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Posts posted by Gorem.8104

  1. 13 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    The damage boost is when you have stability, it also gives stability on CC. Brave Stride in PvE can provide multiple stacks of stability for high upkeep depending on your boon duration and movement skill setup. Spellbreaker comes with built in CC no matter which weapon you take. Making CTW easier to activate is also a passive increase in DPS because it's damage mod is easier to access. MH while only working for two weapons, is also a 20% increase when wielding those weapons. Overall they improved damage access, improved access to AH, improved defenses with added protection and resistance, and added more barrier for damage mitigation, and added an easy source of stability. I'd say that for OW it is a drastic improvement to the line.


    The only use cases I can see where people should QQ is people who were meming with 5000 power builds and BSW's cheesing Arm's crit chance on burst to run Cavalier builds. For former, that really isn't an efficient build (yes I played with it, you kill things almost as quickly running a normal build and have more variety in your setup to do so), and for the later that build will suffer more due to the TR nerf but will still function well with either unshakable mountain or the new stance trait while running a power main stat set. Basically it will move to Valkyrie instead and abuse barrier applications.


    Maybe I just consider myself cautiously pessimistic, knowing how Anet treats Warriors and has treated us for years. Its hard for me to see buffs without thinking that they are still nerfs in some way 😛 

  2. 9 hours ago, Tammuz.7361 said:

    Agree they need a game mode split in the skill here.


    Maybe what they should do is add 2 more build screens to our character build menu's, like how PVP has its own section. Give us a wvw build tab, pvp build tab and pve build tab (which also shows what weapon and utilities do for each mode), that way at least we can tell the difference between modes and build accordingly without needing to worry about abilities having three versions of themselves. Scrapper was op in wvw yes, but that was the only thing it had after all the nerfs and Mechanist existing. Now it has nothing. At least it could have kept Gyro's how they are for pve. 



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  3. 9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    The RR replacement, 10% damage increase when you have stability, and you gain stability when you CC a foe. They took out one damage boost and replaced it with another that is less passive. That plus Merciless Hammer is a lot more damage added into the line.

    Oh you need to disable a foe for it, which how do you go about doing that? I guess kick still works in that case for Spellbreaker open world builds like Hizen's one but its too bad axe/axe can't proc it, we don't have access to that much cc if you in a proper build unless of course the table from IBS helps with its cc. Who uses maces in open world solo play. 

    Essentially, from what I can see, defence will now offer less damage as you have less power then before, and that is assuming we still keep the damage buff on weakened foes. And assuming Cleansing Ire still gives Adrenaline on being hit, at least that looks like a straight buff. Thick skin seems like a straight nerf as it depends on you using your heal skill, which as we can't use signets and keep their passives like other classes, the pure regen you can stack up would be effected by this nerf as I extremely doubt they will give us a lot of barrier after all the barrier nerfs to other classes. 

    For open world, after this patch, Defence is a worse traitline to take.  



  4. Having some time to think about it, like I get it, its a "competitive balance patch" and finally fixing the 300 sec cd traits, but honestly, why do we need such HUGE differences between pve, pvp and now wvw as well? 
    How would a new person have any idea what is going on when the same ability acts differently depending on three different gamemodes, that it has three versions of itself. 

    And why are we still nerfing Scrapper? Its been nerfed multiple times since EoD released. Mechanist is already the most played Engie spec, why on Earth are we nerfing Scrapper more, it lost 60% of its survivability since EoD came out and now its Gyro's are being reverted to how they were before, when everyone hated them. This update is removing Scrappers from the game almost, why would anyone want to play Scrapper after this. It had its place. Now it has no place. 

    Warrior the changes once again rather miss the mark but I am used to seeing that, so much focus on Beserker for no reason and a few questionable changes. At least the extremely few people who play it will see some use, especially now as no one is taking them for anything after the gigantic banner nerf THAT WAS NEVER REVERETED FOR SOME REASON. Seriously, bring unique effects back, that last guy failed at balancing, bring special buffs back, make classes diverse and unique again. We going to start only seeing the same classes... I mean we already do, you either play Mechanist or FB or you are doing it wrong. 

    I still am confused to see weaker classes getting nerfs but that's still here in this update too. "catalyst over the top" yeah sure. 

    Seems like one of the only things to come out of this patch with upsides is Druid. 

