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  1. I played with the Hammer dagger spellbreaker build using bunker amulet and tempest runes prior to EOD, it's really good dualist build able to keep at least 2 people busy on node. I didn't find that play style particular fun since I'm really not doing much damage. Most fight ends in enemy just back off because they are wasting too much time on me.
  2. I left the game shortly after EoD release and up until then I was dedicating my time to learn how to play warrior in PVP. Needless to say I struggled hard, took a lot of effort to make into go G2 with a 5050 winrate. I came back to the forum and seeing a lot of people complaining about spellbreaker in pvp as the new meta. I remember just as I left, spellbreaker was further nerfed in WvW with WoD nerf. I know it's being a while and I hope some one could update me on the states of Warrior in general.
  3. I just kinda give up on warrior having any hope of balance that's not nerfs. Sucks it's my favorite class. It's not just PVP, it's neglected everywhere. Even with bladesworn, warrior will still keep the banner slave designation. If anyone wants to play warrior, just establish the mentality that warrior is solid example of life is unfair and you want to succeed you have to try 5x harder than everyone else, don't expect things to get easier or to go your way. The silver lining is that when you do succeed, you know without a doubt that it is your own skill at the class that lead to your success.
  4. Interestingly, I got a 3 day suspension with in hours after being reported for match manipulation and AFK. Unless something changed, or if the person reported me went above and beyond taking a screen shot and opening an actual ticket. The game is going poorly with no hope of winning, I just said I'm gonna sit it out as another team member is also afking and auto running into wall. So I don't know, never thought this gonna happen but it happens if the person doing the reporting is reporting hard enough or get friends an guild to help. Or maybe it is a secret Anet Tag that reported or me, who knows.
  5. Seems like the common sentiment among vet player how sunk thousands of hour into the game mode want new player to suffer through the same thing as them or get compensated for their suffering somehow should the rewards/level get easier. I've sunken 24 hours this week, finished the diamond chest, got the warclaw, gliding, and auto loot. 24 hours, that's how long it took someone new to finally get all the near essentials. If you vets thinks that's a welcoming thing for new players, then your beloved game mode will eventually die out because the constant rejection of new player. Imagine how many new player dipping their toe in WvW, saw how slow the reward progression is, and how many points of rank up they need to spend to just get the basics, I'm willing to bet most of them would just nope the kitten out in the first 2 hours.
  6. One thing they can do is instead of refreshing a 10 min timer for T6 participation, let it be a repeatable tier that awards you extra pip on the next pip each time you fill it, but that extra pip is not awarded every pips, so you have to fill it up and repeat it as much as you can in between ticks.
  7. But I have put in the time already, I'm already 20 hours into this week, should finish up by tomorrow. I'm luck I get 2 days off these week, but on a regular work week every week for 6 week, I might not always find the time. The whole point of this post is not about what I am entitled too or what I'm demand, I honestly want to know how people really feel about this system. Just in my first week, I already see the flaw and how it can be painful for new comers.
  8. Okay, you gonna be one of those and assume I'm a entitled whinny brat, okay. There goes any civilized discussion with you. Stop using the word entitled/entitlement, I payed for this game, all its expansions at full price. So yes, by rights, I am entitled to everything in this game.
  9. It's unique, I can only get one, so I have to do 6 weeks at least, by the time I get 6 week worth in, I should be in bronze and it should speed up after that, might as well work on the 2nd one there.
  10. So far I seem to get 1 rank per hour, at lvl 33 now. So it's gonna be another 110ish hour, faster if I use boosters (Wondering if I should wait until we get a 2x wxp week). So it's 6 weeks worth at current speed. Also this week is my first week doing WvW, had more time since I have few days off for holiday, but I am literally going for the maximum possible hours since my world is consistently last place, and I'm not getting the commitment pip. Most ticks are 5 pips.
  11. Look i'm not asking for a reward as in something I can convert to gold, I just need the skirmish ticket and roughly 10-12 gift of battle. What I am having a beef is that it's a fixed 20 hours a week of maintaining T6 participation. There's no quick way of getting through it faster be performing well or actively taking objectives other than camp flipping. In sPVP, I can advance the pips gain 3 times faster by winning a match, and earning top scores, and be in Plat+, active player input and skills are rewarded. In WvW there are no such incentives, getting the diamond chest for lvl 1k+ player is not problem, but for someone like me who's just starting out and only looking for enough skirmish tickets and gift of battle for 2 confluxes, it's a painful grind. I already work 40 hours a week, now I basically just took on a part time job for 12 weeks with no way of shortening it. Only thing I can think of now is afk camp flipping on a laptop while playing something else on my main desktop.
  12. I am 12 hours into this week's grind, started out at lvl 16, right now lvl 29, not using any boosters or anything yet. That's basically 1 level per hour, in PVE I can gain one level at lvl 80 3 times in one teq daily. All those times, I'm actually following a zerg and taking objectives. So I'm going have to go at it for another 120 hour just to save another 4 hour off my weekly grind.
  13. As a new player hopping into WvW for the first time after retiring from ranked sPVP, I found the way weekly boxes reward structure to be extremely insufficient. I'm currently gaining 5- 6 pips per tick depending on score of my world. According to the pip calculator, that's going to be north of 20 hours a week minimum to get 365 tickets or 3 hours a day on average. I made a post about my 2 cents on the reward system on the GW2 reddit, and getting flamed no end by WvWer defending this system. Do people think this system is okay? In 3 hours of time, I see so many things wrong with this system: - People that needs the ticket are getting it slowly, people that get them quickly don't really need it anymore - No incentive to actively participating killing enemy players, or taking anything bigger than a camp; how well I perform has no impact on my pips earned. - Conflux and Gift of battle locked behind WvW and WvW exclusive RT is bound to draw people who don't like WvW into WvW and have a horrible experience - The best way I've devised for farming Pips is pretty much flip a camp every 10 min and afk at spawn once hit T6 participation.
  14. I'm talking about strictly solo, so no allies around me. I'm gonna try swapping discipline for tactics. I'm surprised by how different warrior skills are outside of pvp. Mending only takes 12s to recharge, and FGJ and SO both on 20s cooldown. I'm gonna try MMR+MM+FGS and the shoutheals, if I have trouble with zerker gear I can swap armor and accessory to celestial.
  15. Why Mad King Runes? I never really understood it beside it use the Ranger Warhorn skill, does each bird hit trigger FGS?
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