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Everything posted by SlipLihte.1307

  1. A few thoughts, Firstly, I want to preface by saying that there is a major profession update launching next week Tuesday. While we have some indicators (and more are coming later today), that update could drastically change how certain specs play, so any answer given now could be outdated in a week. It might be worthwhile to hang on until the dust settles to finalise your choice. That being said however, As a left field suggestion, I think you should take a look at Firebrand, which is a Guardian elite spec. Guard is probably the most versatile spec out there at the moment, with a lot of good damage and support builds, as well as a few inbetween. The thing about FB that might tickle you is the use of the three tomes, one for offense, one for healing, and one for defense. Combined with a weapon set of staff - scepter/torch, you would have a good mix of ranged spellcasting abilities and damage. Great for groups, but with a few adjustments, easily capable of handling things solo. I know guard is probably not the traditional thought when it comes to spellcaster, but I can actually see this working. If you have a guard, perhaps go to the PvP lobby to play around with the spec a bit and see if it feels like what you want? Just remember that some skills work very differently in the PvP lobby, so it's not a going to feel the same in PvE. Other than that, I recently made and plaid mesmer quite extensively, and agree that it could be a viable option. Staff mirage is also used in instanced PvE to provide alacrity to groups. It's not the best in slot spec, but perfectly playable. On the ele side, I tend to agree with you. Ele works and feels best when it's weaving into and out of close range combat. Staff is ok, but you will need to sacrifice a utility and elite skill to summon elementals to soak damage while you pew-pew from afar, and I don't think is going to be as useful as you would want.
  2. Hi there and welcome back, I personally only started playing Oct last year, and have done Shatterer a few times since then. So yet, it is still done, especially when it's part of the dailies. On other days, I would recommend trying during peak times to avoid disappointment. Other world bosses that give unique/special rewards such as Tequatl and Ley-line anomaly are also quite popular and done daily. In terms of what you want to do, assuming you don't want to redo too much core stuff, I would recommend trying out: A few open world meta events, such as those in the silverwastes and a lot of the HoT maps. These are challenging but not extreme, give decent rewards, and are quite active. Instanced content, especially fractals (which are very easy to get into). Some of the expansion or Living World stories, which are made and executed a lot better than the core story. It's especially useful to do the first mission of PoF to get the basic Raptor mount. It's also worthwhile to, after you have explored a bit and found content you like to do, set a long term target for that content. For example, if you like Fractals, start working on the Fractal Legendary nack item. This helps you feel lile you are building towards something, rather than just going through the motions.
  3. Lol I've actually been accused of being a bot even though I was active in team chat at the start of the game. Must have been playing really badly that day. Anyway, it's good that you can shake it off with a sense of humor. PvP can be sour some times, best not to take it seriously.
  4. Both of you need to go to Lion's Arch and be in a party. You then start the story through the journal, enter the instance, and the other person clicks accept to join. If you are still getting to grips with the game, it may be worthwhile to bring a third lvl 80 player along to help out. As a lvl 10 your brother is going to get instakilled by everything, so you will need to carry the mission on your own. The mission is not that difficult, but may be a bit rough if the only difficulty you are used to is core Tyria.
  5. I'm also not a fan of levelling. However, if you take a character into endgame content outside of core Tyria without knowing what you are doing, you are probably going to het frustrated by the difficulty spike. Necromancer is relatively easy to learn and play decently, and quite forgiving of mistakes. I would recommend doing a couple of world boss events to see if you can learn to do proper damage. Further, running the Silverwastes map meta event chain is a decent test of whether you can stay alive and be effective. It's not as tough as the expansion content, but challenging enough to help you learn. Further, have a look at youtube at how the different elite specs play, choose one, and go looking for hero points for it (assuming you have the expacs). Can give you a nice short term goal to work towarda.
  6. ^^^ Further, let's be frank. GW2 is on it's 3rd expansion, and most of the content that is going to make it into the game is probably already in. Not that much is going to change when expack 4 comes out, which will be years from now. If you don't like the game now, it's doubtful that a new expack is going to make the difference for you.
  7. Send to support@arena.net . The mail has to come from the mail address your account is linked to.
  8. Yes. There are way more HPs in the expansions than needed for all three elite specs. In fact, i think completing everything from just two expansions is enough to unlock all three elite specs.
  9. You can have a look at the vid linked below for some ideas. I believe reaper is generally played as power dps these days. Just a note that reaper shroud damage reduction has been nerfed, and that's taken a lot of the potential off the spec for pvp. A good player can still achieve alot, but against equally good harbi players you will get farmed. Open world and instanced PvE reaper is a dps beast though.
  10. FB isn't great in pvp anymore. As a support, losing one of the core guard traitlines to take FB isn't worth it. Tempest isn't good for standing on node, you are reliant on kiting and invuln abilities that stop you from contributing to node capture to stay alive. Core guard might work but you still can't just stand there and get focussed. Mech might actually be feasible as well.
