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xikira.3264's Achievements

  1. I am currently stuck in the mad lab and my entire squad cant do anything all our stuff just lags all we can do is chat. Im scared to log now XD
  2. Depending on your server and who you are linked with chances are you may be playing on the down time and not prime time. One thing that may help you is to find a wvw guild weather it is a zerge busting guild or a small roaming guild. By joining one of these they can help you learn more about wvw and you will also have a group to run with. Most wvw guilds will have rally days and times set up for everyone to play together. If you don't want to join a wvw guild that is ok just ask in team chat if anyone is currently running a group and can you join them. Chances are people are running tagless I hope this helps make you have a better wvw experience.
  3. It use to show just world vs world it was only recently I noticed where it shows the borderland. I'm not sure when this change was done but I wish it would revert back to the default world vs world.
  4. I enjoy the desert bl. It was a absolute nightmare when it first came out due to the barricades and poorly places waypoints. But once they fixed it it became great. I am not fond of the alpine maps they are way to small and the ai for the lords is outdated compared to the desert lords.
  5. One idea for anet if yall are determined to do loot boxes let us select a mount type for example we choose raptor and then it will give you a random raptor mount skin and so on.
  6. I noticed he was usually called fred alot in the recent years but a friend of mine has always called him steve no matter what Even when he saw him for the very frist time. He was very excited this year when he noticed others were referring to him as steve. I am not sure who truly started the trend but my friend is happy that steve is popular due to what ever started it so as long as he is happy I am happy lol. I really do miss people referring to him as fred though Q.Q
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