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Posts posted by Bris.7984

  1. 6 minutes ago, BATMAN.6794 said:

    Transfuse, there's only 1 way to do what you want and not make people upset and that's to just split that skill and how it works between game modes. PVE transfuse should remain the same, WvW/PVP transfuse should probably be altered the way you're talking. In my honest opinion, transfuse is only as good as it is now because of the horrible balance you've done for WvW, you literally made WvW blob v blob/Boon ball meta.

    Do they care enough to make it right?Look at how awful they communicate with their community about the simple changes…and you want them to put effort for this big important changes?They don’t even respect their own “balance” philosophy …lost all my faith in them.At least for Warrior “balance” they are so low grades…

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Poplolita.2638 said:

    So, I bought the new expansion since they basically sold me on the weapon, especially with the new Extirpation debuff on necromancer's spear, which was a major selling point for me. And now they’re just taking it away like that? For weakness ?? Not even slow? Wtf kind of scam is this? What did I even buy this expansion for? Trust me, when the next expansion comes around, I'll think twice before getting it. 

    I strongly agree with you!  balance in this game = kill the pleasure to play it ! And the sadness thing is that there is no one taking the hit! Just pure silence and ignorance! We will turn into ro-bots  soon, so they can do their thing to grab cash for almost nothing to quality, progress, real fair balance! Warriors are the most killed class/profession and guardian is the most kissed class/profession in this game!

    • Like 6
  3. Need the 500 pages written down so we can get some authorities attention from top management of this "balance" team decision.We need some BIG changes among them first, then we see some real love on our game classes/professions.This can't go on for for another 10 years.When in God Name you see a selling point vanish like that after alot of ppl buyed the expansion for it.Why do Anet "balance" team don't remove all spears and be done with that?🤑

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  4. This is so fun when all the playerbase is crying(Warrior forum section cry everytime a patch is released)!Now you all can see/feel/judge this "balance" patch kitten teamwork they do from some years now.Warrior was always the Big Cow they milked everytime!They take jokes on you all Buffing and Nerfing things around without knowledge about how things work!Our money are good for them, but our enjoyment not!Now you see!Just sad!😶‍🌫️


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  5. Not impressed.Not enough!Almost nothing, again!Small changes to shut our mouths after the Spear nerfs!Compare to Guardian side and see discrimination from toe to toe..."vomit icons"🤮🤮🤮.

  6. 4 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

    Lmao, just actually did a deep dive on Guard spear, it has:

    • Damage
    • Healing
    • Cleanse
    • Ally Cleanse
    • Anti-power condis
    • Has an "empower next attack" mechanic.
    • Defensive boons application.
    • Offensive boons Application.
    • Ally boon application
    • Single target spike damage.
    • AOE spike damage.
    • AOE Knockback
    • 600 Leap

    Warrior spear "had":

    • Damage
    • One Unblockable knockback
    • AOE
    • Immobilise
    • Evade
    • 900 range (1200 for primal)

    They had the same damage and Guardian can litteraly port on a target and bypass the melee issue and it does similar damage to pre nerf spear.

    Im laughing so hard writing this down due to the absurdity of it all.

    They don't give a kitten on Warrior community.They bait us with some features, then nerf them to the ground.No more pleasure to play this class professions anymore...And why they touch PVE when nobody cares (don't tell me trash mobs/bosses yell for nerfs on warrior forums)...Just stay in PvP/WvW where ppl scream for balance.Let my Warrior be plain strong as it was meant to be in PVE or give us complex ability features like other classes.kitten now I can't even solo a kitten Champion in Open World with this new weapon decently.Stop hot-patching if you are bad at it, "balance" "TEAM" (nerf team more to be called)!!!

  7. 4 hours ago, Laughingman.9537 said:

    Have not seen anyone mention this, but the initial position characters are holding the spear just looks wrong.

    They should be holding it in front of the character with both hands if they use it in melee or with one hand over the shoulder if ranged. 

    The way they hold it now it's kind of like a martial arts staff stance.

    I think someone had a pleasant unortodox weekend and our stances got in this form.You can think on many things.Do some dirty searches and you can see it clearly.

    • Confused 5
  8. On 6/27/2024 at 9:32 PM, Warrior.9487 said:

    Was the 3 spin Arc Divider not 2.5 sec aswell?

    @Cal Cohen.2358 was the meaning he must change this, too long casttime but now creat a new weapon with the same casttime?

    2.5 sec numbers are to give Warrior mains a good sweat ... not to feel more confortable good with your class ... remember when casting Warrior Battle Standard Banner and getting on floor activated after all team members are already dead in that time.

  9. 11 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

    I take back what I said before about just needing might. Warrior spear is out damaged by most of the other implementations despite being all skill shots on the weapon skills.

    I’m pretty sure 2, 4, and Harriers toss need a decent bit more damage.

    Ranger spear 3 out damages all of them, tracks, and has a short cool down and a stealth skill that is even better. Warrior spear 4 should hit as hard as Ranger spear 3 stealth skill imo, otherwise it’s a harder to land, worse version…

    The daze on spear 4 is effectively useless with the cast time. I’d say keep the immob, put the daze on skill 2, and increase the damage of both.

