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Everything posted by Victrola.4560

  1. On September 27, 2017, I made a post here in regards to the legendary shield “The Flameseeker Prophecies” not animating correctly.The weapon is supposed to animate and turn a page on the book that is mounted on the shield each time you attack.It has been months now and this issue has still not been resolved!I made a Reddit post recently that is getting some traction as people are experiencing the issue:https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7uhjsa/the_flameseeker_prophecies_still_not_working_as/?st=JD4QFX53&sh=cbe6c142 If you look back to my post dated for September 27, 2017, I posted two links to videos showing that the shield is not in fact animating as intended. It only animates once I draw the weapon, and no more after that.It’s supposed to do so upon each attack. Please Guild Wars 2 staff!If you could have someone look into this, it would be greatly appreciated.I’ve been very patient, it’s been over 5 months now and still nothing has been said nor done about the problem.I, as well as my fellow gamers, have put so much time and effort into Legendary crafting.It’s unfortunate that the weapon is not working as intended. It used to animate so beautifully and now feels lackluster.Please, any response would be greatly appreciated! Thank you kindly.
  2. Item: The Flameseeker PropheciesRace: HumanGender: FemaleClass: Mesmer & Guardian Description:For as long as I can remember (& according to the Guild Wars 2 wiki), The Flameseeker Prophecies is supposed to animate with the flip of a page on the book that is mounted on the shield every time you attack/cast a spell. Recently I noticed that regardless of the main-hand weapon I'm using, my legendary shield will not perform the animation except for when I draw the weapon. I posted two videos below from YouTube showing my Female Human Mesmer and my Female Human Guardian who both display the problem. Could this be a glitch/bug in regards to Female Human characters and the legendary shield?Or am I going crazy? Because last I recall the shield used to light up and turn a page upon all my attacks regardless of my class or main-hand weapon. Thanks in advance for any assistance/help on this issue!
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