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Time.3650's Achievements

  1. I think i have read available similar questions regarding back packs upgrades. I have already tried using what seems to be universal items. I cannot seem to find an article in wiki that explains in detail available upgrades for back pack and what those up grades are whether they be Jewels, Gems, .........it would be nice if when customizing that a list automatically appeared on right side of available buys for backpacks ability for example I have the Soldiers power Toughness and Vitality. Infact it would be nice if you could have an attribute selection for all items that has attributes. This has been very time consuming. At least for me and can get discouraging. This subject has probably been talked to death but so far I have been unable to add 2 items Exquisite Beryl Jewel, Exquisite Azurite. Thanks for you time. From Customer
  2. I have 4 days 3 hours of siege deployment blocks. Is there any real answer to o.p. question? 4 days is ridiculous.
  3. what would be cool option when in soulbeast mode is if your second pet became soulbeasts pet seeing how you don't have the option to switch between the 2 while in soulbeast mode. The having to stand still during off hand axe makes axe very difficult to use in wvw and pvp. better off with torch i think. as yo get get knocked down often. not sure how soulbeast improves dagger usage. i thought while in beast mode the dagger would excel but haven't found right combination for dagger yet. maybe a condition damage pet merge would be best! hmmm one thing is for sure if your using dagger and torch wilderness survival specializations is best i think. i also think it maybe best in pvp and wvw for close range combat or with skirmish instead of wilderness survival sword with axe. i also think some pets work best with certain core specializations. Fanged iboga for instance would do well with Wilderness survival because it is more of a condition perks pet. i think knock down pets are good as well as the poison focusing pets. just my thoughts for druid, natures magic, markmaship , staff , long bow or short bow, definetly doesn't seem to be a close range player at all but more of a healing protecting player with long range options. i think you can only pull off long range and short range weapon skill in Pve
  4. I have been looking at several differ options. Does charr race provide better Elite skills? i think a huge down side to axe is you have to stand still in order to use in off hand. another down side is you cannot switch while in beast mode. ranger soulbeast has the potential to be the best if someone finds the right combo in my opinion. i think an example of pet usage versus type game mode your in Pve vs pvp vs wvw. i would not use jacaranda in pvp or wvw but definitely would use in Pve. plus side of soulbeast is damage is different according to pets used like using bristle back you precision increases to 100 plus and your condition damage increase to 200 plus when merging. on top of that you get buffs and each category of pet is different. making sure your elite skills line up with weapons being used and style you play is important i think. At an
  5. I have the same problem! Yesterday it worked. Tonight it doesn't!. Plus there is a red alert sign the pops up for about point 5 seconds or less. Not long enough to read. So unable to buy gems.
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