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Atrossity.3716's Achievements

  1. EDIT: It appears that mace auto attack 3 does not grant barrier if no mech is summoned, no matter the trait choice. Mechanist trait "Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits" states When you or your mech apply barrier, also grant alacrity to the affected target. With no mech summoned and this trait selected, mace auto attack does not grant barrier, and therefore no alacrity. Side notes: Tested on Special Forces Area Golem with no-one else in party. Cannot confirm if it gives to other players, but it does not give to self. Barrier signet correctly grants barrier and alacrity with no mech summoned.
  2. I'll add my thoughts into the growing pile I've read that sound the same. The removal of toolbelt skills completely is really jarring, un-intuitive, and un-fun. Losing the toolbelt doesn't feel right. Other people have mentioned the lack of self healing with med kit (which is a crazy over sight), but it now feels like the original utility skills aren't worth it. No doubt there will be million suggestions for what people want to see. My takes: It seems like the mech control was half and half. Half pet, half toolbelt. Where it should've been one or the other. 1) I feel like the toolbelt should remain as is, the signet toolbelts skills being made into the mech controls (current 1-3). Heal signet would need a new skill made up, with the F5 as the summon/dismiss button. Pet control in this case would need to just function like Necro minions. Or, 2) Commit to the pet part. Remove the summon button, if you are a Mechanist, you have a Mech. If it 'dies' its folds into a ball, follows you around and still gives the passives from traits until you are out of combat, or it gets heals. Give it the "attack my target" buttons and everything. You could even throw in the pet window like Rangers get for colours of the mech or something. Or, 3) It feels incredibly bad to play the Mechanist without the mech. Mech Core: J-Drive has a passive effect that still lets you know the mech is part of spec. If there were more traits like the J-Drive where maybe it ported back in and punched something, or randomly picked one the selected traits or Mech Command skills to activate in a visual way (on a CD). It wouldn't feel completely wasted. Think like Soulbeast, even if your pet is non-functioning you can still merge with it and use the core aspect of your spec. I believe at the very least, the toolbelt should come back while the mech is desummoned. Even if the signets are just repeat buttons that activate the signet active. In my opinion the toolbelt is the mechanic that makes an Engineer, an Engineer. This is what would feel intuitive and more importantly, fun.
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