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Everything posted by Rampage.7145

  1. Dear devs, i am just going to state this here to save u guys the trouble of actually thinking for yourselves, this are the problems with WvW and why people left to play other games: Every single elite spec was a mistake in terms of PvP, u made them OP in order to force PvPers to buy expansions that didnt have any PvP related content. U did this twice hence why the balance is not possible at this point the power creep is insane to the point where even running full tank specs u get 1 shoted constantly, the only real damage mitigation right now are iframes dodges and skills suck endure pain etc. U added terrible things that ruined the game mode over this couple of expansions too such as tactivators, u made the keep lords so they cant be bannered, you made it so people could no longer teleport into a waypoint between contests etc, this also ruined the game in many different ways ruining fights making it so 99% of the PvP in WvW occurs when a team is on top of a wall using siege and the other team is under all kinds of cancer trying to get inside/U never develop anything actually retalted to PvP, instead of developing rankings? top player/guilds/server rewards, unique skins for the legeneday WvW players higher ranks stuff like that, u added PVE gimmicks like gliders and mounts that not a single PvPer asked for into WvW ruining the pace of the game.The fix for WvW is very simple and every real WvW player know it, i am going to tell u that explicitly here right now: Rollback the whole gamemode to pre HoT balance state, same stats runes, no tactvators, T2 gates, no shields, vanilla classes with vanilla runes up to cele stats no new powercreep stats nonsense u added after, maybe bring a very tonned down version of revenant that is competitve with warrior in terms of damage and sustain. This is no rocket science if you need to like make a separate version for the client or whatver to run this as a stand alone mode do it. Monetize guild skins for armor, siege, buildings, maybe make it so the guilds that own buildings can do some cool customization to them and is all cash shop stuff, cool guild perks, WvW inventory capacity stuff like that.Develop PVP related content please we want guild/player/server leaderboards, we want prices for the BEST players we want something to drive us to keep playing the game mode, Develop in order to improve the QoL of the players give us cool shit to improve our gameplay experience, we dont need shiny gliders we need propper UI, decent invetory managment utilities stuff like that.Matchmaking has been broken since 2013, matchmaking for WvW is retarded, it dosnt work unless u can keep a balanced matchup in terms of numbers across 24 hours for 7 days in multiple tiers. This is absolutelly stupid and whover designed such system just should not be in the game industry straight up. Matchups should last 3 hours, period, This way we play we get rewards we log out. This way we can get matched to fight comparable sized teams everytime on any timezone, the server system is retarded, just make it so it is 3 factions with mutiple instances that open up and close dynamically according to playing population at the time, this way during NA prime when we have 15k players we will fight some other gamers without the need for queues, and during AUssie time when 150 players play they are also guaranteed to fight players every single night 24/7.Just do all this things WvW is saved, congratulations YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING HEROES P.S Every single stupid shit u think its cool and u wanna add to the game, please consult with the players please make a test server like any normal game all this nonsense secrecy u handle you game is what is killing it, you need to speak to the players u need to comunicate, and with comunicate i dont mean make a fucking post here every 2 years, actually talk to the players talk to your guild leaders talk to your streamers TALK PLEASE, COMUUUUUNICATE, even fucking animals comunicate, it is a basic thing animals do in order to understand each other needs.
  2. If they showed the actual numbers or show below medium, low, very low, dead server, it would be funny AF
  3. I mean if you get triggered by salty people in PvP u should just stick to PvE my dude, salt and PMs are what most people even play WvW for, just saying, stick to your living story, PvP games are definitelly not for you.
  4. Arenanet does not give a fuck about performance, game gets lower and lower FPS every year, WvW lags are gamebreaking and make the game unplayable, but they just do not care, they have never in 6 years released a single optimization update to the game engine to make it run better, they just keep adding more spam effects and boons and conditions which makes the game run worse and worse, they just dont care about performance at all mah dude.
