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  1. I dunno, combination of gunplay and sword play, and calling something a "dragon trigger" definitely seems to pull a page out of Devil May Cry (not that that's a bad thing), also reminds me of Nero's playstyle where you rev up your sword [revving intensifies]
  2. The darkness of night falls around my soul And the warrior within loses control Gotta let it out, gotta let it out Gotta let it out, gotta let it out This dragon inside has ahold of me Clenching its power, trying to break free Gotta let it out, gotta let it out Gotta let it out, gotta let it out Move fast baby, don't be slow Step aside, reload, time to go I can't seem to control All this rage that's inside me Pullin shots, aimin dots, yeah, I don't miss Branded by fire, born in the abyss Red hot temper, I just can't resist All this vengeance inside me All of these thoughts runnin through my head Arm on fire, veins burnin red Fru stra tion is gettin bigger Bang! Bang! Bang! - pull my Dragon Trigger
  3. It might be that, I just tend to have horrible timing and landing in dead overflows I guess.
  4. Except not getting map completion rewards, not completing meta achievements, and there are items for sale in the karma shops that are inaccessible. the last part is the worst because it makes you do the hearts on a daily basis when you need to buy something from them.
  5. Because the return meta achievements require them and I just want to reinforce any decision they've made to move away from them. rather than have them testing the waters for more hearts to jam them back in EoD any attempt to push them back into the maps deserves pushback.
  6. Events and Exploration like was the dev's original intent.
  7. Seen people saying how much they actually missed doing Istan meta last night, a few complaints about the race being buggy (the gates weren't working sometimes so you'd have to go back and forth through them) and bounty callouts that was the basic sentiment in chat.
  8. really, middle ground is "just don't play the game, we got our way, deal with it?" that's not middle ground at all.
  9. Great, thanks a lot "buddy" and I hope you can read into those air quotes for what I'm really saying. and let's be clear "people" like you wanted this feature specifically to COERCE other players to come back to zones to do something they didn't want to do. Your motivation was awful to begin with.
  10. I didn't call hearts static quests I said the game was not about static quests I always refer to hearts themselves as chores, rather than quests. quest should suggest something of an adventure (not to be confused with what the game calls 'adventures" which are minigames rather than adventures), just previous MMO's have ruined that by making a lot of them chores instead. but no hearts are not quests. there's nothing adventurous about any of them.
  11. Adventures are not my favorite thing to do on maps, but I don't have to do them for map completion, and until this last return to event, I hadn't had to do them for meta achievement completion either. if you make the "return to" metas not require doing the hearts again, that'd at least be something. I actually kind of had fun doing the rest of the achievements for istan just not the hearts. I mean I guess the harvesting? But I need to harvest for mats every once in awhile anyway, and getting ALL the mats needed for those achievements ends up being less tedious than completing a single heart, because you get 3% completion per tap on a node, vs 1-2% completion for each objective done for a heart.
  12. Hearts don't keep players in maps, meta events and world bosses do. people never go to maps just to do hearts. you don't see tons of people flocking to snowden drifts, snowden drifts does have hearts, but it has no meta events or bosses, so it's dead. Hearts are completely solo content, so it doesn't even matter if other people are on the map and in fact, the less people that are in the area, the easier time you'll have completing your chores since unlike the entire rest of the game, heart objectives are not shared between players. This is a dumb myth that hearts somehow get people flocking to maps. the most constantly high population maps are ones that have no hearts but have metas and world bosses that people like to run. Dragon's Stand, provided you pop in the right map where everyone is, that one's constantly being run Dragonfall, when I make new characters and instant boost them to 80 to farm some keys, I do this map for map completion trying to get a key out of it (precisely because it has no hearts, I don't bother with any of the maps that require hearts), I always see a good amount of people making progress on the meta. Silverwastes, there are constantly RIBA maps going on in LFG I always find good populations in Bloodstone Fen and Grothmar Valley too. I was on break when the return events for Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay. Guess which one I had trouble finding people for doing the boss events I couldn't solo when I came back and people were no longer doing the return to event for them? Yup, the one that has repeatable hearts. If your theory was correct that repeatable hearts keep people coming back to a zone, then why on earth were there dozens of people doing the Anomaly at the bottom of Bloodstone Fen but like, only 3-4 people on Ember Bay? Ember Bay is the one with the precious population retaining hearts afterall. People should be coming back and doing those hearts every day, because they're repeatable and they're "content" right?
  13. Right now each "return to" meta achievement is requiring doing the repeatable hearts. things I did years ago and have no interest in doing again, I'm being compelled to do them even though they're boring and tedious as crap, because otherwise I'll just end up having 1 achievement short. That's the kind of thing I don't want anymore. let people who don't want to do hearts anymore not do them without sacrificing out larger things in the game. or at the very least SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the number of chores you have to do for each one. Lake Doric and this one were awful because their completion % per action were just so tiny.
  14. They're required as part of larger things. always if they were not required for map completion, or for unlocking the vendors, or for meta achievements. then sure, I wouldn't do them but you're compelled to do them to complete those larger things so you saying "oh just don't do them if you don't like them" is just as stupid and inane as saying "if you don't like hearts just don't play the game" it's a small part of a greater whole. it's just an annoying part that should no longer be a part of the game since they were not part of the original design and go completely against the spirit of the game.
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