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Everything posted by Littlekenny.4196

  1. Will there ever be a way to just buy the relics without also having to buy the pve content? I exclusively play WvW and £22 seems very excessive just to get access to the mabon relic.
  2. I don't think it was considered that making roll for initiative give 4 initiative instead of 6 stops the combo of vault->vault->weapon swap(hydromancy)+>RFI->steal->dodge->vault->vault being able to use it's last vault without having to wait for initiative regen, and having that pause allows the enemy supports to get up back up when the purpose of that 5th vault is to put overwhelming pressure down. The condi cleanse on trickster didn't really serve any benefit so that's now useless and I guess bountiful Thief has no competition.
  3. Why did they nerf it to a point where you have a choice between tempest/druid/scrapper/vindi with Vindicator not even at the top end, and now just kill it? Absolutely silly.
  4. There are huge amounts of strips now and stability was changed a long time ago to stack intensity instead of duration. That means you are probably gonna get stab stripped so you need the stunbreak and more stab. A lot of the time the rest of the boons are there to cover stab.
  5. I'm extremely concerned that this is going to force pirate ship then kite enemies into traps in WvW. It's already the strongest strategy and now with the mantra nerf, or punishes any alternative. Also it will have no impact on the support selection, firebrand is still mandatory. To nerf this there should be a matching nerf to boon rips and/or stability and stunbreaks to alternative classes. I quit when HoT forced a pirate ship meta and I'm confirm gonna have to do it again with this.
  6. Gandara opened before relink and had a decent amount of incoming transfers to the point where no link was needed any more. Now we have a link people will claim that the previous claims of not being full while marked full were not true but they very much were true and it was an issue, but then we opened and the issue was resolved, and now we have a link and lots of queues.
  7. Pretty sure that uses to exist. I think there were various boosts and I don't remember exactly how they worked but doing things in WvW got bonuses for your server in PvE.
  8. Strips were taken on necro and mesmer but I don't remember any other class taking or even having them. I'm very confused at what you mean by "The original boon punishment update was heralded for "saving" the game, and everything leading up to it was almost as bad as it is now.". There was no excess of boons that needed to be punished pre HoT and the herald came in with 1 hammer skill hitting harder than an entire guild pre HoT and was a big negative to the game (also pumping out boons and other weapons pumping out conditions). Also druid came about in that expansion making the start of the dedicated healer role. I think the game was in a much better state pre HoT and an even better state pre stability rework.
  9. Original stability stacked duration and not intensity. It also did not get removed when you were hit by cc and there were far less strips in the game so maintaining stability was an intentionally controlled thing and getting cc'd almost always meant somebody made a mistake. Directly after the change to stack intensity there was. I internal cooldown on a cc ripping the stab. During this period, zerg busting was dead since more cc meant you couldn't stab through it. After the change to add a 0.75s internal cooldown, extreme scale zerg busting 20 Vs 80 (before player caps were reduced) was impossible and any form of zerg busting was significantly harder. This then caused a full move to pitateshit, which was already being toyed with by top GvG guilds before the stab change. The game then continued in the direction of numbers being more important than skill.
  10. The trait giving crashing courage stab has a 30s icd doesn't it? Also the mantra stunbreak is essential because stability is going to get stripped. Also aegis mantra helps with cc since the cc skill can be blocked by it. Still looks nice though.
  11. Grab a staff, grab another staff, kill it. Or more descriptively, make use of all the evades, including vault, and the fact that vaulting on the ranger gives energy for more evades. Also hold the steal item for breaking immobs.
  12. I played minstril FB last night for 2 hours 30 mins, I ended the night on 78 bags. This is more than I would normally get on scrapper, less than I would have got on melee DPS which is also less than I would have got on DH or Rev. In last night raid it was less than a DPS but not by a huge amount.
  13. I think an underappreciated part of the firebrand kit is that the mantra is an AoE stun-break which is fairly rare but then it also has 3 charge on a low cooldown putting it so far ahead of anything else. Vindicator alliance stance has an AoE stun-break but it's energy cost will get your party overwhelmed by damage and conditions. That would be a nice place for them to look potentially.
