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Everything posted by Arveleg.2364

  1. Yea, New Rewards are more or less the same. The previous one at least had high value skin for mount while this one has nothing in exchange? Seems like we are stack with 80% of same stuff for the next 3-4 months...
  2. PvP as a pure gameplay is great, but: 1. Community is toxic. In the past it wasn't that bad, I don't know why it changed that way, but people are doing kitten talk almost every match. It's really frustrating and I really wish there was some kind of control over that, something similar to FFXIV, maybe a little bit less harsh. Report function is in its state forgotten by Aneta. You could also argue that PvP as a whole is forgotten. 2. Matchmaking can be really annoying, especially nowadays with smaller player base in pvp. Its core design is bad, duo queue or class swapping should not be allowed. People are also queue dodging , win trading. There are many ways to abuse it.
  3. hbs and wbs gonna get nerfed later this month, at least I hope they do otherwise I'm not gonna play next season. They are both too simple and effective, especially wbs, monkey could smash the keyboard and make this spec work. The worst (or funniest) thing that I noticed is that most of freshly rolled wbs/hbs are cocky and most toxic in game, which only confirms its fotm spec with low skill cap.
  4. I mostly play around 23 PM - 2 AM CEST, so I suppose thats offhours. 30 people would stand for 3 games ongoing, which seems like a decent guess, but I would say lil more (around 50 players) because there's still quite a lot of players visible in the mist lobby. Unless they play unranked, but I don't know hows the situation there as I never play unranked.
  5. Wow, that's a lot of insight, didn't expect to learn so much, thanks guys! So as far as I understand current design doesn't really consider learning curve. For an instance, I usually get back to the game twice a year and naturally at first perform a little bit worse than later in the season due to fact that I have not been playing a game for a long time, so need to get used to it and in addition there was probably a balance patch or something. My question here is - does the hidden "ELO" resets between seasons? If so, how the mm for first 10 games, that are to determine your ranking, is calculated? Obviously these have huge impact as it can put you anywhere from silver to plat. I'm also asking because this season I was extremely unlucky due to DCs, afkers/leavers and won only 3 out of 10 and that put me in silver 2. I managed to climb up to G2 but somehow cannot get past that and I know, based on multiple previous season, that I can aim for G3/P1. Thanks JT, you are golden man. That smurfing though, what's the point of tanking your rank only to climb up again? Don't you finish at the same place? Thanks Trevor, I'm sure most of it is true. Somehow i usually see same faces over and over, also several times was playing with or against players from top 50 and was wondering how is that even possible. The best meme match was against a guy with god of pvp title, who basically 1v2/3 my team at close node, and these guys just kept coming to him and dying there whole match, just like mindless flies into the flame.
  6. Can someone explain how the matchmaking works in details? Is that even known? I'm playing this game (mostly pvp) basically since launch on and off. I'm not someone special, I usually finish season in g3, happened to finish in p1 few times, but mostly its high gold. And honsetly, the worst thing in gw2 pvp is matchmaking. Not because it combine you with some bots, afkers or whatever, its not its fault. The thing about matchmaking is that its formula puts you in some series of games, first you can win 9 of 10, but then you are forced to lose 9 of 10, no matter how hard you try it doesnt matter because you are mixed with some people that have no tiny idea how to rotate or what are objectives on map. It's really frustrating that is designed that way, I'd much rather have different matchups every match so you never knows the outcome. Unfortunately that rarely happens. It's a pity because I consider pure pvp here one of the best in genre, but matchmaking definetely the worst one I've ever encountered.
  7. Don't like the OP idea. For example, your team had no support (and enemy team has one) and in a result you decide to change to it. Then next game you want to play as duelist, but now MMR will sign you up as support? Its just way simpler to lock the class you start queue with.
  8. I've played WoW pvp for over a decade and completely don't agree with OP. First of all, in the current state every WoW class has multiple surv CDs and access to heal, in pvp resulting in exactly what the OP is accusing gw2. Secondly, WoW requires much less skill because: - it's tab target combat - it has GCD This result in much slower gameplay and more of planning ahead and saving CDs for when enemies use their CDs, it's more like a chess game. Everytime I came back to gw2 from wow i got rekt in pvp, being surprised how quick and punishing it is, and the other way around - when I took break from GW2 and tried wow I always thought how easy is wow pvp. I'm not even gonna mention that wow pvp is gear dependent which right away kills the essence of competition because it promotes passive gains over skill and equal start.
  9. I'm not hyped too, but still gonna buy EoD - I just want to RE-explore Cantha, just the way i did with PoF, some elite specs seems funs, turtle too, but rest is like you said - this expansion is lacking major feature, just more of the same.
  10. I like the adrenaline mechanic the way it is, this makes warrior feel like one. There are other aspects that should be changed though, so the warrior could become at least mid tier class.
  11. EoD is in some way similar to PoF, except the latter felt more refreshing and had more interesting major feature. EoD feels like a cheaper version, I have a feeling that they just want to finally launch the expansion and forget about it right away. Fishing and skiffs as major feature? I'm sorry, it's at best the side feature. Elite specializations? Could be fun, we will see how they feel and what's the balance. Maps and story? Similarly to PoF it's gonna be gw1 nostalgia driven, but so far i don't feel the aesthetic presented to us in trailers and screenshots. I really loved asian theme in gw factions, here i cannot spot it so far.
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