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Everything posted by ACGOG.9572

  1. Howdy! I bought the 9th Anniversary Bundle and just got the 2nd part of it today (as I'm sure everyone else is aware) which includes a Backpack and Glider Voucher and a Weapon Skin Voucher. I'm relatively new to the game and want to ensure that I'm not going to make a "mistake" in the long-run and want to figure out which of the skins are the rarest that I should be leaning towards unlocking. I say this because I understand that some people might say "the best one is the one you like the most." I understand that and appreciate the sentiment (I am leaning towards the Mandala one) but there are a few outfits in the BLS that I've wanted for awhile and haven't seen for months at this point and don't want to put myself in the same situation. So, all that being said, are there particular ones that I should be leaning towards unlocking that might not have been available for awhile? Appreciate the opinions and advice!
  2. Thief isn't bad but the best roamer is Soulbeast - by far - but you're useless in team fights.
  3. Queue this morning that lasted from reset night begs to differ.
  4. This is all really great advice, thank you! I'm glad that this class is a lot more difficult than A+1-Reaper-kill-things and there's a lot that I still have to learn. Decapping nodes after a team fight seems like a no-brainer but it sounds like I need to try and jump in a little more than I probably am to make that happen. When I see a Thief on the other team I do try and go after them, mainly because I want to see if I'm better than them (it's about 50/50 at this point but still fun nonetheless). Soulbeast build right now just seems... cheesy. I did make a Mesmer and might give Mirage a go but the whole 2her spin-to-win seems like cheese too. It'd be a good idea to make them just so I know how they work to avoid them in fights. Again, excuse the newness but for example, I noticed that after I made a Rev and a Necro I know how to play against them far better than I did before. It seems people don't pop in and out of Reaper like they should and waste all their Life Force looking for me, and with Rev if I can avoid the Mace E I fare a lot better. I do generally avoid SB and 2H Mesmers though 😋. I'll see if I can record my gameplay to try and get help. I think that's a great idea if someone has the time to take a gander at it. I'm sure there are things that I'm missing or could do better - which is great. I'm always up for learning and I want to get better at the game as I love PvP and always have. I also definitely flex all my builds off of Metabattle. I don't have the skills or the knowledge to make my own build lol.
  5. Howdy, So I'm relatively new to GW2. I rolled a Revenant because they looked fun but they're not quite the class I thought they were, which is fine. I then decided to roll a Thief and boy-oh-boy are the mechanics fun, challenging, and over time seem to be very rewarding - when played right. I want to get better at it as it's listed as a meta-spec due to the fact that it can help swing games. I went with the DD D/P spec because of the mobility and have been practicing in order to get better for when I can do ranked. I've watched a bunch of streamers (I've been trying to play like a gentleman by the name of Sindrener), how-to guides, etc., and in Conquest Practice focus on ninjaing points and killing stragglers in between. I also jump into team fights where I can, but if it's 1v3 or 2v4, while I do my best to help out, if it looks like it's a losing battle I'll skip out and head to the objective instead of dying. However, I get blamed for the team losing - a lot. Like, a lot a lot. That I'm not doing my job right, or I have a PvE spec (I don't), or I'm bad at what I'm doing, that I should be helping more somehow. This never happens on my Rev, or my Ranger, or my Necro - only on my DD. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something that I missed? Should I be team fighting more? I thought I was doing a good job as I almost always get the Offense icon (for whatever it's worth) but if I need to change something up I'm glad to. Appreciate it, and any advice would be great.
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