The worst mount in the game.  It is toooo big!!  It blocks the view, even though they made that 'kind of' see-though thingamajig, but throw together a freaking turtle party on a big boss, and that is all you see....a big mass of turtles.....and worse thing.....oooo...ooooo....the worst thing........you are fighting a big boss....really kicking boss butt....and BAM!!!  Kidnapped!!! And you are in the butt end of a freaking turtle!!!! (or should I say turtlenapped?)



    I'll never understand the philosophy behind it. They made it huge, then also made it a combat mount that doesn't dismount you that hardly does any dps even with 2 people in it as compared to them just using their own abilities. Then have maps with 50 people that can all use theirs individually to cover up a boss entirely if you are at ranged that slightly goes transparent when you are close. 

    Everything about the Turtle, both its design, its use, its clutter, and its acquisition was just all done so badly. And yet it was one of the expansions main advertised features on most of the box art. It is the most useless mount to own and using it outside of doing siege damage is essentially you are trolling everyone else on the map. 

    But EoD is already known as the games most feature lacking weakest expansion, with no E-spec runes and the difficulty it is to get the new stat combinations combined with the Jade bots alt-unfriendlyness and pointless to exist skiff, so I guess a pointless to exist Turtle mount is fine to that standard. 

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  13. 23 hours ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

    1. We are in 2022 and to find a guild you need to post or look on the forms to join a guild. Fix your existing game before designing new end game content.

    2. Class balancing. We all know their are players who solely focus on PvE and other play PvP, I am seeing no love to PvP at all, saying we are in the process of reworking WvW isn't the main mode of PvP., which is why Arenas should be shown more love, and therefore for that classes need some fixing as well. An example would be WoW, seeing each expansion with better and different character talents makes it more enjoyable, it needs that competitive aspect.

    3. Looking at the general UI a lot of things need fixing, it should be customisable for players, for example showing of health bars, showing different thickness or sizes, moveable positions and so forth. 


    There is so much to fix, which is why I understand why people say developers simply don't care.


    End of rant.


    Feel free to add or get angry but it is my initial thought having this game for so long, it was time for my first ever post.


    On the UI thing, I do find it funny that mmo's I played before GW2 existed as a game to play, had this feature that GW2 never implemented over 10 years of existing. But GW2 is missing a lot of QoL found in other mmo's, more so then just this, like how we don't have a decent un-scammable trade system and need to either hope we don't get scammed when mailing someone using the un-official trade sites/discord or pay the TP fee which is just a gold sink. But hey, at least we don't need to visit mail boxes to access our mail in game, and its deposit all collectables feature was a great addition I wish other games had. 

    Guild search could use an update for sure, but fortunately enough people do post recruitment messages in chat that it's not too hard to find one. Just avoid the ones that require 100% participation at all times or kick. 

    Class balancing on the other hand, we did just get a new class balance lead to replace the old guy, so the game will be going through some changes in that regard. 

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  14. Firstly, to the OP - 
    What? I've literally never seen this in game chat ever. In all my mmo's, WoW, Warhammer online, Rift, GW2, I've never once seen this. is this actually a you problem and you are trying to make it an issue as it currently doesn't exist? Do you constantly bring it up looking for points? 
    Its not an issue, guys play females and females play guys all the time. its why we play games, to escape reality. Can be whoever or whatever you want online, most will never care unless you make it an issue. 


    As for myself, I Just always use gender neutral stuff that is just like saying guys ect. Unless I hear a voice or someone tells me otherwise, its pretty easy to pick up quickly whose what gender inrl after just listening to chat for awhile in guilds, which are honestly the only places its ever stated, as in world chat no one cares what you identify as 🙂

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  15. This threads a bit confusing with the missing posts, but yes I agree, where are the special events at? Last years Fractal event was like the last time I did Fractals, it was a cool incentive to do them, has it really been that long? Why don't they happen more often? 

    They really should put these special events on a proper rotation, and include the wvw one too as honestly, the double wvw weeks are what the baseline should be for gains, it takes way too long to gain wvw ranks outside of blobbing for a few good years all day long with all the buffs on the entire time. (the best was that time with the other bonus, could hit 500+ reward track per tick). 

    Really surprised they've kept it this long without giving us more of them. Its like they really want the tenth anniversary of this game to be known as the worst time to play with no bonuses for actually playing or being a veteran for some reason. 

    • Confused 2
  16. 8 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    I'm truly confused as to how you came to that conclusion. The new Defense line is better in literally almost every way... 

    Depends on the mode, for open world it looks worse. Remember, to play a Warrior you must be smart and use every trick in the book. I can see through the lines. Its worse for open world play but better for competitive, even though we are still being nerfed in shake it off. 

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