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Posts posted by noobhero.3820

  1. Why not just give Torment full damage at all times in PvE? If the whole point of Torment was to benefit from kiting in PvP and the reversal is to make it more viable on in PvE (where enemies can be held in place by simply not triggering them to do so), why reverse the entire point of the status? Just make it full damage regardless in PvE so that it keeps its PvP utility without changing the core of the game even more by removing fear's forced movement away from the caster.


    AFAIK Torment has always been giving extra damage on movement, and the skills it's bound to are all about and been developed around punishing movement (combined with cripple condition, necromancer with many fear skills, etc.). And considering every class can move freely as they attack, Torment was the only skill that could actually punish movement itself, making it even more of a no-brainer to continuously stay in movement regardless of the situation.



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