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Everything posted by SandraSolace.7682

  1. Also, please remove personal info! Not saying it will happen but someone could use it for evil!
  2. To start, I am in now way up to date on what is out there these days. But I do know that this game is not as much about GPU as it is about CPU. I play the game (yes not full blown graphs, I just wanna play) on a laptop that will not play most games. Simply cause the power is not there. But I enjoy playing every day! What I am tyring to say, get something you can afford if this is your game.
  3. I actually have 2 end tables next to my bed now! And one obscene mushroom in a plant bed outside! Starting to feel like home! (to be fair, the mushroom represents my realy life neighbour😇)
  4. Agree with Randulf. It's your game and you get to play it how ever you want to. You will end up trying everything anyway if you enjoy the game but that is my opinion. Just have fun!
  5. Euhm, try again? Not trying to be funny, sorry. But there is not a lot of info and I am sure that this has happened before. Did you try searching the forum for the answer? But start with trying to clear your "gw2cache".
  6. Just cause I'm a curious person, I went and checked. Can confirm. No rifts to be found.
  7. It is indeed combined as monthly was discontinued. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daily#:~:text=There is a 15%2C000 achievement,Daily achievements and Monthly achievements. Glad it solved your worries though, been there.
  8. Could it be that you hit the max for the daily points? 15000 point is the max you can earn. Hover your mouse over the icon to see how many you got from where.
  9. Try installing the game in a different folder. For some reason, installing it game in Program Files can cause issues.
  10. You could just do the puzzle. And lots of them have mentors stationed at the end you could TP to.
  11. True, it's not much of a chair. It does however give you some freedom in where you place it to sit (optical illusion). I know I use this feature of this chair. But as to the rest of them, Im not really the one to talk to. Just thought to mention this one cause it kinda does what you asked for 😉
  12. You could try and get this one : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Illusion_of_Sitting As far as I know this is the only one that lets you change positions while sitting.
  13. I will take playing 1000 notes over the JP any day! ( yes, I suck at jumping and the bells but at least the bells are easier then the jumping.) Play one or two rounds a day and you'll have plenty of time to get to a 1000!
  14. It jumps right back to saying 0/1 after you complete it. So indeed make sure to check if you haven't already. Only 50 points, once a year.
  15. Just wait till it happens again with a new toon 😉 Happens to me all the time, from forgetting where poi's are to having a bit of map still uncovered and so on.
  16. Also, you can have 2 crafts going at the same time, like chef and weaponsmith. And with Additional Crafting Licenses ( You will have to buy those) you can have up to 4 at the same time. That will save you the money when you wanna switch to any other craft. Check this link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting
  17. Well, the message is pretty clear. I don't know if you did or didn't do anything but they do not suspend an account without reason. You will have to either wait for a response or sit out your time.
  18. Was it the second time doing it in a day? Cause in the last patch they fixed it to once a day. Not sure from your question if it was a first attempt. The farming has been fixed too.
  19. Also, even if you might not like what you have right now, you can evolve them into chars you do like. There are many options. So before you take any drastic steps, look into that.
  20. As for the items, a lot has changed over the years. You might wanna check the official wiki. The link is at the top of the page. Been in the same boat, but returend a little over 2 years ago. There are even shared inventory slots these days! As for LFG, just ask for help ingame! You could add me to your friends list if you want, I'll always try to help but might take a bit to answer if I'm like just doing something like killing a boss 😉
  21. Not a lot of info here. Did you buy it ingame? From the official website? From an external website? Did you restart the game? Checked your ingame mail?
  22. I logged on, checked the daily and did a double take. I had "Kill a Senrty in WvW" show up twice today. After killing one, I got credit for both. Made my daily easier but I'm sure that is not how it's supposed to go. Just wondering if anyone else had this happen.
  23. As for the ticket, you can email them at 'support@arena.net.' But the rest is new to me. Could you take a screenshot?
  24. You did read that they will change that in the next update, right? I'm guessing you mean the essenses, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_of_Despair it's right there on the page.
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