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Everything posted by Gobcrack.9320

  1. Answer this guy's question first: There's no community in this game because it's stagnant and stale from the game design all the way to the actual game updates. No YouTuber is relevant from your scene, no Twitch person is relevant from your scene, to top it all off your own game dev doesn't even support or sponsor any of the community members either. The reason why PvP in general is dead is because the gameplay is designed so that every class can do everything, seriously just take a look at the "meta", it's literally 2 core classes that can strip boons and 2 core classes that can apply boons and then everything is built around this idea of boon balling. It's impossible to balance a game that had no balance to begin with, which is why both game modes and even most PvE game modes are abandoned by ArenaNet and hasn't seen updates in over a year.
  2. I think you misunderstood the statistics. That's 500 - 600 viewers across ALL GW2 Content INCLDUING Fractals/Raids/PvE. The Fractals scene is barebones, it has no support and it doesn't get any updates unlike M+ in WoW which gets routinely 100k+ Twitch viewers and endorsements from Blizzard where people can make a career out of it. Raids are abandoned for Strikes, Strikes are just boring content to run through for mats to get armor that you only have to get one time and due to the way progression works you have nothing else to strive for as you hit "end game" unless you just want farm your mind out and get legendaries. All of which again is not something people want to watch lol. How can anyone make the claim GW2 has a healthy community when there's no content creators that are even remotely relevant in their scene, the "newest" GW2 videos on YT for example are 4+ months old similar to how long ArenaNet takes to push out any sort of actual update. Stale meta, stale game and once most people figure it out they end up treating GW2 like a side game they play for a month and quit. I think people need to understand that in general GW2 is struggling purely because of the way the gameplay works and is designed, and constantly supporting ArenaNet blindly without any criticism is the reason why the game is the way it is right now.
  3. Lost Ark will kill any remaining GW2 PvP population lol, you can PvP as early as lv 26 which is 1 - 2 hours of gameplay and on top of that PvP is equalized just like GW2 with way better class selections/balance/updates with more than just a single game mode.
  4. I tried Weaver and it's def not ape tier, it's too many buttons to be ape unlike Necro with like 3 button rotations.
  5. This is incredibly real, I witness it live on these forums and just reading all the dismissive replies from these people. It's so out of touch with reality, yet they cling onto it like there's nothing else. Well said 👏
  6. New World Devs also "clarified" that they banned 80% of dupers and cheaters and since that statement more than 6 new dupes popped up, two of which went viral on Reddit so everyone got in on it and no one got banned. The same way I don't trust AGS, I don't trust ArenaNet. I don't care for their corporate metrics for this game, as far as most gamers are concerned they use view counts on Twitch and YouTube to see the hype for a game or the community behind it and GW2 has been dead for the better part of a decade on every social media platform. You even admitted in one sentence that ArenaNet abandoned WvW to then go on to say that you trust ArenaNet's statements so which is it? Do you not like what I said about the braindead Boon Ball meta because you see yourself in it so you discredit it, or do you genuinely believe the same company that abandoned your game mode also isn't willing to lie about the abandoned game mode? Idk, i'll let you figure that one out.
  7. Literally every class has means of tank, CC and heal. People who are dimwitted take it literally and run with it, no i'm not talking about only tank rogue and no i'm not talkin about a only heal rogue lmao that's just missing my point completely for the sake of proving your own argument. The idea that the game is balanced around everyone having everything failed, it not only failed hard it serves as an example for what happens when you try to reinvent something that doesn't need to be touched. In actual games with paid $$$ competition and viewership you don't have classes that are meant for DPS who can also heal or tank or even have ANY of those abilities without also losing out on DPS and other stats, the fact that you can just roll a single toon to do the job of 5 other roles while simultaneously trying to cling onto a class fantasy is delusional and the lack of player interest in PvP shows that it 100% failed. Sorry that you don't believe in numbers, but most people do and numbers rarely lie. If your game isn't charting on both Twitch nor YouTube then your game has failed to meet the hype needed for people to want to invest their time and money into it. You can choose to not believe that, but in 2022 this is the new metric moving forward for most if not all gamers that pay attention to the gaming scene. We can agree to disagree, ton of people agree with me and the people who disagree with me have not received the amount of support i've gotten so clearly there's more truth to what i'm saying than falsehoods. If anything, you can wait until EoD to find out what's gonna happen but I think most people are already skipping EoD and waiting to see if it changes anything before putting time back into GW2 considering how many times they've been burned by ANet's poor decision making.
