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  1. Oh, that sounds interesting! I need to take a look into that as well ^^Thank you for sharing. Another thing: I was wondering if there are possibilities to adjust the colour of the health bars and maybe even enemy AOE effects? I have some sort of red-green / blue-green blindness, which makes it hard for me to distinguish between those colours sometimes (especially when quick reactions are needed). For example, in PVP I sometimes don't know if it's a player of my team or an enemy player on the point. I mainly pay attention to the big health bar above the player, because I can't see other details unless I take my time (which is not working in PVP for example). In PVE, you sometimes have to be able to distinguish between red circles and green circles on the floor for example. I've seen Mods for other games where you could change the colours of health bars and stuff to yellow/blue for example or whatever colour combination helps with the kind of colour blindness people have.. I was wondering if there already exists such a thing for GW2 or if it's possible to add such a feature? At the moment, I use a colour blind overlay that changes the colours of the whole game (everything on the screen). It works fine, but the game obviously doesn't look nice and I always have to turn it off when I colour my characters for the Fashion Game or for taking screenshots or whatever ^^ So I was wondering if there are more convenient ways?
  2. Hey, That comment is ableist. Anyone should have the opportunity to do the things they want to do, no matter their disabilities. If something is not accessible it's not the fault nor the responsibility of the disabled person! It never is. I love gaming. I've always loved gaming. Yes, my condition, which was caused by a genetic defect, made it harder over time. I lost most of my vision relatively late in life and I had to learn to accept it and live with it, which took me years of hard work (severe depressions & lots of therapy included)! So don't you or anyone else dare to tell me that I should stop doing what I love because of a condition that I didn't chose to have. Comments like yours are hurtful. They are terribly hurtful, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that you start thinking about what you say and how it can affect others. Especially for those who are more sensitive (which is totally valid and there is nothing wrong with that). I'm sure you didn't mean any harm, but the thing is - your words did hurt me. I want you to know that. Thanks for taking the time to read this. You don't need to respond to this. Just think about it before you make a comment like this next time.
  3. Oh wow I missed a lot while not being active here! Love the work and effort you put into this and I would love to test the app. This is so amazing! Thank you so much!
  4. Seems like a cool idea! I'd love more attention on topics like this anyway. Thank you.
  5. Yeah, I already have that checkbox active, but it doesn't change anything for me - maybe it affects different system settings than I use, I don't know I prefer to only enlarge text and not the whole windoes interface cause everything gets messed up and even more complicated for me, when I do so. Well I'll play around with it and see what it does when I have the patience for that. Thank you anyway ^^
  6. That looks interesting. But as well as many devices it's not easy to get where I live. Not impossible, though, I'll just need very good reasons for why I need it. From my experience, it always ends up in a legal dispute *sigh* not sure if it's worth it So I fixed ZoomText and the game is incredibly laggy when running it - so I think I can't use it for that with my current setup. Sad, but that shows why you suggested physical magnifier setups. Thanks for your help again!
  7. You are extremely helpful here and your suggestions make total sense. I so much appreciate this! I do have ZoomText, unfortunately it stopped working at some point and I haven't figured out how to fix it by myself yet. The whole pandemic situation and social anxiety and such kept me from asking my professional contact person. I'm going to take care of that while asking for the physical magnification setups (it should be easier now that I have a specific motivation for that in mind). I've actually never heard of physical magnification setups for the PC and I've been to a few aid consultations for visually impaired and legally blind people before. It's sad how much you can miss out on when you don't specifically ask for something - happened to me quite often. The blindfold trick sounds great - I really want to do this at least a few minutes every day and see how much it helps with my auditory perception. I'm not sure how to find a mobility instructor, but it really sounds worth it. All of your advice comes from lots of experience and I really appreciate it as I am not used to getting all of that knowledge. I still hope that ArenaNet considers putting some effort into things because there are still many people who also wish for them, but it obviously can't be the only thing I rely on. I still have to figure out ReShade - it takes some time to do so. Thank you again for being so kind ❤️
  8. Yeah I'll look into figuring out ReShade - already installed it. Thank you for the tips! I use the cross-fade option from TACO to keep track of the mouse, which also helps a lot, but I'll test how YoLoMouse works for me as well.