  5. Ehm no, i mean It is a videogame, you do not need to go and chop trees to make arrows for your arrowcart, or spend 15 minutes loading up a catapult with 15 guys, i mean the game it is supposed to be fun that is why things are not supposed to last hours like, most people play this game for 1 or 2 hours a day, if atacking a tower takes that ammount of time how do you expect for the game to be any successfull and fun for those players??? Yes there is strategy involved, but sieging is just not fun, getting inside any structure should take 15 minutes tops specially if the enemy force is all insde defending wiht siege, only way to stop a bigger force should be by going out there and kiling them all, the game mode is all about the engaging massive fights that is the reasson why people play WvW. If you just wanna play strategy games go play starcraft or something.
  6. You do realize you could troll people by "troll" reporting them for trolling more often that u actually get people reported for "real" trolling right? I mean people troll tactics because they are dumb, arenanet should just remove them and force people to fight for a win, if you depend on some gimick to hold your keep/tower you just diserve to lose it. Deal with it bro, learn to fight, tag up and lead a squad full of competent players to fight the enemy blobs, that is how you win the game, not by depending on a lever to save your keep.
  7. the solution is pretty simple, dont stand on top of the wall fight like a man on the ground or you know, use stability u know that boon that prevents u from getting CCd?
  8. It is simple, WvW players/guilds liek to theorycraft their own stuff their own composition, if they just make everything like PvP everyone will run exactly the same not a whole lot theorycrafting can do there, everyone would just runs the same ammulet . Most WvW guilds have their own builds tweaked they way it fits their style better, and that is not possible if they eliminate the posibilities of min/maxing stats. Very minor tweaks are placebo that can make it or break it for some of us (oh i got 50 power by sacrificing 10 crt and 20 toughness yeah!!!!), but don't get me wrong all that matters in the end is skill
  9. No serious guild would accept a new player anyway brother, u need time to actually learn and prove yourself before applying to any decent guild. They will ask you for gameplay footage playing on a guild raid enviorment/build and background (previous guilds and whatnot), believe once u actually learn the game to a point where you will have the credentials to join any competitive guild, you will have the gear.Play the game bro, learn the classes, learn mechanics, learn strategy, join squads, experience is all that matters, no serious guild will ever take a new player, just not gonna happen if you are trully a competitive player you will take your time to actually learn the classes before even try joining a guild bro. This is not a game where u hop in a join a guild and u dominate the world believe me when i tel you any guild that takes a new player like that it is not on the top tier for that very same reasson, if you are trully competitive you will actualy take the time needed to learn the game and avoid those newbie friendly guilds and just aim for the top tier, but you need the credentials to do it.
  10. Bro i don't know how else to you this but you can literally gear up in hours in this game, you can craft and all that, fractals PVE or just grind the WvW/PvP rewards for a couple weeks and get full ascended hello is this real life right now? Also exotic is between 5% and 10% weaker than ascended basically the same thing by the time you can actually play the game properly (which is what you really need to be trully competitive), learn about mechanics, about classes, animations, effects, strategies, you will be hands down, fully ascended in multiple characters, gear is nothing in this geame is completely meanigless is all about your actual ability to play the game right, by the time you actually learn this yeah believe me you will be geared.
  11. ROFL, this dude, some people is just too lazy, literally the easiest MMO made for the most casual people you can probably think of, yet some people will still complain about how hard is to gear up
  12. Did Anet say you have to? Guilds is only for sorting players on the world. In the extreme example of someone having 0 guilds joining WvW, I'm assuming he will just join a random world thats not full, for the duration of being logged on. Another random world the next time he logs etc. Alternativly setting that random world as the home world until reset. At least that would be the logical method. Thats exactly what it is, you have to join guilds if you dont wanna rely on your luck to being put in same server. Otherwise you'll be placed randomly. Its not by random. Its based off you contacts and what guilds you are in. who you party with. So if you choose to not have any guild claimed as your WvW guild, it will STILL take into account what guilds you're in when it places you. Furthermore Arena Net has alluded to the fact, that it is still able for such an individual to Transfer during the 8 week Season so you are indeed never trapped.Uhm isnt it kind of hard to take into account what guild you are in if you have no guild and no friends? I highly doubt the MMR can place you based on data that doesnt exist. Remember we arent all veterans with 5 guilds, new players are gonna have to join WvW too. if you have no guilds and no friends. why would you care where you're placed.They just wanna have the power to be on a server where they can leech of the good guild/commanders of a server, get carried and then say ¨ i am maguuma bitches MAGSWAG!!!!¨, without actually trying to be good and acomplish something on their own. This profile describes anyone complaining on this post basically.
