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Posts posted by Silverleaf.4978

  1. On 12/22/2021 at 3:45 PM, The Boz.2038 said:

    Anyone else started WvW "recently", on a fresh account? 
    I've had GW2 since early access, but took a long break after S1, and got back last September. Decided to try WvW again this summer. 
    And let me tell you, it was painful. You start off with no masteries, no warclaw, and the average player will have no experience or knowledge of the meta, the builds, the strategies.
    Sure, you also start off in PvE with no masteries or mounts, but at least that environment is very relaxed, and not made urgent by the "escaping opportunities" for experience, progress, and loot.
    First it takes about a dozen hours to get a few QoL things that just barely makes the experience "not pain": gliding, auto-loot, warclaw, etc. A few dozen more hours so that you're not a detriment to your team with the various supply, ballista, etc. abilities (because you firing the catapult with no upgrades is a straight penalty to your team, if the herald next to you could do it with extra damage, conditions, radius, defenses, etc.).

    The initial ten hours of a new WvWer's experience are really discouraging. You are getting crap reward track progress, crap experience, crap loot, every death steals *minutes* of your life in just walking around back to an "opportunistic" area, and every now and then something just random happens that you don't even understand. And I pity the even more new guy that doesn't know you're supposed to do this with a WXP guild boost, enrichment, booster, etc. But the initial ten hours of playing a format are *key*, they are the most crucial "will I stick around" period. Is this fun? Is this rewarding? Is this something I like? Does this entire game mode's recruitment strategy begin and end with "you need to do WvW to get a your Gift"?

    I can't be alone in feeling like this.

    You are DEFINITLY NOT alone in this BUT ... persevering is rewarding & realizing players are on different goals in WvW is key.

    There are amazing players that sacrifice personal goals for server goals so ... stick around against all odds.

    Anet is on the brink of changing WvW as is. They just might surprise us with all the changes coming in 2022.

    • Confused 1
  2. Amazing fail: My bf (same house, same IP, representing same guild) and I are teamed up when we enter the Beta and are split across different servers.

    He on "Grenths Door"

    Me on "Titan Staircase"

    Still in the same party.


    My server has a language problem in French, Spanish, English & one language I do not recognize.

    Team work is going awesome.

    ./Start Sarcasm *thumbs up* ./End Sarcasm

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