  14. Firstly, removing stab would remove most of the gameplay since when a person is hit by cc they can't really play the game. Secondly, pre-HoT the person providing stability was also doing a good amount of dps. The differences since then are dedicated supports with crazy access to boons and the concentration stat so they last ages, crazy boon strips so there is rng on what boons applied actually stay, classes which are dedicated healers able to keep everybody's health up, an increase in Condi damage and the expertise stat so cleansers are required, the removed of retaliation so full berserker classes can DPS from range with no punishment, higher damage classes so that healing is also required. This game wasn't originally designed to have the holy trinity so adding that in kittened it up. imo
  15. Should still be throwing swiftness symbols in to proc enemy aegis and using holy strike, shield 4, mace 3, tome 1 pull, which can all tag although still less loot than a DPS. Also from the time I've played on NA it was 95% throwing ranged damage at eachother so in that scenario I can see getting 15 bags.
  16. There is a loss of 35% outgoing healing from the last trait in salvation but the additional cleanse on dodge, more frequent dodge, and possibility of using ventari without getting overwhelmed by conditions might help overall. Does look like it's pushing to be another minstril support with the protection application and less gain from boosting healing those which is kind of boring
  17. Pre strike it took people playing for >10 hours per day every day to just scrape into T4. Gandara does have more players than people think, but not enough to compete with anybody. Even with people playing huge amounts of additional hours, for most of them we were still outnumbered on every border having to fight 50+ with 20-25 while another blob from that same enemy server was capping another border. Gandara does get queues but they are maybe twice a week and single figure on 1 border when there is only 1 enemy group to fight. T1 when linked with Fort Ranik was because FR had a significant amount of incoming transfers.
  18. No replacement for Bountiful Maintenance Oil and that is almost 4 gold for 5 hours.
  19. There are transfers out but Gandara still doesn't open. The biggest example I can think of is Kazo but there are more players that have moved since the last time Gandara was open.
  20. It sounds like your GPU is dead and you are now running of integrated graphics. Is that the case or are you on a backup GPU or not able to run at all? What CPU do you have? Wat other games do you play? What is your target frame rate? What character model limit do you run and want to run? What character model quality do you run and want to run?
  21. Please run the CPU-Z benchmark or any other benchmark which shows single core performance and show it.
  22. A newer CPU is only gonna be worse than an older one if you are getting a lower tier version in a generation that had a minor performance increase or of you are switching from an Intel/and CPU to the competitor in a generation where the old one was far ahead. The presence of 8 cores does not hinder the 4 core performance and the single core performance doesn't have to drop unless you are going to the extreme end of core counts where the clock speed is lower. I have no idea where any of the information leading to your conclusion could have come from but you should probably take another look or be specific in the example since the old outperforming the new would require specific choices of CPUs to compare and would either be an unfair comparison or a known bad choice.
  23. Newer CPUs don't just spam more cores. There are IPC gains too which means an newer gen CPU at 4ghz will beat an older gen one at 4gz at single core performance. The amount of improvement here differs between each generation though. CPU has a bigger impact in gw2 than most other games, you would likely get a bigger improvement from upgrading CPU but I have no idea how you would be getting 80+ FPS with a 14 year old i5, although I believe the first i5 came out 13 years ago. I know that the improvement from me upgrading a 7870ghz to 2 of them, then to an r9 fury, then to a gtx 1080 was comparable to the improvement of overclocking a 3570k to 4.4ghz but the improvement from that CPU to a 3600x was bigger than both of those together.
  24. I don't know the specifics of the situation but the commander may have been waiting for the enemies to group together in the choke to the lord's room to then pull and spike, or thinking there was enough sustain in the 8 players to kill the lord and force the enemies to push into that choke and kill them there. You downed 4 but as you said they all got back up so it was meaningless.
  25. Have you considered that the commanders plan may have required you and everybody else to work together. If you follow the commander then don't stick with their plan you can't call them inept since you never saw it. If that second time, you stayed on the commander and wiped instead of chasing a thief off tag then it would be fair to call them inept but you didn't give them a chance. Even if it that does sound like they don't know what they are doing, there were around 8 of you and 2 pushed the enemy so there were only 3/4 of the group together which reduces survivability. You never actually gave the commander a chance.
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