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Everything posted by Zaviamoon.4569

  1. If you reach limit most the grass can be removed as well as the wood wall around house. I removed a lot of the wall making what I left out a lot bigger so now instead of having a wimpy fence I have a tall, fortified wall that uses a lot less of the fence.
  2. The cub is bugged but he is where the green star is behind the building. Once you get to that spot relog and he should be there. That is how I got him.
  3. Just wanted to let everyone know NIVIDA has a new update for drivers this morning so you might want to get that installed before trying to play GW2 after new release today or it may not run right.
  4. I do not know if this will help anyone, but NVIDIA had update this morning.
  5. In wardrobe not as outfit... A pair of shorts and tennis shoes for summer and multiple coat skins for winter.
  6. Just a heads up. You said you have been creating and deleting characters and well you should never delete the oldest character on an account because of birthdays of characters and the stuff that you get for the birthdays. So, if it is not to late keep at least one toon you have from when you started playing game.
  7. I have put food down there and hero banners many times it is tricky at times you have to be away from the water if you are to close you will get the message Too many spawns of this type nearby even though there are not any nearby. As far as banners not showing yet disappearing from bag that one, I have no clue.
  8. You get more than you have listed you get character slot plus level 80 boost plus an extra shared inventory slot plus the identity repair kit plus the tools plus the 4000 gems and title and the table.
  9. Try the color "Permafrost" dye or the color darkness I know it looks black, but I have all the starborn mounts and darkness dye has the best sparkle on them and looks white otherwise sit there and try all dyes because some look totally different on mounts than you would think.
  10. Heck I am 61 and it would be cool if there was a guild for us older peeps. If anyone ever starts a guild for older folks, I will join lol.
  11. I have a 3070ti and when I did not limit my frame rates, I would get between 300 to 500 + frame rates and pc ran fine never over heated, but it did get hot anywhere between 70 to 80 degrees. I now limit my frame rates to 60 because I paid over 2 k for my pc and want it to last awhile and letting them get hot is not good for getting a long life out of a pc now it stays between 45 and 50 degrees, and I really do not notice a difference with the way game looks or runs. It would be nice if they had a 100 limit, but they don't so 60 works for me, and my pc is happier so hopefully will be with me many years. One thing that can really cause a pc to get hot is dust I open up my pc every 3 months and clean it good so if you have not cleaned it out recently you should. compress air in a can really get the dust-off things without hurting anything just make sure can is always upright so it does not cause ice to form inside that is not good lol and Q-Tips with a little rubbing alcohol work good for cleaning the fan blades.
  12. One other thing that has helped me a lot is using revo uninstaller the free version to completely delete game and all left over stuff which is important because otherwise whatever is causing you issues could still be on pc somewhere. Regular uninstallers leave a lot of stuff leftover on pc.
  13. Don't know for sure it will help you, but it has helped me at times is clearing cookies and cache and restart pc then try again but do not log into game until game is updated 100% if you get to that point if that does not work then sadly idk.
  14. NIVIDA put out an update same day as windows did so might want to make sure your graphics card is updated.
  15. From my experience with both 10 old accts and new accts the older accts get the Gems real fast while the new accts all had to wait the 72 hours.
  16. I had this issue a couple years ago and it turned out to be a power supply issue, replaced power supply and issue went away.
  17. The skyscale does take time to get heck the first one I cussed a lot and each time I thought I was finally done nope was more to do to get it and once I finally had the skyscale I said I will never do that again but the mount is just so cool to ride and it helps getting around game so much that I did it 2 more times did not cuss much the last two since I new what I had to do and new it would take some time. Heck I even cried a couple times doing it the first time cause I got pretty stressed until I found Ayin Maidens guides which helped sooo much.
  18. I have 3 accts and each acct has the Skyscale. Once you hit 80 and unlock path of fire expansion you just need to look on youtube for skyscale guide. Ayin Maiden has the best guide she covers every step of getting the skyscale you literally just watch and do as she does.. The first acct took about 2 weeks the other 2 accts only took a week each. Main thing is to have the gold you will need so save up gold and watch her videos and you too will be flying the skies of GW2.
  19. Have you finished path of fire? it has to be completed to unlock skyscale if I remember right
  20. If these issues persist once DX9 is removed, I will leave the game I was online for hours last night looking at games being released soon. I have played GW2 since not long after it was released, I like this game I do not want to leave but last night I was fishing and got my fish count to 83 trying to get the last fish I needed on the map I was on, and then it happened I crashed it was a hard crash had to reboot pc in order for game to work again. You cannot play a game and enjoy it when storylines, fractals and dungeons put you in instances or doing such things as fishing where you can lose progress and have to start over if you have to worry about crashing and losing all progress all the time.
  21. I am having same issue with DX11, and I am on windows 11 I went back to DX9, and the crashing stopped.
  22. Maybe make a new gw2 acct that is not threw steam and redeem code on new acct then gift what you are wanting to the steam acct with new acct.
  23. I have never liked the follow-on friend list. I have few friends I really do not like people lol, but I have a long list of people following me these are people I have never talked to or did anything in game with. It's just creepy and pretty much the same as stalking someone you do not know.
  24. Oh no there is a fly on my phone screen... oh never mind it's just my skyscale in GW2 lol. I cannot even imagine playing this game on a tiny phone screen.
  25. If it is a new PC, you might want to check and make sure windows update settings are on check for updates but let me choose when to install them because updates installing while playing a game can cause issues and make sure that settings are not set to shut down computer after installation of updates. Also make sure graphics card is up to date. and just a note both Nivida and windows 11 had major updates this week. And also, might want to have power supply checked if nothing else works. I bought a $2000.00 computer last year and the first night I used it was during the mad king Simmon says Halloween event I would play a few minutes and it would shut down since I just bought it new, I contacted best buy the place I bought it from, and they sent a replacement and took the bad one back and that is what was wrong with it. It had a faulty power supply. The replacement is what I am on now and works like a champ no issues at all.
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