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  5. -see's OP



    Just wanna say though, if we can swap while merged, do we get 2 sets of skills to use, as different pets have different skills (as SB was made during a time they actually cared, unlike Untamed) that could lead to quite a few nice combinations, as we can get access to two beast skills while merged 

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  6. 16 hours ago, Mikali.9651 said:

    It took changes to the balance team members actually 🙂

    So much this, without a lead who has 2khours of Axe FB and balances based on wiki notes, who designed the menace that is Mechanist... we may see things we've been missing for a long time. Hopefully. 


    Even though we might have just witnessed the removal of Scrapper from the game. Maybe Warrior has a brighter future. 

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  7. Scrappers been nerfed in so many patches since EoD released, it lost 60% of its survivability and got nothing in return. And now they do this? Why? 

    Are they just trying to remove the spec from the game and hate the fact that all the nerfs they have done so far has not been enough? 

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  8. Lot of reading and musing over to do, interesting changes to Soulbeast, I mean the pet itself needs a large overhaul and Engineer right now is the games pet class, not Ranger. Our pets need huge changes and buffs, I saw Muk do a livestream to show that the turtle pet can't actually ever hit anything. Interesting change on us losing our effects on merge and it be pet swap instead, and even more interesting we are losing our survival trait to prevent death and its getting replaced with heals and the ability to swap while merged. 

    But the first thing I honestly looked for, as i'll read the Warrior changes later, is Mechanist is not even mentioned here.... LOL Edit: even worse is it seems like they ignored the changes Engineers need like pistol updates and turrets and nerfed Scrapper out of existence. 

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  9. On 9/14/2022 at 5:30 AM, anduriell.6280 said:

    One idea: Norn elites. I know is not the same but can scratch your itch

    about the pets getting that 20% back who cares. I said when the nerf happened: 20% of 0 is still 0. 
    While wvw pets have the stats from Pvp they will melt even faster. Dogs have 16k Hp, bears around 20K.  For something that can’t dodge, can’t cleanse and always pick the worst path that Hp is nothing. 

    Druid needs a good pass if they want to make it a thing. And please don’t overbuff the class with boons everywhere, we already have herald for that and also provides a good ranger damage. 

    druid needs to bring something unique to the battlefield and needs to be useful and not a gimmick like the stability buff to the glyph. Something like what they did with scrapper.

    and please remove the ancient seeds trait. Druid has enough trolling capabilities just with the heals, full cleanses and stealth access. 

    True on Norn elites, its why I love that one wolf transform we get during the ledendary quest. Become one as long as you like!

    Only issue with Norn elites is that they have a time limit, and are an elite. I'd love to stay an animal forever and be able to combat as it, and ride mounts as it, lol. 

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  10. On 9/14/2022 at 7:08 AM, Caitmonster.9036 said:

    As it was stated a few posts above, the skin is optional, it isn't mandatory. If you're not willing to do the content to get the cosmetic, then it clearly doesn't mean that much to you.

    It meant enough for me to step out of my comfort zone and try pvp. I had an okay time, there was a little sodium and a lot of chaos, but otherwise I survived. It didn't kill me. And judging by a few responses in this thread, others had a decent time giving pvp a shot too.

    "Stepping out of your comfort zone" Again, how is that a good thing, and tell me exactly how many times that has worked in gw2? People still to this day complain about the wvw they have to do to get the one item from there for legendries. And again, once again, the only people defending this are people who want others to quit the game for some reason, or are people who have never pvp'd and say "oh it's fine to lose all your matches who cares". 

    This argument is just going around in circles at this point. it doesn't matter how you feel, or what the people who want this game to die feel, GW2 was supposed to be the different mmo that does things differently to other mmo's. That you can spend your entire game RP'ing in Lions arch, or flying the griffon. There is not meant to be a way we are meant to play, we all play our own way. Being forced to play things we don't want to, will never be a boon to GW2 but only a deterrent no matter how much the people who want gw2 to die say it isn't. It is just a fact. 

    Quoting the ten games and saying its fine is also a useless metric, you need to play at least 1k pvp matches. ten games is nothing, you can just afk through them. The real issue here is people are once again, just like with DE, forced to be a part of a group they don't want to be, that is it, that is the entire thing. There's no point arguing this simple fact. 

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  11. What I find interesting about Warrior utilities is even when we get new ones, the new ones still feel outdated and not as strong as they should be. Take flow stabilizer, it was nerfed and had its stab removed and replaced with fury, a boon we get from basically everything else before eod launch. Why can't it give both? Pretty much every single utility we have is weaker then what other classes get, Spellbreaker used to have an interesting Elite in WoD, but they nerfed it hard because they like us playing wvw only by boon balling, the thing everyone in game almost hates. 

