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Everything posted by Nexxus.5347

  1. Teq event whole map crash.... Chak event crash right before chest... crash in lions arch.... crash in EOTN.... crash here... crash there.... crash everywhere... you get a crash, you get a crash, everyone gets a crash! DX11 not even enabled on my system.... Let me know when the BETA event is over so I can play GW2 again. Thanks/Bye
  2. Anet needs to provide a legendary aqua breather. So these OCD kittens can complete their collection. Maybe a collection to go along with that new Fishing mastery.
  3. Please don't dumb down the private 50 man. It was a challenge and it was fun figuring out how to win the encounter. Perhaps Nightmare Tower next... and not the fractal version. 😉
  4. Please add a Mystic coin... or 5... from the daily drop in the new marionette instance. Let the Robber Barron's fall!
  5. Fail story content. Im so disappointed at what the Icebrood Saga has become. I cant believe players are ok with this. I hope the new game director gets the studio back on track because this is the monkeys running the zoo. DRMs are a joke... In guild if i say lets do raids... everyone is ME ME ME... lets do strike missions... Everyone is OK ill go... Lets do DRMs...crickets. Weapons upgrading and cost...not worth my time. Story predictable. What happen to the saga... you started so strong... who thought is was ok to drop the ball on living world... Expansion level content in living world we were told... this is not expansion level content. Not even an epilogue map. Epilogue... Get on an airship. go to Cantha. Yawn... back to Final Fantasy 14.
  6. The race beginsin 1:30 minutes... hurry up.
  7. Ice brood Saga has turned into such a disappointment. It started strong. With a great story line and good maps. Dark and foreboding. And now Champions... just kittens. Coming off of season 4 with its awesome story and maps...Kourna and Praise Joko... Jahai Bluffs and the Shatterer... Thunder Head Peaks and fighting Kralkatoric.... and Dragonfall... MY Goodness there is a map with a DEAD Dragon!!! To this... Season 5 opps Ice Brood Saga... Gimmick... this is not Expansion level content in a living world. I don’t know what happen... Is it ANET or NCSOFT... is it a lack of leadership with Mike O and Mike Z gone... or a lack of peeps to get the work done after all the layoffs... I don’t know but what I do know is Kittens when I see it... and this is a big pile of Kittens. This is an awesome franchise.... bootstrap up and get you kittens together and get back to putting out awesome content. Obviously you have moved on to EOD. Make it awesome and don’t put it out early just to get it to market.
  8. Worst content ANET has ever put out. I don't know if because you are understaffed. Poor management. Poor Planning. But ANET has dropped the ball on the Ice brood Saga. I have guild members who are die hard GW2 fans... the disappointment they have for this 10 minutes of content is saddening. I've been here since launch. Played GW1. If you think I'm going to spend money on gems for crap content. You are mistaken. Let Ryland deal with this mess... commanders going to go play some WoW.
  9. Worst content ANET has ever put out. I don't know if because you are understaffed. Poor management. Poor Planning. But ANET has dropped the ball on the Ice brood Saga. I have guild members who are die hard GW2 fans... the disappointment they have for this 10 minutes of content is saddening. I've been here since launch. Played GW1. If you think I'm going to spend money on gems for crap content. You are mistaken. Let Ryland deal with this mess... commanders going to go play some WoW.
  10. getting this all night....wasnt a problem until today. Please dont tell me its client side.
  11. ANET has a new shinny object to look at (Expansion 3) and they have left Living World Season 5 in the dust. This is just a rehash of old content. Portal opens. Enemies come out, Kill enemies, Portal closes. This is disappointing considering how excited I was about a dark and Lovecraft'ish story for the Saga. It started strong and now its fizzled out. You have forgotten about strike missions, visions, and maps. This looks like you planned story to coincide with the Steam release in order to get more current players into old maps to make them look more populated as new players came into the game from steam. Not wasting my time with the rest of this Living world, Ill see you in Expansion 3.... hope you make it epic! because only having 5 new maps wont cut it, lack of map wide META's on maps wont cut it, not having a new playable race wont cut it, the bar and expectations are high. I know you can do it. See you in a year.
  12. YI think you give ANET to much credit... they have moved on to developing Exp3.... but i hope im wrong and there are new maps.
  13. Disappointing announcement. Look Portals open in Tyria. Look newest enemies exit portal. Look we kill the enemies with allies. Look portal closed. If that's all you got and there are no new maps, I'm taking a break until the expansion. Ross we are on a break! no Gems for you.
  14. Disappointing announcement. Look Portals open in Tyria. Look newest enemies exit portal. Look we kill the enemies with allies. Look portal closed. If that's all you got and there are no new maps, I'm taking a break until the expansion. Ross we are on a break! no Gems for you.
  15. Same. I'm constantly harassed by this error message. This was never a problem before the last living world update Jormag Rising. Stop bullying me ANET error message. Its not me its you.
  16. Thank You Anet! This will be an awesome addition, cant wait. I wont have to continually swap legendary armor around to play different professions in raids and wvw. woot woot!
  17. Well done ANET completely enjoying the new content. Its different and I'm glad your trying new things! And new ways of story telling. I'm going to make one little critique. I've been playing since launch. I have great nostalgia from playing season 1 and I love that you brought back season one. For me and my nostalgia and for everyone else who now gets to experience what I played or something of it. However, I felt disconnected. I had no idea... which story do I do first, where am I, why am I here... I'm missing story context. I couldn't remember where to start, with Cragstead or Nolan, I new it wasn't the tower or Canach. I didn't know why I was going to these places or what was happening from a season one story. Season 2 3 4 and 5 I can play in order and can follow the story. I also felt that way Playing the Ryland visions... where was I in context of map in Tyria… why am I here. Please keep this in mind when creating more of these Visions. For season 1 visions maybe bring an NPC to give people the back story, and which visions of season 1 they should do and in what order. I know there is the NPC in Lions Arch maybe bring them to the eye of the north or a new NPC. Awesome Job! Loving Season 5, Look forward to more visions of the past!
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