  13. @McKenna Berdrow.2759 I think 8 weeks is way too much, it should be 2, 4 weeks tops i think so if you get a bad match up at least you are not stuck with it for 2 months, that will definitely make players quit in the long run. If you ask me i'd say match ups should be 24h only tbh get different people to fight everyday, that would keep the game fresh
  14. Not how it works. You don't have to pay to transfer anywhere if you and your buddies come together and alliance/guild with one and other before hand. Paying to transfer is you changing your mind about it. You have months, maybe a year, to get it all figured out. Get to it. Oh? You're saying that you get put into one alliance, hate it, you can move freely elsewhere? Or will there be a transfer fee? You get put in with a bunch of guilds you really don't like, and you're stuck or you move. They're not going to have a 25 person "alliance" .. they'll fill it up. You won't have a choice, unless you have moved your chess pieces and stacked your alliance The alliance is just another name for a server. I don't think people get that. Only it gives guilds more power. Think about that. Then think about the history of this game. And I'm also thinking there will be a transfer fee. And lots of revenue, because very few people will be happy with first choices. You dont get "put into an alliance" you either decide to join a guild and that guild gets into an alliance and then u play with all those people, or you just RNG it as a pug cuz u dont care, either way u chose who you play with or simple u just dont care enough to actually join a WvW group u want to play with in which case there is absolutely no point on you posting this since you are the one choosing not to play with people you enjoy.. ... as a pug you don’t care. The start of an inclusive gaming environment. And it hasn’t even launched. Just re-read this response. I said what if you have a small guild and you don’t have an alliance. You will get placed randomly. If you dislike your placement, pay to transfer or don’t play for eight weeks. It takes away choice, and gives it only to the most stacked servers, I mean alliances. In the end, it resolves nothing, but alienates a core group.And again if your guild actually cared even as a small guild u would try to find and alliance of people u want to play with so u would never hate your matchup, you would be playing with all the people you enjoy playing with. If 3 20 man gulds form up an alliance they count as 60 players, you will be placed as part of a big world alongside 500 or 1000 other players that includes multiple guilds and whatnot but you will 100% play with the people u want to play with whover else is on the world for the matchup duration u don't really care cuz all that matters is that u will be playing with the people u actually wanna play with. If you form up an alliance with 3 10 man guilds u will not be facing big blob guilds on your own, you will have your own world with 1000 players including big alliances to fight the other worlds.It is all about creating your won comunity now, be part of a guild make sure u join and alliance full of people u want to play with, so no matter what the match is u will always have fun with your people regardless of whoever the other guilds are, u may like them u may not, but that should not matter since u will already be playing with all your friends.No more servers closed, no more server transfer to play with friends, none of that will be a thing anymore if anything, if anything this makes WvW a new playground for comunities to form up, i can tell you what alienate is: to be on a server closed for 7 months and having friends waiting to transfer there to play with you during all that time and not being able to, sending tickets to arenanet everyday begging for them to manually move your friend into your forever closed server, that is an alienated comunity bro.
  15. THIS +1 definitely the next step, WvW leaderboards that actually mean something, it would be so nice to see stuff like this implemented into WvW.
