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  1. You sure it's AWS? If you said it was Azure I would believe you.
  2. We are moving in the wrong direction.
  3. Check out Maguuma (or Mag). They are very helpful with new and casual players and will invite you to join their squads of more experienced players.
  4. You used to be able to put a treb up there and hit SMC.
  5. Thank you for the detailed responses . I get what anet is trying to encourage here. Since an 'attacker' credit is required in order to accomplish the defense event I would propose that anet simply change the daily to "Attack or Defend" where you can get credit as either an attacker or a defender. Would alleviate a lot of frustration.
  6. Not sure what qualifies any more, but unable to achieve this. I tried: 1. Repairing the wall of a currently under attack tower 2. Killing a player in a currently under attack tower 3. Rezzing a camp lord in a currently under attack camp 4. Doing damage to multiple players in a currently under attack tower What am I doing wrong? Like nothing is working to trigger this
  7. Maguuma is a great server. It is full of kind and helpful people who would love to see you succeed and will go out of their way to help you.
  8. Any update on this? Switching from a windows to chromeos device and can only run GW2 on steam. Dont want to restart my account.
  9. Gliders don't work in enemy territory? How are they gliding in the garrison if you have control?
  10. Repairing a wall or gate while the objective is under attack needs to give credit.
  11. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flanking_Dive Somehow this hits for 10k multiple times in a row underwater? Swimming to the surface within 1 s
  12. Yes bigger is better. I often can't see the small tag around 40 other players.
  13. I can't figure out which class should have the centaur banner - something running celestial? Maybe a condition build? It's too easy to die with it. The banner just seems mediocre when compared to dragon or turtle.
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