  9. Exactly. It would benefit everyone! Thanks for your suggestions ❤️
  10. Yeah, I agree with you. I mean realistically, I know that it would take lots of effort to update such an old game to new accessibility standards. But I do also believe that talking about these things can bring change anyway. At least planting a seed in developers and gamers heads to just think about it, can affect reality - that's what I believe. DX11 might actually help with that as well - the thought would not have occurred to me - it makes sense though. I am really happy that so many people reacted to this post and said that they would love to see these changes as well. It shows that there is a want and a need for these things. Thanks so much for replying to this and sharing your opinion!
  11. I will. Thank you so much! It's really kind of you to share your advice with me ❤️ Would be cool if there were options to toggle sounds as well, because I'm highly sensitive and too many noises at once make me feel overwhelmed and it usually ends up in me not hearing anything anymore. That's not specific to games, but to any situations like walking through a full street or sitting in a train and so on. But yeah, I see the point in how helpful this can be overall. Yeah, I do use my magnifier in windowed mode to read things ingame. Just doesn't work with things you have to hover the mouse over - cause the magnifier follows the mouse, not the dropdown menu. But yeah it already is a big help anyway. Thank you so much again.
  12. Thank you so much for this in depth answer. I really appreciate it! I do not have experience with JAWS because I'm still used to screen magnifiers - but I've been thinking about starting to learn how to use screen readers some more. The advice with the mouse pad is excellent, I'll try to figure out how to do that. Thank you! I've noticed that the game works a lot with sounds - which is great and quite helpful. I'm just a highly visual learner by default and paying attention to sounds is something that I still need to train a lot. It takes even more of my brain capacity than just trying to see something - so you can imagine why I wish for more options that affect visual things, like bigger fonts and higher contrasts or better highlighting. And seemingly even people with good sight wish for that - so I won't stop expressing my wishes for that. More editorial options for the chat box at least would benefit many gamers, so I'll keep asking for it until I get a reply from ArenaNet. I'm aware that a game like GW2 can't be 100% accessible for blind gamers, but it can be more accessible than it is now. However, I still want to play this game and make the best out of it, so your tips are a huge help and I'll try them out and figure out how they work for me. Probably can't afford a surround headset in the near future, but it's an investment to keep in mind. I mean, it's good to know that other blind gamers play this game as well and learn about how they do it. It feels good to be told that getting lost on the map is fine and that it happens to others as well. Thank you so much again.
  13. Oh, thank you for the tip, I'll try to contact them!.
  14. Hey, unless I completely missed it, there are no accessibility options in GW2 at all. I would like to know why not? I think in 2021 we can expect games to become more inclusive. I myself am legally blind with minimal remaining vision and I love video games. Guild Wars 2 in particular is a great game in my opinion, but unfortunately I keep coming up against limitations that prevent me from enjoying it. I'm lucky enough to know able-bodied people who help me and carry me through the game, so I can enjoy it even with my disability - but honestly, I'd like to be able to play it on my own as well. And I know that many other people with various disabilities feel the same way. So I ask you ArenaNet, have you thought about including accessibility options in your game? And if not, how do you justify it? Voice acting for dialogue, for example, is great! That's something I'd like to see in a lot more games (or at least automatic voice over output) - it's what I really appreciate about GW2 and what makes the game special for me. The ability to set a larger font would already help people with limited vision immensely. But your current option for large font is still way, way, way too small and has nothing to do with accessibility. I have several ideas that would make the game more accessible, especially when it comes to visual things. I'd be very happy to share any of these ideas and you could consider what would be realistically achievable. What do you think? If there are other people here who would share ideas for other accessibility options, please feel free to add them in this thread. Make yourselves heard. One important thing: Accessibility is not about whether the game still looks good or gets too easy. It is only about making it playable for more people. Please stop excluding disabled people from gaming in general. For example, if the colour contrasts are so strong that it burns your eyes, it may be exactly what another person needs to enjoy the game. Players who don't need this option don't have to select it. As simple as that. An ideal model for accessibility in video games is Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part 2 - maybe you can take inspiration from that. I know it's a completely different kind of game and of course not everything can be implemented in the same way, in a game that has already been published, but it would be a good start to collect ideas. Just imagine being one of the most accessible MMORPGs and how that could benefit you. The community of disabled gamers is huge and more and more gamers care about these things. Just think about it. Thank you for taking your time to read this. I really hope that I’ll get an answer from you. Meanstin
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