  16. Not how it works. You don't have to pay to transfer anywhere if you and your buddies come together and alliance/guild with one and other before hand. Paying to transfer is you changing your mind about it. You have months, maybe a year, to get it all figured out. Get to it. Oh? You're saying that you get put into one alliance, hate it, you can move freely elsewhere? Or will there be a transfer fee? You get put in with a bunch of guilds you really don't like, and you're stuck or you move. They're not going to have a 25 person "alliance" .. they'll fill it up. You won't have a choice, unless you have moved your chess pieces and stacked your alliance The alliance is just another name for a server. I don't think people get that. Only it gives guilds more power. Think about that. Then think about the history of this game. And I'm also thinking there will be a transfer fee. And lots of revenue, because very few people will be happy with first choices.You dont get "put into an alliance" you either decide to join a guild and that guild gets into an alliance and then u play with all those people, or you just RNG it as a pug cuz u dont care, either way u chose who you play with or simple u just dont care enough to actually join a WvW group u want to play with in which case there is absolutely no point on you posting this since you are the one choosing not to play with people you enjoy..
  17. You paid for an in game service that will no longer be supported in the future (many months), why would they give you the money back? i don't see it they are advertising this right now so people is aware of it for future transfer and such. It is not like they rolling this update next week.
  18. So you are saying everyone who plays LOL, conter strike or whatever are all ESL players???? no room for non professionals, no room for the casuals that play 1 day a week with their girlfriends???? i think you are totally wrong as long the matchmaking system is somewhat capable, there will always be room for casuals in WvW just the way casuals play any actual really competitive E-sport game and still find it fun.
  19. But... servers will no longer exist. I don't understand your comment. Wrong, u did not read the original post didn't you? server will still exist they will be formed by multiple alliances multiple non alliance guilds, multiple random people during the match duration. they will be shaked up every "x" amount of weeks after the season ends, and from that former server the people you can chose to play with is basically the ones that belong to your alliance, people in your current alliance will still play together for the next match up but they will be paired up with different people this time arround (allies and enemies). Ah, you mean "Worlds". I did read the first post, but they never mention "servers", but "worlds". Ok, got it.Why don't you use the official nomenclature Anet proposes? It would be easier to discuss.I think in the character selection screen actually says "world selection" my bad, if we go thecnical servers are physical machines where the game is hosted, so yeah worlds is what people know as "servers", they are not real servers; people on "maguuma" are not hosted on a specific physical location depending on what they are doing PvP, PVE, fractals, raids, WvW, they are all instances hosted on multiple servers with different IPs
  20. Makes no sense i agree with you 100% here
  21. But... servers will no longer exist. I don't understand your comment. Wrong, u did not read the original post didn't you? server will still exist they will be formed by multiple alliances multiple non alliance guilds, multiple random people during the match duration. they will be shaked up every "x" amount of weeks after the season ends, and from that former server the people you can chose to play with is basically the ones that belong to your alliance, people in your current alliance will still play together for the next match up but they will be paired up with different people this time arround (allies and enemies).