    Spear 2 is very difficult to land. The comparative payoff is low. Move the daze from 4 to 2 and increase the damage of the secondary strike. 

    2 and 4 need faster cast times, they can’t combo with anything else in the kit at the moment. 4 should be 1/4s, 2 should be 1/2s. 

    Auto attack should grant might.

    Harrier Toss also needs more damage. It’s also difficult to land and, while it is an evade, it really doesn’t punch hard. I like it, I like using it, I feel weak though after trying any other class but revenant, which is a condi spear anyways.

    Spear 5 needs to hit people who are moving, obviously. That’s just really bad ngl. 

    So yea, faster animations, more damage. I do like the primal burst on spear though. It’s pretty decent damage in 300-600 range and power zerk with spear 

    They don't read posts in weekends ... might have some luck on weekdays ... if no one is blind up there.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

    all the hate only because it is actually the first time warrior actually receive something that has high entry demand, high skill floor. so most people will suck at it without knowing it's potential. and never think it's their own problem, due to warrior generally just getting low skill floor low skill ceiling weapon that boost low skill player confident way too much

    dunning kruger effect going full force right now in the forum.

    No mate, but the true main class Warriors are getting sick to support this game and get only nothing good in the end ... turn this "warrior" in a cheesecake of all cakes its just enough ... no love, no excuses, no real changes for better.Just get blind, pay / support them, and go to hell with your class ... See the major differences in what the designs are even if its a beta ... Trust me there is 90% chances this nightmare first look at this Warrior Spear to remain just as Bad as it is now. You wanna beg for 10 x Z (years) balance patches for a fix just to show us how good they are with balancing things around? No thank you we just supported the game expansion in day 1 to get the wanted respect in fair equal design in day 1. Can't add more to this.

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  11. Beta or not the diferrents or discriminations can be seen!That was always the case in this stxpxd game I am addicted and supportive to in this days.. thanks to some no-one vision working today at Anet ... So dont try to cut them some slack/get them excuses as they are not that full engaged in this class as they where in the old days.

  12. On 6/14/2024 at 2:08 AM, SkyRight.2370 said:

     Warrior Spear:

    - No use of the "hybrid melee/ranged auto system that Ranger(and others) are getting, despite being "The Weapons Master."

    - Rewards you for being in melee when your only movement skill is backwards.

    - Ranged auto isn't even a chain.

    - Scaling will be done based on "Highest potential damage in PvP" - (Look at Dragon Trigger's dogfood scaling.)

    Not to mention: The Redundant Traits: (Warrior currently has 8 that "do the same thing just in different places, e.g. [Opportunist] vs [Merciless Hammer], etc." Hell, Half the crap on Bladesworn just gives Protection or Fury. Even the thing called [Flow Stabilizer]. Not to mention the skills and traits that just straight up don't work: [Heightened Focus,] [Burst Mastery]-on Bladesworn, etc.


     Once Upon a Time:

    Warrior had 2 things: CC and Damage. You took all the damage off the CC, and gave TONS of CC to everything else (shared Weapons Training) while Warrior got 3 redundant off-hand Weapons, and a Main-Hand Dagger that scales like dogfood and ALSO had the tracking on both of it's leaps reverted to before it was previously fixed (because it was bugged mid-soto for WvW). -- But none of the devs "in power" play or care about Warrior enough to know this. So it's just another pump on the pile of "Warrior stuff that's never getting fixed."


    It's too bad because the rest of Janthir Wilds looks really good. Stuff people have been asking for, for literal years.

    But this is a Managmenrt Issue, not a Balance Team issue. If Colin, Josh, Whoever, are content with this level of deliberate investment & balance inequality by CmC and whoever else is actually on the Balance Team,' just because [Hundred Blades] was once the God King of Space, that's not a game I'm willing to support.


    Y'all might be content with cuking-it-up for a few more years, but I'm done giving ANet my money to do nothing with my class while everything else gets insta-teleports(Untamed, Necro Spear,) AoE utility (Firebrand, & Literally Everything Else Now,) along with actually functional skills that had more than 3 seconds of thought put in to them. (Staff 3, Rush, and literally everything on Bladesworn.)


    *Also I checked, and this post confirms to all of your forum rules. But it'll probably get filtered or ignored anyway. But either way I'm done giving ArenaNet money no matter how many Swimsuits they make.


    I hate to say, but you where kitten right from start! Too much Marketing for Warrior and nothing else ... blind eyes ... dust ... death ... pain ... air ...

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  13. "Fail spear" would be called from my side if this unpolished useless new weapon is going live... We support the game just to freaking give all good things to other classes and we don't have a chance to even get close to one...  good design.😡

    • Like 3
  14. There is nothing new in the shelves of Warrior book in the GW2 2024 ... They try to scam us again with some WOW news/showcases about our class doing it well, but after some real testing... it's such a dissapointment ... bleah... I really need to forget about Warrior being in this game at all and play something that does better than it in the end.😭

    • Thanks 2
  15. Making spears for everyone doesn't make me feel any better or repair the damage done to our Profession Class along the years that have passed.I think we will end in another stupid corner forgotten and nothing special to come to .... in the end.This is the real truth.Looking forward for that right changes on the core of each specializations then we can talk new weapon changes, etc.

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