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Everything posted by Worrbinpike.2957

  1. THIS! When i played WvW 1-2 years ago, holy kitten. it was all absolutey organzied with a squad of 50 and a commander, most of them were in Teamspeak. And if the Squad was really good and had a Commander who knows what to do. Man that were somewhat epic fights, although with my ranger i was always not beloved to be there ^^ All of that is gone now. No Voice, its mostly all a total cloudy mess. I could imagine that totally organized squads have problems to fight against the cloudy mess and give up. I also don't understand the queue on our server. While EBG has nearly the whole evening a q of 50(!) yesterday, the other maps almost have none.
  2. There are already enough topics about this, but I thought if I started a new one it would be better for attention. I'm actually a PvE player who's mostly only in WvW because of the gift of battle. I'm only rank ~ 1400, but I've had fun in WvW for weeks/months, and I know the old system. I'm in a larger alliance at the moment and we're pretty strong at the moment (Fortunes Vale), BUT...holy mess...there's no coordinated play anymore. I was playing from Friday to Sunday litterally all day long, and even if we are leading right now the gameplay is a mess. Its just a cloudy, unorganized gameplay (mostly without TS or discord). And if one try to pull the people in Discord, there is a squad of nearly fifty, but max 10 people in Discord. I'm from Riverside (Rip), and we had a real big Teamspeak Server (250 Slots afaik) which was (in my opinion) in good use. I joined there at the weekend, and its almost empty. There are also new Commanders who lead without voice chat, because they want it that way. Surprisingly this is working at our alliance. But i guess its only working, because the opponents have the same "problem". One of the biggest problems of this is (this is all just my opinion), the language barrier. I know A LOT OF german players, who simply cant speak english. And you may say, everyone should be able to understand commands like (move left, right, etc), but thats not the case. It IS a problem. On the other side i'm pretty sure these problems could also hit non speaking englisch foreign players. Thats the reason why voice chat seems nearly dead. Of course you dont have this problem if you join an alliance who HAVE hundreds of organized players who play together, for them the changes are somewhat irrelevant. But maybe they wonder of the boring gameplay because the opponents are weak. The language barrier is one of those things that doesn't get better the longer the system runs. Because many people say, let it run for a year first and everything will work itself out. I'm pretty sure the system will stay because Anet has put years of programming and developing in it, and will not just trash it. But wasnt one of the goals that it should deliver more balanced gameplay ? I can't see it. Edith: Forgotten to mention: On Friday we had a queue of 60...i waited 40-50 minutes and was able to join then, and after me the queue was already again 50!. Yesterday the queue was the whole evening like 20-40. There are enough people who play, but nothing was organzied because of my reasons above.
  3. I'm ok with most of these, but what the Heck who thought Rifts is a good idea again. Please let them go for gods sake. And they are again bound to the story (and T1 dont even work), you have to do T2 or T3 Rifts. Btw, i tried relogging and stuff, but no T1 Rifts for me yesterday, it simply didnt work.
  4. Just wait a few weeks. I'm sure they will sell decorations in the Gem Shop. No need to craft them, also no timegate. 😄
  5. I'm doing the DE Meta since over a months on a daily basis (EU). It failed one time. I never got disappointed going via LFG. If you see the commander asking for Alac/quickness go to subgroup 2/3, it is mostly guaranteed that it works, when he is doing the 10 supbgroups at start. Approx a Week ago i've done the meta a couple of times a day (for the Dragon Flight soo Won skin), and it just works. I cant tell that about the Eparch Meta, which frequently fails because of dead people. In my opinion Soo-Won is by far one of the best Metas Anet has developed ever. It has good mechanics (meanwhile the tail is ignored), it has an awesome Soundtrack, the speach while the fight goes is also awesome. I'm doing it daily because i think its fun. Of couse no one plays it because of the rewards. I'm already saddend that obviously Janthir Wilds seems not to have a real Meta on the Maps if it is true what I've seen on youtube on a preview.
  6. Someone tried the GW2 -.repair function ? I heard of some people who told it helped.
  7. New expansion announce and most people are going crazy because of Landspears ? I didnt get it. Give me a good story, a huge map with a lot to do in it, good Metas and Events. I couldnt care less of spears on land, lol.
  8. Personally i dont think they nerfed anything in there. I'm playing a lot of DE META because i like it, and real pug groups still fail with 20-30% on Soo-Won. On the other hand the organised ones are (which i played) 100% a success, and i think thats because people get to know how to do it. (For example after the wisps phase, that you stay in the middle to kill the adds and not running to the dragon because you have to jump anyway..) What i still find ridicilous is, if commanders are want to see 100LI/250 LI for it. They also build their group in Arborstein, so that they can kick people. Do it with your guild then, but not on an open world meta. Best group i was in had 4:45 when Soo Won was defeated. (i dont do raids) But this META still has the time gate Problem. If you want to find a good group with a little guarantee that they made it you have to calculate for 2 Hours! Otherweise the groups are all full. Anet has to change this. Even if you have already the 10% buff you have to be one hour before the meta start to be on the map. Thats annoying.
  9. Saw a group yesterday with this info in lfg: "you dont have to do the meta, just buy the egg at vendor blabla. After buying egg please leave the group" 😄 Made the Meta two times yesterday, and imho they changed nothing. Surprisingly we made it both times, but both with just some spare seconds rest time. And the Patch yesterday fuxored my DX11 again. In the first run i had barely 5fps at the middle of the meta on the platform, wasnt able to do a thing. Before the Patch everything with DX11 was fine. After switching back to DX9 the second run was smooth.
  10. What does The overall meta-event timer will now pause during longer exchanges of dialogue between characters toward the end of the Dragon's End meta-event. exactly mean ? I cannot remember very long dialogue in this meta ?
