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Everything posted by yimin.5238

  1. Email ANET....they have ways of seeing what happened and restoring purchases. They have done it in the past for me.
  2. No, you aren't missing anything Val. The sad truth is that the home instance, while certainly nice because it is easy gathering, never really pays itself off. I have a full instance and while over the years it has done well there are certain nodes that are just completely not worth it and some that will never pay itself off For instance, the Prismatium node is COMPLETELY worthless. There are others too. So no, you are not alone. But, you can increase some of the nodes output with boosters and Guild Hall gathering boosts as well. But certainly nothing major.
  3. Lotus I had to remove the entire ARC folder, as well as the DX11 updated arc file EDIT. the file was D3D11.DLL
  4. Well...I removed ARC and it fixed mine too...What a pain.
  5. Ok good to know...I am not about to eliminate my add ons just to see if that is the problem now that someone did and it didnt fix the issue. Besides, all I have is ARC and TACO
  6. It will load the character selection screen. Upon trying to enter the game, it stops and immediately crashes. Anyone else having this issue?
  7. This is still an issue, and it is freaking September 13th. With the crap design and unfinished feel that Isle of Reflection has, and now this BS in Guild Halls, you gotta wonder if ANET gives a crap about Guilds and Guild Halls at all. I mean come on already...fix this crap already. Also, these things are NOT CHEAP to build, costing an average of 6-8 gold if you don't have the stuff sitting in your inventory. Even if you do, its still 6-8 gold each checkpoint for material expenditure. That adds up mightily when you are talking about making 10-15 of these things to make your hall race track look interesting.
  8. Yes, you can get to the sky in Gilded Hollow, but it is way up there and takes a bit to get there with a Skyscale. But, you cannot see it from the ground at all, unlike the other three halls, so I get your meaning about it being dark and gloomy. And yes, Windswept has the best night sky of all the halls. It is absolutely beautiful in there.
  9. @MintyMin.2718Thanks for the kind words. IoR was a disaster in my opinion because it was designed to be a "decorator's guild hall" according to ANET and it wound up being the least practical place to build and lay down decorations. I have been in all four guild halls since they launched, and quite frankly IoR is far inferior to pretty much all the rest. If I had to rank them it would be Lost Precipice, Windswept Haven (Love the PoF and LWS4 expansions), Gilded Hollow and finally way in last place IoR. It is just very unfinished in there with lots of invisible walls, floating static decorations that aren't touching the ground and basically no real room to build. They basically just carbon copied what Seitung Province looks like and made it into a hall with pre-built static decorations all over the place. Hence, we moved back to Lost Precipice after the disappointment with IoR. I love the "buildings" that it provides, the basically empty palate to do whatever you want with the decorations and the cavernous size. Thanks for checking out my video...appreciate the feedback!
  10. I wanted to share my latest redesign of the hall. We moved back to Lost Precipice after the disaster that was Isle of Reflection. So, that meant dismantling the old stuff and redoing it all over again in Lost Precipice. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching (or not)....hahaha.
  11. I think I posted this in the wrong sub thread too...apologies
  12. Many people have been upset by Isle of Reflection, its weird design flaws (invisible walls in uncovered areas, etc) and certainly it was a little bit of a letdown for me as well. I have commented on it in other areas. That being said, I wanted to share what I was able to accomplish in this hall from a decoration standpoint. With a ton of time, energy and many many many clouds to get way to the top of the hall, I was able to make compelling areas for all our decorations. I wanted to share the final product. Feel free to rip it apart and tell me how stupid it looks, or maybe you will enjoy what I was able to do. Either way, here it is for your viewing pleasure should you wish to watch.
  13. Definitely attainable with 4-5, as I also only have a personal fully upgraded hall with a couple of friends I met here in GW2 and we did it easily with that number. Someone mentioned tossing something in LFG, and I concur...I would have no problem helping a small guild capture a hall as I know the pains of growing one from the ground up like that. Hang in there, you will get it captured soon.
  14. I have well over 1500 decorations (not counting the thousands of clouds I still have from SAB) and this hall is a major let down for decorators. Lost Precipice, my old hall, had many more interesting and unique places with which to build. Gilded Hollow is enormous and you can get lost in there with unique places to build as well. Isle of Reflection was marketed for decorating and it was ill advised for ANET to do so. There are invis walls well within the uncovered zones (and yes I know how to break them and utilize that space) and in certain areas the hall is unfinished with boxes floating in mid air and trees that dont go into the ground. But the terrain is not suited for building...not in the slightest, as it contains a massive amount of pre-set trees, plants and obstructions that don't allow for creativity without it looking completely out of place. I have utilized the sky to build a SAB zone and a winter themed zone high up in the sky but to say this hall is just as large as the others is not true. Perhaps at ground level this is the case. But with Lost Precipice and Gilded Hollow you get a ton of layers up there, places of vast expanse that are relatively flat that can be utilized by us maniacs that like to build. And the ceiling height in this place is less than Lost Precipice and far less than Gilded. Anyway, I am stating the same things over and over, including in my own thread about Isle of Reflection feeling unfinished. Just a real miss on ANET's part. The hall is beautiful, for sure, but it literally looks exactly like Seitung Province and is way too fully fleshed out already to make for any true fun building experience. I miss the "homes" of Lost Precipice and really wish I had never left that hall.
  15. I moved to Isle of Reflection with a fully upgraded hall already, so I have no idea what the "further exploration" unlocks here. That being said, I agree with you...I am unsure what it would unlock. The more I spend time in this hall the more I am really left underwhelmed. I mentioned my old hall in Lost Precipice as having been much more suited to those of us who spend a ton of gold on Decorations and decorating. Having just been through Gilded Hollow again in a side guild I am in, that one is even MORE expansive and better for decorators. I am not moving again, having laid down all my decos in Isle of Reflection and building out all my themed areas. But for sure, this hall is a major let down and not at all what they marketed it to be (which was designed for decorators). Good luck expanding. Those invisible walls I spoke of are still there, completely making no sense and driving me absolutely nuts.
  16. In addition to weird invisible walls, like the ones that appear in the middle of an island or way inside the "map barrier" right above the mine, Isle of Reflection while beautiful is somewhat of a let down for someone like me who has well over 1500 total decorations I want to place. In fact, there are areas where trees aren't all the way to the ground, there are floating boxes in view mid air to the west of the Arena WP against that invisible wall and again generally the invisible wall situation makes no sense. I am hitting walls where there continues to be uncovered "explorable" areas beyond them. This hall was touted as being designed specifically for those of us nut jobs that build wondrous gold sink spaces inside of them, yet I am disappointed to say that my old hall in Lost Precipice had a VAST amount of truly build ready locations...this one is not even close. In fact, it is so beautiful and already stocked with trees, plants, etc etc that a huge portion of any plant based decos often look completely out of place. I hope this is a mistake, and specifically the areas with invisible walls get taken down. If it is inside the "discovered" and clear areas of the hall map, it 100% should be accessible. Anyone have any ideas or heard any others talking about this? My hall is fully upgraded so I know it isn't due to that. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. This is absolutely amazing. I built the deck two days ago, and since my Christmas themed stuff is way high up in my hall its fine...but it is so large I have no idea what to actually do with it to spice it up. Based on your vid I am absolutely building the Toymaker Machine today. Thanks for sharing
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