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Posts posted by Pyrin.2741

  1. I also dislike the bear! Let my raptor relax, bear!

    I have another few nitpicks to add about the cats: I would like it if the ones that are associated with certain nodes were standing next to them like they do in the home instance. Lady Wisteria Whiskington next to the bloodstone node, Feline Familiar next to the Candy Corn node, and the Super Adventure Box kitty with the "Honors in Applied Jumping" title next to the Bauble node (preferably throwing a bauble at it just like it does in the home instance.) It would also be nice if a few of the solo cats would hang around the NPCs, looking for attention, instead of all grouped in one place- I know in the Rata Sum home instance there's one that likes to hang out next to the Krewe Researcher NPC at the top of the stairs and I always thought that was adorable. It kind of just feels like not much thought was given to the placement of the cats.

    I would also like it if the Holoscepter Storage Case could be relocated outside, next to the Water Pistol Storage case. It's in the way of decorating that corner of the greenhouse.

    And it's been mentioned in other threads, but I miss my Newborn Turtle! Hopefully he will be added eventually, chilling by the river or next to the Siege Turtle.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

    could be also a case of them thinking to themselves that if tower had all it would invalidate arborstone mastery and decided that it won't invalidate it, if tower is missing some amenities, arborstone has 😉

    It's likely some vendors were just overlooked. There's no reason for there not to be a laurel vendor- it's available in every other hub. The same thing happened with Arborstone, actually. There was no laurel vendor in there originally, they just forgot and added them in an update.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    The exaggeration in this thread is off the hook, tbh. It doesn't fail as often as people are making it out to. I'm not saying it can't fail. I'm saying it doesn't fail often from my experience.

    How is it exaggeration to say we tried it today and failed? The only exaggeration I see are the people claiming "it never fails" when our experiences are proof that it clearly does.

    Just now, vares.8457 said:

    Then it was really poorly coordinated. Make a gear, LI or kp check to get rid of players who will likely underperform. 

    We did the pre events, were split into sub groups with boons, comm was making callouts, everyone was pulling their weight, and Soo-won decided to spend the last 5 min of the encounter swapping sides endlessly. And it's absurd to expect everyone on the map to be 100% top DPS, or even involved in the meta at all- it's an open world event. Seriously? You want kp for a meta? This isn't a raid. Anybody who's there has obviously played enough of the game to even make it there, that's the only experience that should be necessary.

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  4. 20 minutes ago, Keymaster.7362 said:

    Just a reminder, now that the most people know what to do, the meta can't technical fail anymore if you join a coordinated squad.

    I literally just joined a coordinated squad and we failed, so this is objectively false.

    At least change the weekly to grant whether you succeed or fail that final fight. We dedicated the time to trying. It already feels like a waste of time if you fail, now doubly so if it's a weekly.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Doom Wolf.7953 said:

    I would love for the compass that used to appear on the jumping puzzles and mini dungeons to come back. It was very convenient to just click that and waypoint on the map. 

    It's still there! My friend had to point this out to me too, haha. It's right above the Astral Acclaim value for each task.

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  6. 13 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

    The point of dailies is simply to encourage you to play the game. For some players even the current system is too onerous and they want to go back to getting their rewards simply for logging in. Can you imagine ithe outcry if Chalice of Tears, Soo Wan or Triple Trouble were dailies?

    It is tremendously frustrating to voice my opinion only to be told that other people want different. Okay? Great for them. I am not speaking for them. I am speaking for me, and other people like me, and our opinion also matters. I literally addressed this in my post. I am explaining what I want from dailies, and what I look for in doing dailies. I acknowledge other people want and enjoy different things and that's fine too. That's my entire point! There needs to be more discretion about the variety of tasks and their distribution. There is so much to do in GW2, there should not be an overabundance of any one particular type of thing. I am bored to tears of redundant, generic "fight mobs" tasks. By all means, give me Chalice, I would personally enjoy it more, and I am fully aware that is an insane opinion to most people. Just give us more variety, give people the opportunity to choose the level of participation, and type of participation, they find most appealing.

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  7. On 9/6/2023 at 6:19 PM, Uhkam.2164 said:

    I think you missed my point on it because you're putting words in my mouth again: I never claimed I don't like dodging as part of the game.

    I dislike dodging daily as a TASK because it's not very creative task. At least with Krytan Lumberer people could go anywhere in Kryta they like to get any wood they might like - or find the fast way to do it. People would be free to choose whichever they want to do for the daily.

    I guess what I'm after here is that the new tasks mostly are too... boring or specific on what you need to do. The old tasks allowed you to have freedom on how you could do the task (aside from daily fractal and daily activity...), in addition of giving more choices on what counted as a daily. 

    This is exactly how I feel. Far too many of the new PvE tasks boil down to "fight mobs." Defeat 10, defeat 25, defeat 100, defeat in a specific place, defeat a specific type, defeat using food, defeat using enhancement, defeat and loot, perform dodges, perform combos, defiance break. I don't even know how many I've seen multiple times because they all feel like the same thing, they're basic combat that would happen naturally if they had asked me to do absolutely anything else in the game. They don't feel like a goal or accomplishment. (And defeating 100 enemies- especially 100 of a specific type of enemy- is just tedious. This week included TWO weekly tasks to kill 100 enemies. Even when we have "choices" it doesn't actually allow for much choice when several of them are essentially the same thing.)

    That's why I want more variety. Combat is what we do in every other aspect of the game already. It's fine that some people like that as dailies, I am not saying people are not allowed to like them, but to me they're boring and we've been getting way, way too many of them. Guild Wars 2 has always been about "play your way." I personally love JPs and minidungeons (though even I think the ones we've gotten so far have been disappointing), but I don't want to force people to do JPs every day, and I likewise don't want to be forced to do things I find boring. 

