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Everything posted by Merloin.4816

  1. I am a PvE player, but come on guys... you can't have GoB on PvE without giving gifts of weapons and GoE to WvW. Almost every PvE player hated Aurora collection and Vision, yet you don't acknowledge that WvW players who don't like PvE also should finish them. Imagine how much pain it is...
  2. Feel free to call it whatever you fancy. The names or how it does work should not be the focus here. On the other hand, I am not saying it should not be removed. Personally don't find it healthy at all either, nor like it. But anet should be careful with the new systems they implement, so the efficiency of new ways of getting T6 mats, MCs and etc to be the same. Otherwise supply will not be able to satisfy the demand at all. Additionally, multiboxers can get a lot of gold for free, hence why they can convert golds into gems more than most people, which helps to balance the gem conversion rates. Lower gem costs encourage people to buy gems and convert into gold. So, this side of the game also should be taken into account and balanced before totally removing the daily login rewards. I am all in for them getting removed, but things are a bit more complicated to balance than it looks
  3. It is not about 'fun', it is effective and efficient. Am I a big fan of it? Definitely no. However, keep in mind that multiple accounts are the backbones of the T6 mats and MCs in the game. Removing them in a whim WITHOUT any as efficient/fast replacement will completely destroy the economy at least for 6 months, with increased demand for crafting new legendaries and dropped supply with no T6s/MCs from the login rewards
  4. I think the main problem would be handling APs. There are tons of people who did not hit AP gate + dailies are easy slow AP cook right now. Unless they merge it into Vault dailies as well
  5. Although I had been playing Elementalist since the beginning, never found myself interested in playing Catalyst in PvE endgame. However, yesterday I felt like I could give quickness build a go while raiding with my friends and oh dear Lord, I am full of mixed feelings because of 2 main factors: Toolkit problems - now, there are always issues with toolkits and it is not about GW2 only. Also, those problems are mostly minor and not really confusing. However, would you look at the difference between Spectacular Sphere and Deploy Jade Sphere (idk why imgur flagged it as mature, as I did not mark the box)? Why it does not register Sphere Specialist traitline? Where does it even this data come from? Another toolkit issue is not having any information about not producing energy while having an active field anywhere. If it is a very important part of the specialization, why it is hidden from everyone? I literally was trying to understand why sometimes the same ability fills my energy bar and sometimes it does not give single energy. Thanks to google and some redditors for shouting it out, I guess. Energy management - it is straight up painful, especially after the latest patch. However, I don't think removing energy altogether unlike many other people, as I assume this is how the specialization is balanced and prevented from being played like a dps spec with off-cd sphere spam (as sometimes you need to keep your fast hitting abilities to generate enough energy). Not like it is not a sphere spam fest, though. The main problem with energy management is not being able to produce energy while having an active Jade Field. Honestly? I like the last change, but at least give us the opportunity of generating energy while having a jade sphere. It is not even necessary to have 1 hit = 1 energy. Generating 1 energy after each 3 hits will be enough to completely nullify the struggle. Catalyst really needs some relief point with its rotation and overall gameplay, and helping it with energy generation will solve this issue. Make the spec satisfying to play, not more spammy than it already was. New energy issue is not even something to be solved with 100% boon duration, as you will not be gaining energy for the next 5 seconds and you will only have 3 seconds to restore enough energy for the next jade sphere. It is too tight and really a fun killer. Enabling a little more energy generation will also make quickheal Catalyst more reliable and quite enjoyable.
  6. There is also qCata who can't give might, fury and other boons without an enemy to hit, let alone quickness. It is a nice topping of the cake baked with "You can't gain energy while you have an active field"
  7. How long we should wait till qCata energy problem is solved? The new change is not problematic on its own but not being able to produce energy during a jade field is up makes things very needlessly complicalted and exhausting
  8. Although I am also a frustrated member of this community, I am aware there is nothing to be earned with complaints here at this point. Instead, I put some thought on how balance changes could be made more satisfying both for the community and the balance. Pretty sure it is not the best solution that could come up with, but I hope giving at least some idea, so devs can start from there forward. My idea consists of two parts: 1 - Big patches should include max three classes and their specs. The reason is, major patches include big overhauls of 9 classes and shifting changes. These changes are not easy to make and require a lot of time trying to make the right choice. In that case, doing it for all classes is a heavy task and it is VERY natural (not saying it is acceptable, however), to fall short with satisfying the players. Hence I'd recommend making overhauls/big changes only for 3 classes at a time, and other classes would get only number changes here and there to push them towards the balanced state. 2 - Test server. It is very crucial to have a test server for various reasons, mainly because players can test and give more reasonable and on data feedback. I know there are test players, but everyone knows that the number is too low to represent the mass. Devs can share the initial ideas and push it to the test server and can work together with players for the next 2-3 months more closely to get faster feedbacks, to change and test things more dynamically. It definitely will not end up with fully what the community wants, but it will not be totally about devs either. I believe it will help to find a middle ground where everyone is mildly satisfied, instead of what we have right now. Balance in GW2 relies on on-paper or not fully tested builds being pushed to production and next a few months are spent to salvage to whatever we could be salvaged. Till the last patch the changes were mostly welcomed (there were some minor problems here and there, but nothing really big) for a reason, and I believe with right approach the same dynamic can be achieved again and continue.