  22. You will see 4 timezone alliances compete for the top tier with 3 timezone alliances being in the next tier on down to one timezone alliances in the bottom tier. The good thing is that unlike servers being locked, alliances will have the opportunity to recruit to fill their coverage gaps.The other good thing is that the players that do return won't overstack an already overstacked side. The bad is that the alliance might have to kick some guilds out to make room for the new recruits to fill coverage gaps.The other bad is that there will probably still be matches, particularly in lower tiers, where alliances have little or no coverage and can't get players to fill the gaps. I think you're greatly overestimating the size of each alliance relative to the overall 8 week world. There is no reason for Anet to allow Alliances to be so large that they can manipulate the matchups I'm sure Mal is already hard at work creating a 4 timezone 500 player guild. Even if I were, It wouldn't be nearly as effective as some are making this out to be. Which is the point behind introducing a system of this nature. It prevents the super stacking of any world. Now you can super stack an alliance sure. But that alliance only would equate for a very small portion of the server even if the alliance size were to be 1k. That 1k sized stacked alliance wouldn't be able to decide what other players and or alliances it gets paired with. defeating the purpose of even attempting to have full 24/7 time zone coverage within an alliance. Instead what Mal is thinking is having an healthy alliance environment that doesnt necessarily focus on having all 4 timezones. But instead one that allows for my friends and player base to have activity when they specifically play. You see with alliances, someone like me doesn't have to worry about making an entire server healthy anymore because the system will make worlds every 8 weeks for me. 3rd person reference. You really need to get some help. @Swamurabi.7890 said: You will see 4 timezone alliances compete for the top tier with 3 timezone alliances being in the next tier on down to one timezone alliances in the bottom tier. The good thing is that unlike servers being locked, alliances will have the opportunity to recruit to fill their coverage gaps.The other good thing is that the players that do return won't overstack an already overstacked side. The bad is that the alliance might have to kick some guilds out to make room for the new recruits to fill coverage gaps.The other bad is that there will probably still be matches, particularly in lower tiers, where alliances have little or no coverage and can't get players to fill the gaps. I think you're greatly overestimating the size of each alliance relative to the overall 8 week world. There is no reason for Anet to allow Alliances to be so large that they can manipulate the matchups I'm sure Mal is already hard at work creating a 4 timezone 500 player guild. Even if I were, It wouldn't be nearly as effective as some are making this out to be. Which is the point behind introducing a system of this nature. It prevents the super stacking of any world. Now you can super stack an alliance sure. But that alliance only would equate for a very small portion of the server even if the alliance size were to be 1k. That 1k sized stacked alliance wouldn't be able to decide what other players and or alliances it gets paired with. defeating the purpose of even attempting to have full 24/7 time zone coverage within an alliance. Instead what Mal is thinking is having an healthy alliance environment that doesnt necessarily focus on having all 4 timezones. But instead one that allows for my friends and player base to have activity when they specifically play. You see with alliances, someone like me doesn't have to worry about making an entire server healthy anymore because the system will make worlds every 8 weeks for me. 3rd person reference. You really need to get some help. its all fun and games man. I've been playing this game for 5 years. I was having fun with the "what would Mal do". being view as some sorta of villain is comical to me. Those who think that about me, are the ones who needs help.LOL true that, some people take this game way too seriously man, it is funny tho.
  23. As you can see on the graph many many people will be part of a WvW server multiple alliances, guilds with no alliances and regular non guilded players, so no matter how strong your alliance is it can always be countered by dumbing down the rest of the people that will be playing along side with them during the "matchup". so no alliance should be big enough to steamroll everybody since alliance =/= servers; alliances are part of a server multiple alliances even. This system prevents stacking from happening unless somehow arenanet is stupid enough to put all the strongest WvW alliances on the same server.
  24. Sorry but i think as you can read on the comments, the vast majority of players are very greatfull for this, only one out of touch is you if you think server comunities mean anything anymore to the vast mojority of players, sure it mean something for some people but most poeple (vast majority) just wanna log in have fun with their friends we dont really care about virtual chatrooms with random people (pretty much what server are nowdays), if you enjoy playing with people i think you will have plenty of time to organize those people into a big alliance and keep enjoying the game together.If you in the other hand just wanna be a hardcore player you can join a hardcore WvW guild, if you just wanna leech kills from a WvW guild tho well u havea choice of joining them or just do you own thing.As a long time WvW commander (maguuma since day 1) and guild leader i can tell you this is hands down the best change ever happened to this game, WvW is mean to be done with 3 teams engaging each other constantly, the server system does not allow that to happen consistently and it has always been been flawed since day 1 they are finally willing to fix 5 years later and we (vast majority of players) thank arenanet for it.If you are attached to some virtual server just let me tell you something, granted u are not friends with every single person that plays in your server this system allows to to actually filter people u dont like or want to play with, if after this u still think servers mean something u should just go out more, spend some quality time with friends.
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