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  1. Hello Apologies for the delay in replying not been that well. The Discord info is in the message of the day. Ye can also find it by pressing "G" (default) for Guild information.
  2. Hello both, Invites sent. Sorry for the delay I have been poorly the last two weeks.
  3. For those that did not know in the 18th century, pineapples served as a status symbol in England. And by coincidence we have the greatest guild name going and are recruiting still.
  4. Greatest named Guild still Recruiting ! Come all Pineapple fans! Fun Fact! The heaviest pineapple recorded weighed 8.06 kilograms.
  5. Best name ever! Invite sent apologies for the delay. I was at work 😞 ofc you can join us xD Hello! Welcome to Nom! When you get that Skyscale the glory of achieving it overwhelms you! Invites sent to all
  6. Hello all fans of the Pineapple! Nom is still recruiting! Come join the guild with the best name!
  7. Hello guys! I'm at work ATM but when I get home later today I will send invites 🙂
  8. Hello all the shiny people! Uncontestifying Pineapples are still recruiting New, Old and Returning players! 🍍🍍🍍🍍
  9. Yes give me 10 minutes, I am out walking my dogs. Will be online and Invite will be sent 🙂
  10. Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening all! Uncontestifying Pineapples are still recruiting New, Old and Returning players! 🍍🍍🍍🍍
  11. Hello Everyone!# Uncontestifying 🍍🍍🍍's are still rectuiting new and old players and returning players! All fun loving Pineapple enjoying peoples come join us!
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