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  1. I don't understand why people make fun of op? Prior to buying the expansions, all events of daily are in the core maps. As soon as one buys the expacs, the other dailies from expansion maps become mandatory, and no longer core dailies. It's clunky at the start and new players will have a hard time even getting to those maps/may not want to get there before doing story. It's a weakness of the daily system, albeit not a really big one. Could be resolved by giving someone new to an expansion a grace period to keep doing dailies in core maps.
  2. Just a note on aggro mechanics. There is an aggro outside of specific instances and in open world. If you are in an area and mobs are higher level than you, they will prioritise attacking you. If you are too under leveled, their range of detection is much higher than normal.
  3. If you are hoping for stealth play... Nerfed too... The pulse healing from invis gone. The sustain build also nerfed to oblivion before EOD. Nothing left there. I used to sing praises of gw2... Now everyone I meet I advise not to play and explain about the toxic dev culture and give example of recent debacle.
  4. What happened to that 10% healing from damage untamed had... Oh nerfed.... All sustain builds... Nerfed.. if I had a tin foil hat, open world players (I myself play a lot of ow) imo have been maliciously targetted in previous nerfs just to then be abandoned now in favour of some influential toxic streamers who prefer raids, then made fun of and told "git good". The current events and what was exposed, to me, confirms this. I am glad I haven't spent a dime on the Game after work and will not do so until ANet gets a grip.
  5. We have a saying in Farsi which roughly says "That cow that gave 9 gallons of milk". The story is, that there was this cow that could be milked for 9 gallons every day, except that at the very end, it would kick the bucket of milk and splash it all over the floor. It's the story of gw2: you can buy all the expansions and it is great, until the devs take a crap on the final "ultimate meta" and then double down and sit on it too. I boycotted spending any money on this. At least my own money is not used to disrespect my time.
  6. Until further changes are made, I will boycott any money spent on the game from me (The reason can be seen in other posts here, and my older posts). Our friend above said it nicely, no support for what I have paid for, no support for your game. I did not preorder this to be disrespected by a company and elitist attitude which seemingly has taken root. You had so much good will accumulated these years, squander it away and then sit in the husk of what once was, asking yourself what happened. I will most likely look for something else to give a try for. So far gw2 was the only game I played these years, maybe I give that other game something something 14 a try. p.s: I now see that preordering ANY game, no matter which company has made it is a mistake. No matter how much good will, no matter how many years of trust built. I will take this lesson for myself as a positive.
  7. I shall not waste time on this any longer. At 60%, right as we phased in a try I was in today, Soo-wan did 2 invulnerable moves, wasting 30 - 40 seconds on time basically. If this is not fixed, the meta is dead in the water. What bothers me is how much still locked behind it. And that this is an integral part of the expansion story. Anyways, let it die.
  8. As is, any success rate below 50 - 60% is untenable. Someone said above in their 20 attempts they had success twice, and seemed happy about it?! With 10% success rate in a 2 hour meta?! Makes no sense. I'm sorry, but you cannot ask players who have a purpose in the game to spend hours upon hours for literally no payout. I am really thinking of leaving the game now. Why did I even pre order or buy gems. The sour taste in my mouth probably won't wash away for weeks. GW2 is the only game I play, but I am genuinely thinking of leaving. I have been unable to do multiple metas in maps (bugs all over the 1st map meta). Never do I remember having this much frustration in 10 years of playing.
  9. I have a suggestion, maybe someone presented before not sure: how about not making too many nerfs, instead rewarding cooperation? For example, take the other platforms bosses. If people do them quickly, reward everyone with extra on the timer. This way you lessen the terrible choice of adding randomness to this degree to an open world end boss with rewards locked behind it. Also as was suggested, please add to the rewards at the end when total map readiness and final battle takes this long.
  10. I literally come from work just to have some solo content in open world. I don't really do other content as much due to anxiety and I normally can't hit the DPS that groups ask for because, u know, my wrists are not as good as they were when I was below 25 years old. I just want to relax in open world. Maybe help other ppl a bit. Please do not keep these nerfs. They are not really harming anyone else's fun or the game in general.
  11. I agree with the points made above, overall a good improvement. I'd like to add that is it possible to allow us to disable the effects of legendary trinkets? Not sure if it has been asked before.
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