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hanabal lecter.2495

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  1. Yeah the crashes have definitely been making it very unplayable when 60% of people crash in every engage.
  2. Throw sand at floor emote, teabag emote, chicken mock emote.
  3. /sit /sit /sit. Throw walmart ram.... pinball cc downed body.
  4. 16 skills if you count weaver dual skills
  5. The majority of players are barely able to open the client up.
  6. Never understood why so many are afraid to die in a game still either lol.
  7. They can't fight outside their boonblob so when their blobmander logs off so does everyone with that tag and bam easy picking because those servers cannot function without a tag telling them what to do.
  8. add ability to mount will in combat tonic as well please.
  9. It's fine just retake after on thief by vaulting inside structures, don't even need siege anymore.
  10. Man you are the only one in the wrong here my dude and angry, this is really healthy for the llaaarge majority of players that do not have easy access to ascended, as opposed to the few that have, as you say "more legendaries than any of you"but are still crying for more lmao. What a joke man.
  11. Yup this, it's still just stacking with a different flavor lol it solves nothing.
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