  8. I can only ever speak my truth, this is stuff i've seen and witnessed first hand as well as the same account told by others who have seen similar things. I see people getting confused saying that nothing is dead and what i'm saying is wrong then go onto say they play EU. I play NA, I assume all those likes and people agreeing with me that you see are also NA because this is our experience here. I can't speak for EU, I can't go verify if that guy is telling the truth or not or just saying that i'm wrong because he's some kind of white knight. Who knows right? I'm not going to assume anything and you shouldn't either. This post wasn't a vent, no emotion was put into it except for straight hard facts. I have yet to see any criticism against what I said get as much positive traction, so it looks like you're in the minority of people if you can't see reality for what it is.
  9. Sorry but people need to understand we exist in 2022 and not in 2002. Twitch and YouTube are the biggest metrics to determine user interest because Arenanet/Big studios do not reveal player statistics anymore, so for the most part when we see a genuine interest that isn't forced by a corporation then it would appear to a majority of other people that this might be worth something to check out. Does this mean games like GW2 that fall below a certain view count is dead? Yes. It does, it means no one is actively streaming or creating content which means the community is stale and only exists within the confines of a subreddit or a forum like this which is again not a lot of people aka Dead. What does a Dead community look like? Take GW2 for example, you have no one wanting to invest their time and money into making guides or tutorials or even general content because there's zero return for them due to low playerbase/viewership. This is a ripple effect because now new players only rely on very old content/guides that might not be current meta and if the meta is same as past 8 months to now, then it gives even more of the impression that the game is on maintenance mode which is currently the reality of why we're in this current meta to begin with. I get that you like GW2, you probably invested a lot of time into it and it seems like a new comer like me just coming in and ruining the fun but this is reality. There might not be more new comers after me if everyone is told to stop talking or posting if it's doesn't fit a specific narrative that makes the white knights happy.
  10. The point I was making was seemingly missed on you. Each class in this game has access to every type of spell, the balancing is garbage because everyone can do everything. It's some kind of MMO fantasy turned reality but the problem is that it's delusional to have a game work this way and still be something people want to play. And there is ZERO Role Identity in this game. I played GW1 and that game actually made every class feel respected, it felt like everything had it's own niche and it made for way more skill based combat. GW2 is literally the opposite, everything feels the same and if you know how to play one class rotation you can play the rest. GW2 PvP failed and died because the combat is spammy as well, which is something you also didn't mention. You can literally see builds being a spam for 2 - 3 abilities and that's it, you can try to get technical but who cares when you can spam 3 button Core Necro and win teamfights? Complexity doesn't mean anything if no one cares about it.
  11. Actually not a bad idea, I just wish the Devs with power to change things were asking these questions instead of the players trying to figure it out haha
  12. Plenty of people agree with me, matter in fact more people support me and the ideas I brought then give it criticism. The guy who I responded to literally gave his one dimensional take on the situation and it wasn't worth more than the response I gave him, and quite frankly I think you and everyone else who doesn't take my post seriously is on some serious Copium. There's flaws, there's issues and one guy closing his eyes and pretending like it's not real doesn't magically make the problems go away.
  13. Not sure how you're gonna 🧢 like that so blatantly A mid-tier low end WoW streamer gets more viewers than the entire GW2 game put together, there's zero tournaments, no ANet support, the people playing it don't even support it and would rather abuse it. Who cares if a game combat is smooth when the player base is dead?
  14. Can't blame them. Being a Top GW2 PvP player is like being the world's tallest midget. You might be considered tall in GW2's community because you're top 10 but you're an absolute speck of dust in the greater scheme of MMOs which results in people just not caring and wanting to milk as many rewards as they can while they can.
  15. Who cares? GW2 as an entire game has less viewers than a D-tier WoW streamer lmao, this community is actually beyond dead it's just rolling over in it's grave now at the sight of all the White Knights clinging onto their last 20 people queueing. The meta is bad, the gameplay is boring and no one really cares about ranked unless you're a gold seller using bots to farm easy reward tracks. If Dailies didn't exist, this game mode would be even more dead than it is right now.
