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Everything posted by jokke.6239

  1. If you want to permanently unlock raptor for now and don't care too much about some spoilers (new expansion are mostly individual stories, but there's some spoilers I guess), then buying the newest expansion (Janthir Wilds) now kind of makes sense. And then wait on the collection to go on sale. Janthir probably won't go on sale for another year or so, but the collection will probably go on sale pretty soon (and I'm pretty sure Janthir is not included in the collection)
  2. If you don't enjoy the building (I do) I can see how you would feel that way. So yes, I do think it would be cool if homesteads had more purpose besides the building and gathering aspects. Even if that doesn't happen though, I still think it's a nice feature already
  3. The building in itself is fun and a worthwhile update. However, I feel like there could be more to the homesteads In Path of Exile I did use the housing feature quite a bit (hideouts). In Path of Exile there was more meaning to your homestead. It was your base for starting maps and trading. So you (and other people) would naturally come visit your homstead all the time Guild Wars 2 has the gathering, and that's cool ... But most probably won't get into getting all the gathering nodes. I feel like there could be more to the homesteads, but I can't even really think of what that could be Some activity that would 1. Give more reason to visit my homestead other than building and gathering 2. Maybe something (besides gathering) that would involve other people visiting eachothers homesteads (and yes you can ofc invite your friends in to share your creations, but I was thinking more of an activity that made these interactions happen naturally) Anyone has any ideas? If so feel free to share! Or maybe you don't care about any of this? I could understand, because yes, it's already a worthwhile addition to the game. Just building in itself is really fun! But I feel like they could be even more
  4. Good advice on putting chairs inside objects that you want to sit on, hadn't even thought of that
  5. Can't imagine it would be that difficult to modify the staff a bit, but who knows. I'm ofc no developer and don't know if it's a bigger undertaking than what I imagine But the effects are already done, since it's the same for all the aurene + variants. So I guess it's really just the shape of the object that needs to be different. And shaping the effects (fire, ice, water etc) to fit the new model
  6. -Copy object (that remembers size and position) -Being able to control the building options on the keyboard (and being able to remap to your preference ofc) Rotate by 1 measurement left/right Scale up/down by 1 measurement. You get the point. It can be kind of tricky with the mouse imo. And would give more precision. -When you increase or decrease size, maybe a visual reference that said "+1" or "-1" etc. So you could easily tell the exact value. Similar options for other functions -Grid view -Let us remove everything on the map, except for waypoint I guess, since it's essential to port in, but lets us move the position of it (also give us more options for the waypoint, I would prefer the core waypoints) Let us place crafting stations wherever we want . There's no need for the houses, if the player doesn't want them there. All these required buildings/waypoint etc are just in the way, if you don't want them. Limits where you can build a lot. If removable buildings are to much work to change for the map you already created, then maybe do this for the next maps you create, when you can start from a blank slate? ... Speaking of ... -New maps. One for each of the races region would be cool. I would like my homstead in shiverpeaks. Make them gemstore if needed. -Much more decoration options. Most important is more basic building blocks and vegetation etc. Water and so on. Maybe even an option to shape the enviroment? Being able to lower/raise ground etc (maybe too much, but would that be cool!) -I agree a lot with poster above with particle effects. Snow, fog, rain etc That's what I could think of right now
  7. Yeah I second that blish hush has your last request ... Well almost From what I remember you cannot see the inventory and bank without searching for something, but you can search for items. So if you search "mystic coin" (or whatever) it will show where you have it Not native functionality. But blish hud is so easy to install and use that it's an easy reccommend to at least try it out if you haven't.
  8. We know why They listened to feedback and rewarded extra glyphs They messed up, and some people took advantage of their good will by performing an exploit They then fixed it
  9. They gave us glyphs because people asked for it It was a nice gesture Then they made a mistake, but not out of malice Let it go If they give pre purchases extra glyphs, isn't it also unfair that everyone after that won't get them? They weren't a pre purchase exclusive
  10. So when are we getting our legendary staff skin unlocked for spear? 😂
  11. There's quite a lot decorations already Have you unlocked them all from the heart vendors?
  12. I was super annoyed with it first too But after you upgrade fully, you can buy 800 of each material each week That's quite a bit I'm more annoyed with some of the other requirements Some items are quite expensive and some requires stuff like living world mats etc (not small amounts) But it is what it is. Some will argue that it's good for making that content more active Overall, it's not as bad as it appeared on launch Upgrading fully will help a lot with the timegated materials
  13. Homesteads are already a nice addition to the game But I feel like they could be more I used the housing system in Path of Exile quite a lot In this game, your hideout is used for forming parties and trading So people will come visit your hideout a lot So your hideout serves a big role in the game I have no idea though what could be done for GW2 .They are very different games afterall Maybe as a start we could maybe be able to PvP in the homesteads? I can imagine people could build some really cool arenas I don't think most will get all the gathering nodes, so whatever it might be, I just feel like they could play a much bigger role somehow If anyone have any ideas, feel free to share
  14. Guild Wars 2 music have always been top notch
  15. Mounts introduced a lot of pro's ... And cons ... No doubt about that For me the pro's outweighs the cons I wouldn't count on them restricting mounts They are actually going the opposite direction Mount in combat +20% endurance etc
  16. And please add this feature to the lounges (I actually requested this like a year ago, so was sad to see it wasn't available there) At least the instanced ones, if it's not possible on the lounges that are on open world maps
  17. If the only point is teleporting to a base, then we already have waypoints though I think the point is to have fun and be creative, creating a home
  18. Except for the already excisting houses, you have freedom to build as you please I've been having fun building a big tower jumping puzzle. Chances of finding an identical version of my homestead I would think is close to zero
  19. Enjoyed playing through the expansion, but homesteads was a big reason of me getting the expansion And the housing itself did not dissapoint, but ... Was very dissapointed with how grindy it is So sadly I'm not really playing much anymore, except for logging on weekly for wizard vault and homestead resources I usually have not much problem with grindy'ish progression. I did not complaing about SOTO legendary armor either, as I saw many did. But this is different to me. This should not be grindy. It should just be about building. Sure, you can have some grindy stuff and sell exclusive shiny stuff on gemstore But I feel like you should just make all the basic stuff MUCH cheaper with no timegating It's really just pointless imo. There's lots of things to grind for in the game, but core building blocks for homesteads should not be grindy imo It also think it will prevent many people from even getting started with it
  20. Yeah raptor is also being replaced by the warclaw now for me Skyscale, Griffon, Warclaw and Skimmer and sometimes roller beetle are pretty much what I will use Jackal and Raptor can go entertain the lonely Springer
  21. I have the recipes from hearts Are there other vendors to get recipes?
  22. I also think it's a bit to grindy Make basic stuff much cheaper, with certain items more expensive Sell additional maps on the gemstore (sure they can find some lore reason) Sell weather effects on the gemstore: Snow, rain, fog, storm etc Sell variations on the standard house/buildings on the gemstore Just some suggestions Make basic stuff cheaper, sell certain shiny stuff on gemstore
  23. At least we're already used to the inconvenience with Armistice, since we've had to leave Armistice to use the world map already 🤣
  24. You could remove it and place it again Place it where you want and scale it up, will use less instances of it It will be very tall grass ofc when it's scaled up to max, but sort of looks better anyway imo, out in the "wild" outside the housing area Could also leave it as it is But many reasons why one would want to remove it Can also replace it with other stuff, like ice
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