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Posts posted by SiEO.8430

  1. On 1/14/2024 at 8:27 PM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    The reason for that is simple though: $$$$. Of those three pillars, where does the cash come from. 

    Wouldn't that be a lot different if the expansions introduced new things to wvw and pvp? 

    Isn't the lack of new things the reason those modes are not performing as well as they potentially could?

    When the game first came out, WvW was the main selling point. So naturally if you abandon that game mode and invest into the PvE side, that's where majority of cash flow will come from.

    • Like 3
  2. I actually enjoyed the fact that there is still something to sink gold into and work on between expansion releases. 

    Its a very laaaate end game convenience to max out your bags and even then, you wont use most of it.

    You're better off finding out why your current bags are full and who knows, maybe you have a lot of gold sitting in there that you can utilise to upgrade your current bags 😛

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  3. This has happened last night, and again today (5 minutes ago). 

    Playing along just fine and suddenly when i'm meant to receive the daily log-in chest (1am UK time) my game crashes to desktop without any warning. 

    I run no mods, and nothing has changed on my system other than simply updating the game. 

    Anyone else experienced similar issue?

  4. 25 minutes ago, DeaconFrost.4870 said:

    All teading most of the comments has assured me is half the balance updates people call out for are because they don't know how to play the class as is o.o I'm wildly surprised how many on here saying mirage can't alac as is, or that specter can't support? If it can be used in things like w5 cm etc its perfectly viable, it may not be "otpimal" but if that was the case then there would be literally only one toon of play . Not saying things don't need adjusted or balanced, but a lot of these specs get s**t on when they aren't really that bad o.o

    People just say it cause it's their favourite class getting a slight nerf or a change and they will come up with any excuse to try and defend it. 

    As for the update notes... it seems fine. Looking forward to the reaper and warrior changes. 

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  5. I mean, this system is mainly for the end game crafting from what I understand, so to say it's cumbersome for the new players...... well yea, it will be. 


    This system helped me and a lot of other players clear out hundreds of redundant ascended armour and weapons. Now at least they have some value when they drop other than just throwing it away.


    And they removed the cheapest ways to obtain it because it was abusable. Buying bread from karma merchant in qeensdale for 4 karma each I think? Some of us got up to 200k research notes within first few days, making the entire system pointless as a currency. So I'm happy they trimmed it back on those cheap items.

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  6. I have had the same bug happen few times now and It's confusing to deal with as when I only have F1 available, I know it's decapitate.

    For those that don't understand:
    When you enter berserker mode (F2), the F2 key should dissapear altogether, leaving only the F1 key up for Decapitate, until you're out of berserker mode and the F2 key comes back up onto UI. 

    The issue is, that sometimes the F2 key doesn't dissapear from UI when you enter berserker mode (just goes grey colour), which can confuse you, which skill you have on F1 as it swaps over between modes.

    This is how it should look when you enter berserker mode:

    This is how it looks when UI is bugged (please note, both images are after entering berserker mode):

    • Thanks 1
  7. Great overall changes for multiple classes! 


    I'm wondering though how it states buffs for power berserker and not much has changed considering the current meta is axe/axe? 


    Might be tempted to try running Greatsword for lots of cleave damage but would be nice to see a buff to axe skills to bring such melee class up to par damagewise as other classes. 

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  8. I believe what the development team needs is a direct sit-down with a lot of experienced unbiased players like, lets say for an example MightyTeapot (just an example of a person to pops into my mind), or people who know the game inside out from a CONSUMER-point of view, and then use their experience and their views to balance the game. 

    Get the devs and players onto the level playing field and youll come out with way better balance patches. 

    This patch is sadly a miss in terms of what we as a consumer, are after.  

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  9. Unhappy with the changes. 


    Playing warrior in group content made me feel like I'm grieving my own team. But at least I gave some good banners with unique stats..........oh wait. 


    I'll continue to build up my firebrand instead as it can do everything warrior can but better and more. 😊 

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  10. I agree about the fishing. I was looking forward to relaxing to it on a skiff anywhere in Tyria and chatting to my friends whilst mindlessly getting a ranfom fish now and then. And this system absolutely kills any social aspect of it as you're constantly trying to chase after the green little bar and annoy the ffffffff out of me. Also different baits and fishing power is just ehh 


    Something that was meant to be so casual and relaxing is stressful and requires more learning of mechanics.

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