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  1. Let's wait for the next expansion now. Probably the shortbow will serve the same function. Since it's something new, it shouldn't be worse than the rifle. Thanks for the reply! I'm going to play pistol and condition now.
  2. I figured it could be a nerf due to the mechanist. But weakening the weapon this much prevents any build from working. Surprisingly, the pistol with a direct damage build does the same damage! I can't believe they tested this nerf on the rifle. That's why I don't see rifle eng anymore.
  3. I'm coming back to play after a long period without logging in. I put the rifle and try to make a new build trying to have fun. And I see my damage too low and I get confused! When I see my Rifle skill 1 doing 1/4 of the hammer damage my low damage starts to make sense. With the marauder amulet the rifle is dealing 147 and 195. As for the hammer 456, 566 and 793 with a 4 Might bonus! I won't even go into details of the other skills that in my opinion the sledgehammer are much better. Shield, AoE CC. There are so many shields and blocks that I find it difficult to use the rifle, but when doing some pvp I just don't deal damage compared to the hammer. Am I doing something wrong? What happened?😬
  4. I can see that a group of 5 players in premade does have a small advantage over a group of 5 random players. The proposal is to look for other teams with 5 players in premade, or at least one with 3 players and a duo. As I said earlier, this decision to have ranked with only two players reduces the number of players. I'll look for another game to do PVP because as I said I can't get gear and achievements playing with friends. I think it's a bad idea to limit only one pair to play PVP, as they said here in the post they won't play and will probably look for another game that can pvp with friends. I can't understand why you prefer to have fewer players and have less competition for a small chance of getting a more balanced team. Would you rather catch more bots and have less players of the same level than accept a math making that accepts groups? I really can't understand. And I speak again. Several MMO, MOBA and others games have PVP with premade group vs random. WHEN a team is not found the random is activated.
  5. So small players playing PVP is the solution? It's not a magic solution. But like other games do and are successful. It shouldn't be this horrible thing you say. The number of players in pvp is already low. And with decisions like that, fewer players will play. I prefer to play against a team of 5 to 3 players than a team full of bots. I take a lot of matches with the score 500 - 136 or you get annihilated or you annihilated the opponent. And that won't change any time soon. But at least we could be able to play with friends and have fun online in an online game while getting high rank, some gear and earning stuff. We can't in PVP. Isn't that why you guys play MMO? At least that's my motive.
  6. Playing with friends and playing pvp matches like the big MMOs on the market seems to me to be a valid argument. Not just MMO, mobas, fps the list is big. In these games you can enter a group of 3, 2, 4 and play against teams of 5, 2 or 3. Giving preference against teams with the same group. I don't know why it would be a really weak argument here. PVE is viewed competitively as well. Within PVE there is the META and when doing PVE players ask you to change the spec or choose another class occasionally. Those who do PVE know that players are as critical as PVP. But here you can do it with friends. That phrase that PVE are not competitive is not true. Just put on google gw2 pve you will see meta classes and builds to be used. There are streamers that make only PVE. I don't know where you got it that it's not competitive? Didn't understand your second question. I personally wouldn't see a problem. Whether a person plays for equipment or rank everyone wants to win. Everyone can be good at the game. Which reason he plays the game for me doesn't matter. Everyone chooses their goal. That's why GW2 is so good, but it fails with it in PVP unfortunately.
  7. We do dungeons, fractals and PVP to get ascendant gear. And as you said yourself the only way to get ascending equipment is through ranked. All other modes you can play with your friends and get ascendand and unlock legendary. And the pvp as I said earlier is the only one that doesn't. When reading the previous comment it is obvious that I am talking about ranked. Can we focus on the subject and not change the focus of the problem? Thanks...
  8. I agree with you. But it's sad that many people would rather see the game sink than improve. Several comments that do not add anything to the speech. I made a topic similar to yours and wondered why I can't play pvp with my friends. I can get gear from fractals, dungeons, WvW raids and open world. But pvp I can't, because of the developers' decision a part of the game is blocked for us. Because of that my friends and I stopped playing Gw2, we play it a few times a month. We are fans of PvPs and despite everything the GW2 pvp is very good to play. But unfortunately you cannot play with friends. You have friends? Then find another game, the PVP is blocked for those who have friends and want to get gear. GW2 is mmo that encourages playing pvp alone? All MMO games currently allow you to enter PVP in groups, except GW2. Despite the guesswork of many people, so far no one has given us a good reason for not having pvp in a group of 3 or 4?
  9. Why wouldn't it be fun? People playing in a group doesn't make them any better. Do you think it's better to split the few pvp players even further? That's what I'm trying to avoid. And that's why I recommend premade with 3 players and maybe 4. Giving preference to opposing teams with the same amount of premade. Mobas have been doing this for years. Why would GW2 be a disaster?
  10. Why would prevent players for pvp? What would cause it? And I never mentioned 5 players. They could put at least 3.
  11. But do you realize that this prevents players from pvp? I do pvp because I like it and I also like the reward of money and items to complete the ascendant gear even if I get a small amount. But it's the only game mode that prevents you from playing with friends. I can do fractals and raid with some friends which is easier to do. But ranked pvp is the only way to get pvp gear and you are limited to playing only with a friend or playing alone.
  12. It's been some time since some friends of mine returned to playing Gw2. Despite the necros and firebrand insane fire damage we managed to have fun doing pvp. Guild wars pvp is fast with a wide variety of builds and options. I know it's not 100% balanced but what MMO and MOBA is it? But I won't go into detail on that subject my point is. Why only a group of two can make ranked arena. Knowing that it's the only way to get ascendant equipment in pvp. Just two isn't too little? I am aware of the imbalance that it can generate. But honestly a group of three people is not going to make it impossible to win a game. If the other team with a group of 2 or without a group knows how to look at the map and choose the right targets. They will manage to win. Talking to other pvp players on discord, I see a big concern with these specs that do 120% what other classes do and not with taking a team with 3 or 4 pre-made players. Look, who here would have a problem getting a pre-made group team with 3 players knowing it's a warrior, hunter and mesmer. A group with 3 players can make the game a little more difficult or maybe not. It will depend on their skill (or spec). The pvp already has few players I wonder if these rules do not create more barriers to complicate a part of the game that is already not so popular. I have groups of 3 or 4 friends and unfortunately we can't play ranked pvp so we can't get gear and coins. Moral of the story we stopped doing the pvp. I only do pvp when I'm alone now. I think Gw2 is the best MMO right now and the new elite spc are pretty interesting and balanced for the most part. But these complications in relation to PVP I really can't understand.
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