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Everything posted by Sunsetter.5637

  1. Isnt the mechanic that the player who sees the icon on the map kills it? Or do more than one player get them?
  2. I havent finished second expansion yet, but core game and first exp stories are easy with guardian, and I say that as one of the most useless GW2 players. Let me know if you want me to share my total noob build 😋
  3. Sometimes when I kill the mob on the island, the boss still kills us with the blast. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?🤔
  4. Just spent about 2h on the last boss only for the game to crash to three of us when he was at 5% hp, and the other two died soon after. I... Just... 🤬🤬🤬 Think I'm gonna get PTSD from that.
  5. THANK YOU! No idea what the logic behind this is, but you saved me the headache.
  6. I meant I'm not chasing achieves or something, just want the scarf Dont know how its being sold if its bound on acquire though 😐
  7. Dont know why I got hung up on the Golden one (maybe cause the shop made me think only that 's for my class, but then I saw the wiki), but yeah, regular would be great, too if I managed to get it, which I probably wont 😁 I did try using the keyboard and doesnt really work any better, the drifting or turning or whatever C does wrecks me every single time. Still, now I have at least some chance. Thanks people, especially @Urud.4925
  8. @MikeG.6389 Hm, not the ghostly one, the regular one (from regular beetle races) and I'm not sure what you mean by achievement (dont care about those), I mean the item being sold in the shop, which - from what I understand - you only get after winning all the races with gold medal. @Tiamat.8254 I'm talking about the regular beetle races, not the Halloween ones. And I dont think practice will do it for me cause the beetle controls are beyond infuriating and even if I managed to overcome that, I still get pretty big frame drops during racing (even on lowest setting). So that's why I'm asking....
  9. Yeah, a a bunch of people have that issue: So far no response from the devs
  10. @Tiamat.8254 Sorry to hear that 😞 Maybe turning it on now will help? 😛 EDIT: Nevermind, still crashes, just took longer. Hope devs fix this
  11. Same, multiple maps. The update broke the game for me EDIT: POSSIBLE FIX Disabling DX11 seems to have stopped it (no crash for 10min whereas before I couldnt last 2). Thanks to Luminoxic.5812 for suggestion
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