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Everything posted by AmusingMoniker.3560

  1. Omg, no. I feel silly that I never considered that. Thanks for the reply, appreciate the help 🙂
  2. Are there pics up somewhere, or do I have to wait for the Wiki to be updated?
  3. Hello, Note: I have not read or kept up with this thread so I am out of the loop if my QoL suggestions were already mentioned (but more is more right?). Edit: Being able to alter my screen like in GW1. Ability to pick which grouping to put move them to a more viewable spot on my screen would be fantastic. Edit: *Separating Food/utility buffs from Boons and Conditions would be phenomenal. Make multiple rows and the player able to decide the order of the rows and where they are on the screen and how big. Jade Mech skins and colours. Surely some of us have destroyed our Mechs and require 2.0 or 3.0 versions. More GW1 throwbacks. In particular Vabbian Light Armour, Vintage Luxon and Kurzick armours. Wallet sort by Alphabetical. Bank tabs to be renamable. Clarity on Set Up changes; such as previews to what the graphics change would do . (I am not saavy with the lingo) That's it (for now). Thank you for reading 🙂
  4. Hi, thank you. I have taken a look and it is in a language I do not know (Chinese I think). There is a QR code, I will see where that takes me.
  5. Thank you all for the replies. My keyboard came with the computer so no separate software. The lock icon locks my computer and using fn and lock just locks the computer 😕 I found the fn key has to be held to use the F1-4 skills but I have not found a fn lock to toggle between the current multi media preset to switch to game play mode. I will research gaming keyboads that keep the keys separate. In the mean time I will use the fn key or *gasp the mouse. Happy gaming!
  6. I just got off Chat with Support and they told me I have no way of changing the Function presets. Very upset, I really prefer customizable products. I am going to look into gaming keyboards to find one without the presets that I do not want. I hope that will solve my problem...unless another user has a cheap fix for me 🙂
  7. I Restarted to give this a try but the F2 button only turned the volume down and did not get me into my BIOS. I didn't even see the option to get into BIOS from the quick loading screen that I had. Can I get into it without restarting?
  8. Hello, Returning after a too long break and do not know how to set up my keyboard so that I can use the F1-4 skills available. Currently they are set to mute and adjust the volume of my speakers and one is rewind video. Is it best to change them in game to something like delete, insert, home, end or is there a fix in my computer set up I can do? If all else fails I am tempted to get either a new keyboard or new speakers but that really is a last resort atm budget wise. Thank you for any tips or fixes.
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