  11. Mesmer staff is fun, and mirage is an ok choice for instanced pve content by providing alac. Ele is not that great in pve, since a lot of staff abilities animation lock you, and then you die. It os used a bit in wvw though. Necro is good on staff but doesn't feel like a caster.
  12. As with most things, it's the most frustrated people that have the most reason to speak up, and as a result a lot of the most vocal communication tends to be quite negative. Generally and technically, the game mode is fine, has a lot to enjoy, and can be quite interesting and challenging to learn. Along with instanced PvE content and open world meta events, it's some of my favourite personal content type. That said, there are currently two issues with the game mode. Firstly, the sPvP player base is not that big. As a result, and due to the way the matchmaker works, you do get some games that are very poorly balanced. During prime hours it's not that bad, but outside those hours you could end up in matches that are extremely frustrating by how unbalanced (either for or against you) they are. It's not that extreme, and I would say I have about 3-5 well balanced games for everyone one that feels like this. Secondly, it's generally felt that the current professions and elite specs are poorly balanced, with the new necromancer and guardian elite specs cited as being overtuned (which I personally agree with). There is a hope that in a major balance update planned to launch 28 June this will be rectified a bit. However, in a game with 9 professions, 27 elite specs, and varying skill levels, balance will always be a moving target and you may feel frustrated by not being able to play a profession you want at a very high level due to the profession's inherent balance limitations. That being said, your personal skill level is still a very big determinant in how far you can get, and some very good players are known to still play undertuned professions at high levels for fun. If you can deal with these frustrations, and if you can get yourself to take a break form the game mode when it gets to you, it can be a lot of fun. However, I would not recommend it if you feel these issues are going to frustrate you a lot.
  13. I played a custom staff build earlier this year after some of the stealth got nerfed a bit. It's workable at lower levels of ranked. However, the previous meta build (d/p) is better and can take you further. If you want to play for the memes go for it, but if you want to go far you are better off learning the old meta build sooner rather than later.
  14. I still see scourges often. Brilliant way to predict match outcomes. If I've got scourge on my team and Harb on theirs I know I'm about to get stomped. Interstingly I have the same experience with FB and WB...
  15. For the instanced content, yes you can progress together. Just make sure both of you stay in the instance until you get the popup that asks if you want to progress your story. As far as I know this only works for the instanced part. For open world, you can still do it together, but both of you will need to do the tasks, click on the things, etc.
  16. I had the same question in the past and was advised to use Signet of Agility. Only covers condi but haven't had any real problems since then.
  17. Sounds pretty accurate to me. Sustain might be a bit of a stretch, but definitely feels easier to keep alive than herald, especially vs condis. Edit: It feels to me like Herald was pretty decently balanced in the previous meta. Might be wrong though.
  18. Either way, the answer is to nerf core engi.
  19. I've gotta be honesy, I think you might be mistaken here. My understanding is that the 11 includes three profession achievements, which can come from any of the 9. Only the choice of three is optional, and you still have to do League Dominator and the other five mandatory ones. This is reflected on the wiki page here. In terms of getting this done, it's actually not that bad. My suggestion is play your three games per day (for Daily League Participator) and if you have won three, go for four, and if you win that, go for five. Eventually you will luck out and get it. I completed this about a month ago, and can say the 7 wins in one day was not what took the longest, but rather the top stats, total wins, and ranking points.
  20. Maybe they're referring to the pulsing protection from Corrupter's Fervor? Haven't really seen how easy it is to get to the carapace threshold, but looks doable. Edit: But yes, I do feel that harb is overtuned for the skill level required. I'm not sure if it plateaus at higher levels, but at mid levels it feels like it can do far too much with very little effort or coordination.
  21. They may be referring to the Carapace from Death Magic trait line. Edit: Having relooked at carapace, I doubt this is what was meant. But I don't know what else they could be referring to, there's no protection or damage reduction with harb shroud?
  22. Out of interest, what mode and rank are you playing?
  23. Damage builds generally rely on either all zerker (power) or all viper stats (for condi damage). Some of them may throw in one or two marauders for a bit of extra health. Supports and boon roles will usually have mixed stats to get the necessary healing boosts or boon uptimes. It's not that using your current stats make the build unplayable - you should be fine on a lot of the open world content - but you may want to switch your armor to either marauder or zerker. To answer the reaper question, go to your traits selection and check the last one. If it is the "reaper" trait, you are playing the elite spec reaper. You can find suggestions for builds on the website linked below: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Necromancer Further, if you look up Vallun on youtube he has various builda for all the professions that tend to work well. Mukluk has also recently posted a lot of "low impact" builds which may work well if you are relearning necro/the game.
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