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Everything posted by Avatara.1042

  1. Wtf...guess I will be back in 6 months, then. Cheers.
  2. Was about to pick up the expansion, but then I saw no one here is using a pistol. Is the pistol not out yet? Why can I not find it anywhere on the wiki, etc?
  3. Where can I see the new weapon skills?
  4. And we all know Elementalist attacks with be like: Flame melee - 0 range, 100 damage, after 17 hits do 1 burn for 0.5 seconds While Guardians will get: Everything Shot - 1200 range, piercing, instant, hits 5 targets doing 3 bleed and 2 burn; gives Aegis to 5 allies in 1200 range - If you only hit a single target, generates 10 stacks of 5 second burn instead.
  5. Pistol whipping is when you smack someone with the butt/handle/other hard part of the gun.
  6. What an absolutely useless post. kitten balance because we can destroy content with anything!!11
  7. Both have been relegated to 2nd class at various stages of the game, with ele being poor in raids/strikes right now.
  8. I play a Weaver. Rapidly switching through 6 attunements for your CC, is not the same as hitting one utility button or just weapon swapping.
  9. You cannot just magic it away by saying 'not an issue' while explaining absolutely nothing. The fact is, there is a massive difference between professions when it comes to breakbar damage, especially when it comes to utilities. And no, I doubt the devs have EVER taken breakbar damage into consideration for profession balance.
  10. Nicely said. It has always bugged me as an elementalist main how bad my breakbar damage is, especially when it comes to utility skills.
  11. Quickness causes alacrity pulse loss?
  12. It will be the Gauntlet. 0 range, all melee skills which require you to be inside your target.
  13. Warriors and Elementalists need to be modernised.
  14. There is a reason you are getting the confuse face. Cycling through multiple different attunements and dual-skills for 6 seconds (while being prepared in advance thanks to weaver's mechanics of secondary attunement), is COMPLETELY different to pushing your 4/5 key and using a utility or elite.
  15. Wtf are you talking about? Catalyst can actually do something other than roam badly in WvW?
  16. Weaver is fun to play, and not too hard. Catalyst and its 400 timers and trackers is the problem. Also, Elementalist is the least played profession in raids, strikes and fractals.
  17. A massive chain through multiple attunements for sword (the weakest weapon currently) with focus, compared to being able to slot a utility slot and/or use one ability like other professions do? Wow, go elementalists!
  18. Elementalists in general get completely screwed when it comes to CCing breakbars.
  19. Elementalist is also the worst profession for lowering break-bars, with zero utilities doing this. PLEASE ADD SOME!
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