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  1. I just noticed this Alac nerf...Kinda bored to play Tempest now. Why on earth did they nerf it?
  2. All of them. I just follow a zerg or accept death lmao.
  3. Imagine not posting this in-game or even in the correct forum lmao. We are the third rate players. Feelsbadman.
  4. Crashed just now in whatever SBI tier is in lol. Suuuucks. It looks like it's around SMC.
  5. My personal favorite is /laugh and a good ol' jump on their body on respawn. I got a personal achievement from getting a crybaby message once too. Good times lol.
  6. I wonder what would happen if they stopped linking Mag with anyone. Please, can you try once? Lmao.
  7. As someone who also plays WoW, they've barely added anything lol and that's the final patch besides raids next week we have for a year. IMO, MMO's are just slowly a dying breed. You played a few, you played them all. Getting boring.
  8. It's Mag week for us on CD. We all go through it. Just wait every Friday for resets, (I think lol).
  9. Lol. I'd be shocked we are getting anything considerin' we've been messing with Alliances for how long? lol. The stuff we do get is bare minimum or crumbs. The last bit of fun we had they nerfed it to the floor LOL so I doubt it.
  10. I would more often but I see way too many tags go up and close their party for their Guild and wait super late, or never open it for us, and or if they do, they demand us to be on Discord. This game mode isn't that hard that we need to be on Discord for one lol. It's just moving and fighting at the right times as a group. Honestly, I don't even read the chat. I'm too busy trying to stay alive and I got music going lol. I'm not tryna hear someone screech "gogogogogogo moomoomomoovemoove" for hours haha. Just open squad and let me heal ya friends lol.
  11. I like HoD so much I even thought about transferring. I notice some people (When I pay attention to main tab chat) they're kinda mean to you guys but I think you're all friendly lol. I'm not sure how we ended up in T1. It's so unfair because when the game got up again Mag and TC made a B-line straight to our keep right out the gate and it was pretty much them two fighting for OUR keep. It was kinda funny but very sad at the same time. 😕
  12. We should keep this. Maybe do like FFXIV does and have theme's or something every few weeks or something. Fashion is the true end-game for some, let's add more to it!
  13. I actually like playing with HoD so I'm happy with this. 💖
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