  16. I'll give you that, there's def. potential in how intricate builds can go but you have to look at the tier list of players: 1. Hardcore People who actually enjoy the complexity and are willing to spend time despite the state of the meta/game. 2. Normies People trying to climb the ladder but they also do WvW, this isn't their main thing and in general people who grind for PvE purposes like dailies/legendary gear. 3. Casuals Just trying out the game mode, might be their first time in GW2. People who are just learning the game, classes, different builds, etc. Very non-committed people just looking for fun. There's more Normies/Casuals than Hardcore, and despite the game being complex if a majority of players are too bored and can't be bothered to play the current meta or even find it remotely interesting then it doesn't matter how complex the game can get, it will forever be a mini-game to most people that no one will care about. If people want the complexity of the game to be highlighted, then there has to be easier entry for new people and when you have a game that tries to "Reinvent the wheel" and have every class be able to do everything then most people are gonna be confused and naturally you're left with a really weird hybrid that failed to get a lot of people on board except for a small group that supports it. Either the meta or the core gameplay needs a change because whatever state it's in right now is on life support mode.
  17. I have never in my life seen anyone get excited for a GW2 tournament, event or PvP stream. I can't even name you two or three relevant players despite this game being over half a decade old. This game does NOT look good to your average viewer, it's not even that it's complex but it's that it just looks visually unappealing to people unless they play GW2 in the first place and even most GW2 players don't watch PvP content because it's boring and not interesting at all.
  18. A lot of GW2 players bring this up, and it's true. You can easily swap classes in GW2 compared to WoW, and it lets you try out everything in PvP thus making it one of the easiest and most level playing fields out of most MMOs. Despite it being this easy to get into, why is it so dead? WoW admittedly fails in this regard because it's a long grind and chore to relevel toons/gear them up, and i'm not defending those grind systems but at the same time each role in that game means something. You can't play a Rogue and want to tank without losing DPS, you can't play a mage and want to have healing without losing DPS. There's trade offs, every class just can't do every single thing otherwise what's the point?
  19. Despite what people's opinions are about WoW PvP, the raw statistical data shows that WoW PvP is the most watched MMO PvP in the entire genre. It has Blizzard + 3rd party tournament support, pro player scene and a thriving content creator community which is why people often regard it as the best MMO in general and why it's been #1 for over a decade. GW2 on the other hand went the opposite direction of WoW in terms of gameplay and decided to make it so that EVERY SINGLE CLASS class can Heal, Tank, CC AND DPS and now we have gameplay that feels incredibly spammy and everyone is now bunker classes with DPS which slows down gameplay A LOT and makes it super boring to watch/play. Like just take a look at Necro for example, this class can be played at Core level and it can not only DPS and burst someone down incredibly fast but it has multiple HP bars via Shroud/Lich and on top of that it even has innate Healing, it can also CC incredibly well with fears. This is a CORE class that not only BURST, it can BUNKER, it can also HEAL AND it can CC. People in this community can't find anything wrong with this because guess what, Guardian can do this too. Most classes can do what they can do, so the meta becomes less about creativity and skill based gameplay and more so finding out which class can do the 5 different things faster and easier because at that point you'd be at a disadvantage NOT running it. People also love saying "You can play off meta", and that's fine because they're right but it has nothing to do with my point. You can play off meta, you can play on meta, it doesn't matter. The gameplay itself is ruined by the fact that every class can do everything, it's lazy gameplay and it takes away role identity which further puts off a majority of gamers evident by the lack of people's interest in any GW2 PvP content.
  20. Roaming dead ✔️ Thief/Ranger mains on kitten watch due to never being chosen✔️ Lack of new players and low player participation ✔️ Stale & Boring Boon Ball Zerg Meta ✔️ Let's face it, WvW is not in a good state. Alliances looking rough, powerful guilds finding ways to take advantage of systems to remain powerful which everyone saw coming. EoD also hasn't announced anything major changing for PvP in the game, just a lot of PvE as always and the one thing that remains consistent over the past couple years that led to WvW deteriorating to where it's at is Boons. The concept of Boons needs to be reworked because it is inevitable that large zergs will naturally take advantage of it, but Boons need some sort of drawbacks or nerfs or even just straight removal in WvW situations in order to switch up the meta and make people actually think of strategies instead of mindlessly Boon Balling 24/7. Here are things I think ANet should do: Shorten Boon Durations in WvW gameplay Remove problematic Boons that are being abused Nerf Boon-Strip builds to compensate for Boon nerfs to freshen Necro meta Too many WvW players are accustomed to mindless, boring, Boon Ball gameplay and it's clearly not fun despite what the white knights say because GW2 has no PvP scene. Being #1 in GW2 WvW is equivalent to being a dead Streamer/YouTuber because literally no one is looking out for GW2 content in 2022. If people want to be taken seriously as a community and not have PvP be some mini-game, stop defending boring mind numbing gameplay. NO MORE BOON BALL.
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