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Shangri La.6237

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Posts posted by Shangri La.6237

  1. OK move along people, you generally get a slightly better standard of conversation at reddit on these sorts of subjects so i will go there. Thanks to all those though that came here to give genuine helpful comments rather than come to sneer.


    Many of you appear to think Discord is kitten great, despite it having all sorts of issues, as i said in my second response, i dont have an issue with third party comms in theory and used to use TS, that from that you could assume i hate communication apps is ridiculous. I just do not think its a good thing for a game to get completely reliant on one external app with kitten verification, and locking people out who cannot use it for whatever reason.


    Aand to everyone stating i am the only person with this issue, do you really think i would come here if i hadnt seen hundreds of comments online talking about this? It wont accept numbers after it has flagged you, thats the point, and i am still correct that linking a phone number to a company that has data leak issues, refuses VOIP and operates its customer services purely through bots is a bad idea. That last bit is for commenter that thinks linking phone numbers isnt the agressive data grab it is.

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  2. Thanks for the replies. I am fine with third party comms in theory, i used to use Teamspeak - the problem with Discord is once you are flagged you seem to get caught in a loop of bot replies and even giving a number at that point its not accepted, probably because you have a flagged account. More Discord groups also seem to be asking for phone numbers to join even if you previously did not have one on your account.


    Shouldnt email verification and various 'i am human' tests be enough? I am sure as suggested there will be wvw guilds etc that do not require it, i found a Dragons End group today organised in chat that went fine, but honestly Discords verification seems borked/overly complicated and the fact it wont accept VoIP is rubbish and finding groups that don't require Discord seems to be much harder than a while back.

    As others have said, it's the over reliance on it, its better to not have to go outside of the game to communicate, i wish GW2 had something in house for raids/complex world metas and wvw..

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  3. The increased reliance on Discord in Gw2 for sever comms, wvw, guilds, events etc sort of forced me into setting up a Discord now i am back playing regularly. Except i can't, why? because Discord 'claim' i flagged their security system and that i am using a proxy or VPN ( i am not) now they refuse verification even though i am clearly human as i am chatting with their customer service! They want a phone number, which honestly for some third party chat company is way to much data to pass on, also many like me have a phone number linked to a job and cannot give it out, or use VOIP etc ( which Discord said i cannot use)


    So now i cannot use my Server group, join Dragons End groups or other events, do WvW effectively, or with one Guild pick up updates as they have moved everything to Discord while i have been away. I thought maybe this was a one off, but the internet if full of people saying they have had this problem and worse, where  Discord won't even recognise their number when they give it. Obviously if anyon knows how to get around this please let me know , but in the meantime, can we try and consider alternatives to Discord?

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  4. This reminds me of the time my 'friend' gave me a birthday gift  given to her by a family member that she had disliked and moaned about at the time. Just so she looked like she was making an effort.


    I was not impressed then either..

  5. Hello just hoping there is a friendly soul out there that can help me out. I have ben working away with no internet connection all month, a friend let me know about the Aurene outfit being available after me wanting it for ages. As soon as i got back i went to Amazon to sign up thinking this was an offer for the whole of september, but it is not! I know it's unlikely at this point but if anyone has a code they could send me i would be very grateful. As i am only able to check the forum on and off as still at work if you can help out please contact me ingame; Shangri La.6237


    If i can help out in return with anything i will! Thank you

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