    There are just so many things to do in GW2 and I feel like the current system isn't distributing them well at all. They could do one generic combat option, one JP/minidungeon option, one vista/harvest/fishing option, one event/renown option, one adventure/activity option, one crafting/salvaging/identifying option, one elite/bounty option- that's a pretty wide variety and already two more than the 5 they're going to be offering each day, that they can rotate in and out (and I also still hope they'll continue to increase the choices beyond 5. Like other people have said, I miss having WvW options but don't want to give up any PvE choices to have them available.)

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  8. For a hub I've found a few things missing that I would like to see added to the Wizard's Tower:

    • Research kit/hydrocatalytic reagent vendor Edit: Have learned these are available from some crafting vendors!
    • Laurel merchant
    • Fishmonger
    • Guild bank

    Does anyone know if these vendors are available in the Tower and I've possibly just overlooked them? Or any other vendors to add to the list that are missing?

    I know there's a vendor right outside in Skywatch that sells research kits and hydrocatalytic reagents, but it's a little irritating to have to leave the hub to go purchase them when I'm in the middle of crafting something. And I realize fishing is more of an EoD thing, but given that there are new fishing nodes in the SotO maps it would be nice to have a place to refill our bait/lure and check the daily ambergris trade.

    Hopefully we can get these added. I love the Wizard's Tower and would like it to be my regular hangout, if it wasn't missing vendors I use regularly.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Pyrin.2741 said:

    The old dailies were not random. You used to be able to preview what tomorrow's daily options would be. If we are getting this much repetition after only a few weeks then they either need to add significantly more options to the pool, or adjust it to behave similarly to the old system to have less of an element of randomness.

    I wanted to confirm this for myself, and felt like it was information worth sharing. Dailies used to be on a rotating schedule: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2y1r8l/tomorrows_dailies_and_future_ones_visualized_as/ 

    This post is from 2015, I don't know if this is how it still functioned when the Vault was introduced. Ultimately it doesn't matter. How it used to work is entirely irrelevant to the issues with the current system. The Vault is brand new and still being adjusted, and it's worth voicing suggestions for improvement, so I'm hoping they can do more to increase variety. I am at least looking forward to the extra daily option they intend to add, that will hopefully help a little with variety as well.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    First of all, there are old dailies that repeated more often than others. We had some of them repeat even on consequecutive days. The fact that you could predict them only means they were randomly predetermined the day before. The places didn't predict what would come next, to my knowledge. It was listed in the API, which they read and posted. That means the game randomly determined one day and the day after and provided that information in the API.  You don't think people were calculating those dailies, did you?

    How the dailies were identified is not relevant to my point. They were known in advance and were not entirely random- the latter of which is the significant part here.

    There are far too many things to do in GW2 for us to already be seeing the number of repetitive tasks that we have so far. Yes, the old dailies also repeated, but not to this degree. We would have seen a far wider variety of dungeons and JPs appear before ever seeing the same one again. Either the pool it is selecting from needs to be much larger, or it needs to be adjusted to have less of an element of randomness (or more likely, both of these things need to happen.)

    None of what you are saying addresses this criticism, and I'm not going to discuss it further with you. I have voiced my complaint and suggestions for the devs to review, and that's all I have to say.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    It's random. Not with what individual players get, that's based on what expansions you own plus the choices you made for the dailies. But what comes up in a given category each day is random, which means sometimes there will be repetition. The same thing happened with the old dailies.

    The old dailies were not random. You used to be able to preview what tomorrow's daily options would be. If we are getting this much repetition after only a few weeks then they either need to add significantly more options to the pool, or adjust it to behave similarly to the old system to have less of an element of randomness.

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  12. Adding my voice to the frustration with seeing Zen Daijun again so soon. I support the suggestion that this one should be a weekly. But also, this system is only a few weeks old and already feeling repetitive, what is going on? There are so many JPs, minidungeons, adventures, vistas, harvesting nodes... There is no reason I should already be feeling like I've seen the same options several times. Even the easy ones- combos, dodges, kill x things- I've seen them enough times, mix it up with more vistas and harvesting and non-combat options, please!

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  13. Adding my two cents that I'm extremely disappointed by the alac Specter changes. After 10 years of nothing but DPS builds, I really enjoyed finally having a chill support role, casually tossing down my alac wells as needed and occasionally getting a sneaky ranged res. And you're removing both of those things! I'm so baffled by this decision. And you're removing alac from wells without being at all clear how we're going to be granting it going forward. If alac is going to come from shroud, then the rotation will have to be all shroud all the time or alac uptime suffers. That just sounds like the DPS build with the extra stress! And maybe that's the plan, you're trying to merge the DPS and alac DPS Specter builds? But if that's the case, it's a terrible idea. If I wanted to play DPS Specter and micromanage my shroud gauge, then I would play DPS Specter. That's not what I like about alac Specter. I enjoy being able to throw down my wells as needed, and pop into shroud when I can rather than it being a necessity. It's much more forgiving if something goes wrong.

    Also, trying to target single allies while in combat is so incredibly awkward. I don't overall mind it, but I can't see the single-ally targeting becoming a regular part of most gameplay when you almost always would rather be targeting an enemy. The only time I ever intentionally target an ally is to sneaky res someone... which is the one fun part of ally targeting on Specter that you're getting rid of. 😞

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  14. Honestly I don't even use the Halloween utilities for myself, I like to use them during metas to turn people fun colors when I res them. It's silly, and as far as I know it's the only item that does that. Please just remove them from research salvage, don't take away the fun!

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