  11. I would be interessted in numbers from anet: How much played was the Meta in Dragons End, and how many of them were successful. 😄
  12. Sorry to hop in the boat, but this Meta SUX! I tried it approx the whole day today, with mostly a full squad (everytime random/new pepps in the group). We finished best 12%, worst was 40%. When Soo-Won does his "change side on platform" skill..really...change that down a lot. Also i would suggest to give the encounter just 5 minutes more. This should be enough for most random pugs. Also what kills GW2 for me, if i further read things like "blabla, minimun 100LI" in groupd search......this is a freaking map event in PVE. Anet has to nerf this in some way. Your wasting hours on the map and get nothing afterwards except some XP. I tell you, after 15th march, there weren't full maps anymore (at least this is my guess), NO ONE will do 2 hours on this anymore. Change that a bit is the only solution. Sorry for the experienced Raid Players and all people who are studying their classes, but casuals dont have a chance on this.
  13. Well, thats my opinion about the music so far. 😜 And fishing: Do you really believe fishing with this simple mechanic will hold players in the game ? I do not have to be a magician to say that in a couple of months no one will speak about the legendary fishing adventures in Guild Wars 2. At least its just my opinon. 😄
  14. I have mixed feelings right now. The graphics are really cool, but some of the mechanics are useless (Raptor Taxis, or some of the travel options, why should i use them if i have skyscale). Yes, i get it. not everyone has the skyscale or PoF, but if you have them it feels useless. Fishing is gimmick...defininately not what the poeple will love in 6 months. And, old people have problems with it because it forces you to have reactions and a bit of skill. For me its simple and easy, but for older people 60+ it can be very hard. And for the first time i'm REALLY dissappointed about the music. I admit i haven't heard all of the stuff, but what i heard until now.....no thanks. Its really the first time i feel that way. GW/GW2 with Jeremy Souls OST and the POF OST..i can listen hours to that , its epic (just by seeing a youtube video where the music is running in the background i get goose bumps)! But this OST is to much traditional of japanese/china. Sorry to the composer..... And what i wonder about is how emptxy the maps are! Yesterday i was exploring in Kaineng, and hell, i thought i'm alone on the map.
  15. Maybe Arenat should communicate a bit exactlier that the Alliance betas are not that what we will see when they are 100% working. Because many, many players hate the betas like they are now. Most people dont know that anet is just testing the basic mechanic. On our server the wvw chat is very toxic, and many players dont like what they are seeing now. For me the betas were both also a bad experience, its the second time that i was thrown on a false server because my alliance was deselected from the game, both time i was on the wrong server. last time arenat fixed it within 24 hours, this week i'm still playing without my alliance on a wrong server. Time will show how alliances look like with every feature, but right now i hate them also. Oh and the balance of the beta is far from beeing fair on the server i'm just on.
  16. Last beta i posted this information and an couple of hours i was on the correct server after relog. What about now ? Or do you guys have weekend ? (Not my fault to do such thing on fridays)
  17. What team were you placed on? Phoenix Dawn What team did you expect to be placed on? Stonefall Did you change/toggle your selected WvW guild after Thursday night, even briefly? No, choosed it on wednesday and my Alliance guild was definitely selected. Have you shard/world transferred recently? No What is your default world when World Restructuring is disabled? Riverside
  18. Arenat this is utter garbage....end the kitten. I have choosed my alliance guild on tuesday. today i was looking at it and noone was choosed. Now i'm on Titane's staircase with just 8 people, red seems the same. I should be on stonefall
  19. Ok, i lold. I play Sic'em Soulbeast since half year now and its NOT broken. I could tell you hundreds of examples in WvW where i thought "Man, this class needs a nerf". For example the holosmith Diamond dude who easily killed 3-4 people at one time of ours and not has gotten any big damage from us. And that was not him just a lucky fight, he did that very often. He just understands and played his class with Keyboard. Also there are several classes who litteraly oneshot me, also i'm thinking "man, how can that be". What i've learned from wvw is, there are a lot classes who can oneshot you, because people can play it and aren't mouseclickers, also they can escape from 4-5 people doing damage to him, because they exactly know which button to use. The Sic'em ranger is good as it is, its fun to play but its not broken and still hated in zergs.
  20. • My assigned Team in wvw panel is Titans Staircase which is correct• Riverside• Rising River (Side), it was automatically selected after you put in the interface for changing it again. I do NOT deselect it, and select it again before the deadline• Instead of Fortunes Vale(which seems to be the correct Team for my alliance) , i'm in Team Skritsburg (as far as i remember this is the same Team from last beta?) Relog or changing map doesn't fix the issue
  21. I could open a thread for riverside for this, too. On Riverside its pretty absurd the last 2 months. Riverside is always last at the end. Playing on riverside sux since weeks. 2 days ago the map was completely blue from aurora, they were deffing our keep to T3, also most of our towers were blue T3. On Green (Gandara) it was similar, but not that bad. But at least drakkar in terms of ranking is still better than riverside. Also on riverside its pretty toxic between hardcore wvw players and "random" players. Better lets not talk about the hate for rangers ^^ I'm playing wvw since approx 4 months..and man....the word "friendly community" does not match in wvw, at least on riverside. But i assume this is on all servers in wvw. But yes, its pretty absurd what manpower aurora with their link have. Riverside is only good if commander are there. I cannot understand the system behind the linking that arenet has. Do they not monitor that stuff ? Riverside since months get their butt kicked from both opponents. Glad Horzion 5 was released yesterday, so it could be i have better things to do than this. At least i will do the weekly tickets. 😄
  22. But seems that there aren't that much enthusiasts then.....
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