  9. I doubt they even play PvE properly. It is as messier as WvW (I play both gamestyles) with all the boons and whatnot. The game is getting boring in expanse of every class getting boons. Meh
  10. It hides infusions, but not wings and other stuff. It needed a map reload that I had not done.
  11. And it does not even hide infusions or other shiny wings etc for me. The heck is going on...
  12. So, what you are saying is, pre-cast animations and delays were increasing Catalyst's DPS, but instead of fixing animations and delays (and actually balancing it for top players) you decided to throw Catalyst out of the window? I mean, that sounds pretty Anet to me
  13. I don't mean to be rude, but this post says many things but still just we will keep reviewing and updating the classes. Good ol' tactics
  14. It is just sad that the most interesting and fun role in the game - support, becomes the most dull, a walking simulator role because anet is incompetent with balancing
  15. I wholeheartedly thank you for smashing Elementalist to the ground once again. Now I can sleep in peace without being in constant fear of possible nerf Note: you still will find a way to do it, but eh, it doesn't mean anything anymore
  16. Although it would be a big step to solve issues in instances, I do think that open world doesn't deserve less than this. In fact, it can be worse in open world, especially in meta events, where more than 10 people stack up, or just press buttons. All the shiny effects around is the killing blow for many, because they don't see, or the visual noise itself is very confusing. I have played too many games in my life and honestly, haven't get tired of visuals in a single game other than GW2. And it is because everything bloating or overlapping each other. I honestly don't understand the design logic behind this, as I have played many games with too many visuals, still all were clean and you could understand what is going on. In short, the game really needs visual clearing this or that way. Being able to turn other people's skill effects might be a step, but I think we need more than this. As seeing other players' effects is required at some point to understand what skill they used (be it in instances or open world), otherwise it would be harder to utilize combo finishers. Therefore I think overall visual cleaning in the game. But no matter what kind of solution is implemented, I do think that both instanced and open world contents are starving for it.
  17. I will start with the utility skills, as they seem the easiest to fix for me. All of their secondary effects are actually ‘buffs’ that any other spec/class gets without any effort, just by using their utility skills. There is no reason to punish Catalyst if they don’t use it inside a specific sphere. Because Elementalist is already dependent from two factors – attunement and the weapon they use in the fight. There is no reason for adding another hand holder and do not reward the spec for using it. But removing the requirement of specific sphere would break this dependency and open new ways of more versatile gameplay choices. The second issue is the mechanic skill – F5. First, energy requirement should be removed and given 15sec static time. There is no reason to have both. The second, it should be replaceable (refunding cd equal to the remaining uptime), otherwise it almost has no use. But in the exchange, remove the AoE damage and let it be actually a combo field to catalyze (hah!) your gameplay. Rewarding if used right, NOT punishing if you don’t use. The third issue is some of the traits. Against the odds, they are really not that bad, but some of them need minor changes. First of all, the middle line is quite acceptable, giving an option to choose increasing your stats (even if it is ‘boring’). The second, Empowring Auras and Energized Elements, Stanc Auras and Hardenned Auras should be merged. There is no reason to have them separated. Other classes have that kind of traits anyway (granting more than one boon in specific situation, even Weaver has one). It will leave two empty slots for new traits, however, you will only need one to fill them. As Catalyst already has an amazing thing in its kit for that – its elite skill. Rework it into Major Trait of the last column, giving a competent trait in the exchange of additional stats and extra boon duration. And it will be needed to make a new Elite Skill, but eh, it is really time to give Elementalist something really worthy. These are what I see as the easiest fixes for the desing issues we have with Catalyst. I am somewhat sure it will end up OP as the result, but it will be balancable with number changes. Right now, changing numbers won’t really affect the issues or you should do it in the level of breaking something (as if we don’t have enough).
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