    I'd give Warrior buffs across the board and make our signet buffing trait give us signet buffs even when they are on cooldown (like other classes get). Every utility, even our newest ones should be buffed in some way more so then just reduced cooldowns. On my Ranger, in Soulbeast, a single utility can change the tide of an entire battle. Just one. Pop Dolyak stance? suddenly i'm taking 0 damage while its active and can live through anything and am able to get a full heal off. Warrior? We can kick and strip one buff off. 

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  12. Berserker? In 2022? whoa. I'd probably run core over it. 
    Check out Hizen's Spellbreaker or Bladesworn guides for open world, they both pretty handy and you can learn a lot from them. He rates Bladesworn pretty high though one major issue is the massive lack of cc (it has none) outside of special effects such as cc from a table. 

    Though one thing to mention, Warrior is the class you have to actually play to succeed, unlike other classes that are like "red circles on the gound? meh I don't need to move out of it", to live as a Warrior, its a lot of effort 🙂

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  13. 6 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

    Meh, I wish they'd just get rid of the jade bot concept full stop.


    Most pointless, frustrating gold sink added to the game ever. And the Offensive / Defensive buffs are ridiculously OP when you revisit non-EoD content.


    As I've said numerous times before, they artificially inflated the difficulty of Canthan mobs in order to justify the existence of the Jade Bot, when they could have just left it out of the game and kept Canthan enemy stats normal compared to other OW content.

    It would have been no different, and you wouldn't have been left with buffs that trivialise earlier OW content.


    Oh, and Cantha wouldn't be littered with horrible, day-glo green batteries.


    Agree entirely, I don't really understand the point of a mechanic just designed to be so strong that it makes all previous content easier by it existing due to how powerful every boon in the game at max at the start of every fight is, combined with the stat increases. It breaks most open world fights across the entire game. Unless they did that just to make it look like people were actually visiting Cantha zones, as they are the only place in the game to get batteries and the buffs. Instead of just making the bot Solar powered and having those buffs not exist. Ziplines did not need to exist either as all it does is make Kaineng city look terrible. 

    Everything about the Jade bot just screams gold sink as the only reason it was designed. I'm just glad that was not the design behind mounts or gliding, so that those 2 features could actually be good. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Pheex.8932 said:

     "For this incredible milestone of 10 years of Guild Wars 2, which you, the fans, made possible by your undying support and financial and time investment, we decided to celebrate with-" "Sir?" "Excuse me, Sir, the higher ups wanted you to know they demand bigger profits." "Yeah just put a skeleton crew on the game and scrap the discounts"

    Pretty much, which was my worry. I'd have figured the game might be in one of its best positions in years, considering what happened last year before EoD came out with how popular the game became. Thought the tenth anni would be the perfect time for something big, something fun for all of us, but nope. 

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  15. 31 minutes ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    "We feel that Druid was overperforming, that's why we decided to remove the player and instead let them be controlled by the pet."

    You know, if Untamed was actually this and we transformed into any pet on our list and played as the four legged animal. 

    I'd be ok with the spec entirely and would not care what it can and can't do. 

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  16. 10 hours ago, Leger.3724 said:


    It's hilarious you think this is a bad thing. Most people playing GW2 aren't daily posting on the forums like you guys. Some of us only show up if there is a problem. I am still here because some of you are so ignorant and self-absorbed in your own little worlds that I am worried this is what Arena Net is reading and hearing and they don't understand how the playerbase feels.


    Most of us thought it was an unenjoyable chore. If that's the best thing you can say about your 10 year anniversary, you've done a bad job.


    Literally all you people can offer is: "stop complaining". It's pathetic, really.

    I love how they complain more then anyone by complaining about people complaining, but it is weird to see someone interacting with people who most have on ignore (btw, the forums have an ignore function, its a great tool). Their kind just wants the game to die and not be as good as it could be, they'd prefer everyone quit. 


    To be on topic, really, I don't understand this games decade event, it was so bad its honestly hilarious. It should have been massive, instead it was a let down. 

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  17. I still have no idea why they made the jade bot with so many limitations and it be so bad. It should be an account based feature that has its own storage system in its tab, so that we only need one kind of max level of each thing we can swap too for every character on your account to swap to on the fly out of combat. Workbenches never needed to exist. It makes no sense for them to exist. 

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