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  1. This game legit doesnt have any counters to boons. There is like 1 ability and its SPB elit that is unusable in a real pvp match, every build in this game uptimes several boons with at 100%. If you make a skill that "counter" boons, it would counter everyone. At this point having so much kitten on your bar is part of the game.
  2. or you can use 1 ability that blocks/evades for 2s and take 4k dmg, after it ends your blind and confusion is gone and you run them the kitten down
  3. It reminds me of holo that I condi-bombed with over 26 stacks of confusion, guy ran at me with quickness and almost killed me by spamming 5k dmg auto-attacks. I had to blink away to survive. He kept spamming air, died and then PMed me with slurs saying mesmer is OP. This is average pvp enjoyer this days.
  4. have you considerend not giving yourself quickness and spamming 10 skills when under effect of 20 stacks of confusion ?
  5. if this was a war card game where each player drops 1 card and the one with higher value wins then yes, mesmers distortion is the " best " effect, its invuln that lets you move, attack, revive, finish do anything you wont. But its not, its not 1 skill against 1 skill, its entire class kit vs another class, and mesmer as always is found wanting.
  6. @StabbersTheThird.6053 thief no longer single-handedly wins entire match 1v5. It never took any preparation of awarness to land backstab, good thief can land several back to back. As with all broken specs, thief used to be so utterly busted that its players never actually had to use it anywhere close to its full potential, even after all these nerfs thief is still meta as always, and as always it will be meta.
  7. most did, funny thing is that some of the soy boys still wintrade for their ranks spots. PepeLaugh
  8. they will never make mesmer good in pvp, its against their policy
  9. you can balance a game every few months, they are actively making it worse with every single patch, I actually dont remember more then 5 good changes in the last 3 years, and could probably recite 50 kitten ones off the top of my head. Legit the only good thing they did since I started playing this game was removing retaliation and nerfing resistance, other then this every single implemented change was either net even or dog kitten.
  10. when fought thief before eod I always thought to myself. What this class REALLY needs is more teleports, cc and another health bar. Luckily, my prayers to high havens have been listened to and we got it.
  11. tldr. my broken as build didnt get touched or got buffed so I am happy. and since I am not personally affected all of your complains are null and void, who the kitten playes ranger or warrior anyways. just play guard or necro and stop complaining
  12. The problem with this games balance is not the fact that devs are incompetent, because if you are bad at something and do random kitten by sheer chance you will eventually succeed. Problem is that the devs are actively malicious and try to ruin the balance on principle which is just straight up weird. The changes are not " baffling " or " weird " or " you dont see the bigger picture " The changes are straight up objectively dog kitten. Its all there is to it.
  13. depends how you look at it, yes mirage is stronger then core/chrono. but both core and chrono are unusable dog kitten so comparing anything to them can make it look good.
  14. he is a guy that thought bunker elementalist was a peak of this games pvp
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