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Posts posted by ArtimisTau.7902

  1. For the first time ever I fiddled with the dps golem on Unleashed. I managed 8,215 using just my build and self-buff only. I got up to 18,000 using the same build with every possible buff/debuff. I mostly open world and have self imposed rules about builds that make them worse than what snowcrows would recommend so this only being 12k higher shows me how much work Unleashed needs.

  2. Probably in the minority here but I hate that the whole weapon swaps on unleash. Hammer needs to be consolidated to its 1 auto & spinner unleashed attack, the unleashed do more damage if x version of 2 & 4, and the leashed CC 3 & 5. The attacks already share cooldowns and the above gives a good mix and would allow for easier bonus damage on 2/4 without trying to frantically change stance after the 5 CC. I know if F'ed up a bunch of time hitting the wrong button in the wrong state of leashedness. Unless you're in a strike/raid fight where CC is required your probably not even going to take Hammer anyway. I believe the current "top" design is GS and Sw/Ax.

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  3. Alliance only had one upkeep skill which is a big part of Revenant. So with that line of reasoning, make the spear elite an upkeep. So Arch just keeps huckin' spears till you turn it off or hit zero energy. Balance the damage obviously. Additionally, get rid of the terrible self-damage on Urn and have the boons proc every second After you channel for x amount of seconds. Urn is honestly terrible and it's possible to down yourself with it. Also, why can't Urn be double clicked, right now it had a second ICD from activation before you can drop it.

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  4. The biggest changes Catalyst needs is to the sphere and I would do the following:

    Get rid of the cooldown.

    Have the sphere follow the caster like Scrapper gyros.

    Have the sphere summonable at any amount of energy. Draining two energy a second which it currently does.

    Grand Finale from Hammer 3 and any combos give energy, regardless if the sphere is out or not. Active use of combos and the elite spec weapon would allow for greater duration of the specs main mechanic. 

    Regen 2-3 energy a sec when the sphere is not out so a full charge of 30energy takes 10 seconds max. Even less from any combos and hammer 3 as previously stated.

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    • Haha 1
  5. Justice v Justice or why Willbender virtues need reduced "attacks to trigger" by default.

    Scepter 1, Orb of Wrath has a 1/2 second cast time. If we ignore projectile travel time due to being in melee range, a Guardian, Dragonhunter, and Firebrand can land 120 hits over the course of one minute. This  triggers the Justice passive 24 times.

    Willbender must activate Justice which applies 1 burn, and has 6 seconds for hits. With Scepter 1, 12 hits can land for 2 triggers of the "passive". Rushing Justice also has a 12 second cooldown. Over one minute, Rushing Justice can be activated 5 times. Which is really only 4 times since the fifth would be available at the one minute mark where this "test window" ends. So 4 uses of Rushing Justice with 2 triggers and the initial burn each. Resulting in 12 total burn for Willbender vs 24 for every other version of Guardian. I'm unsure if charges hold over between casts but if so, that's still only 8 more hit during Justice and 1 additional proc. This comparison doesn't take into account any traits, gear or other attacks/skills used. A auto-attack vs auto-attack comparison means Willbenders virtues are half as powerful as every other version. Good trade off.

    Additional, if we take Permeating Wrath in to consideration. The numbers shift to Willbender at 20 and everything else at 40. So still half as much and PW Willbender is still worse than everything else without PW.

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  6. There's 13 pages of comments at this point so I haven't read every idea people have come up with but here's a possible solution to virtues. No passive and only one virtue at a time, as it works now. But, make the activated virtue endless and increase the hits to trigger to 8. Currently they only last 6 seconds, which means you can typically trigger a virtue effect 2-4 times before it runs out depending on how rapid you can hit. Symbols and the Willbender's attack are pretty rapid. Making them endless would trigger less often but more consistent. Cool downs could also be longer for when you decide to, or have to swap. The offensive Justice to a more defensive Resolve when you suddenly get hit real hard for example. 

    Edit: It occurred to me as I was eating lunch that the activation "attacks" of each virtue are pretty useful and a person may want to actually use them more than once. So to expand on my original idea, each virtue would have a longer cool down, say 30 seconds, when you change from one to another. And a shorter cooldown, say 10-15 seconds to re-use the "attack/activation" of a virtue. For example, a player camps in Justice for the extra burning every 8 attacks. That player could re-activate Justice for the dash uppercut and Willbender's Flames effect every 10 seconds.

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