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  1. Imagine writing a wall of text while completely ignoring the fact that the same post you're quoting states: tanking build are a problem in gw2 balance, especially in a gamemode where the main objective is to hold nodes. the fact that you don't realize it is probably because you don't kite well enough to abuse such mechanics to their full extent, hence why you advocate for "build diversity" while including tanky amulet, eventually, once you get above gold 2, you will learn how unfun is to chase classes that spam invuln while healing themeslves and kite 2-3 people chasing them
  2. moa might not be OP but it's a broken spell that serves only the purpose for bad player to get a kill on players better than them: unbreakable cc that can come from stealth and that can be used twice in a row on chrono, also if you get rooted you're dead because you can't do literally anything; it's bad design at it's finest
  3. Skyscale can turn just as much and is so much better on terrains with inclines, it can even literally climb mountains, the only valid point is when the skyscale has no space to mount since it's bigger, but there are probably just a few places in the entire game where this point is valid. Saying that using mounts to get from point A to point B isn't what their purpose is 95% of the times is simply clutching on straws, i would very much love to see you keep up with any farm train that uses skyscale/griphon/beetle to tag all the events
  4. Do you realize that if someone claims that a mount is barely used it implies that he is also saying that other mounts provide the function that specific mount offers but better, and that's the reason that mount is deemed as useless in the first place? Also it is not subjective that: 1- mounts primary scope is to travel from points A to B as fast as you can 2- the jackal is overshadowed in every aspect by the 3 mounts i listed 3- if the jackal does not offer anything better than those 3 mounts it will be worse to use excluding for very-specific context (sand portals), therefore making it "useless"
  5. the reason i don't say that about the skimmer is because you can consider how useful something is by how much in general it is useful to accomplish your goal in the best way, your goal with mounts is 99% of the time to travel from point A to point B the fastest way, it does not really matter wich way you use, griffon does not need a lot of height, as i said in the post you quoted you can do the combo i wrote with the skyscale and you will get the height needed pretty much everywhere. That is the reason every single speed farming train uses almost solely the three mounts i listed, because they are clearly the best at doing such tasks and outshine all the other mounts
  6. This video is nonsense, why would you time a griphon without using his glide? What the OP obviously meant is that the jackal is useless when you have the skyscale and griphon since: -the skyscale is king on short horizontal/vertical distance -the griphon is king on long distances when used in pair with the double dash+endurance resfresh+double dash+jump out of mount+ griphon glide -if we want to include linear straight paths then beetle is also probably the best, leaving no room for the jackal
  7. i am not generalizing, you just wrote a post where it's clear as day that you're both toxic and entitled Yet another finger pointing at someone else while removing any possible responsibility from you. paraphrasing yourself: if you want to make the pvp scene better, why not start making youself less toxic? Gw2 pvp is "dying" because of a moltitude of reason, the lack of an aknowledgement of an offial competitive scene from anet being the first, and toxicity being one among many others, still, being "one among the others" does not make it less important
  8. we can basically sum your personality with "i have no obligation about anything and everything is other's fault" you're definitely the "my teamates suck" dude; and btw, yeah your toxicity does matter for other players, i've seen people quitting mobas because of toxicity so many times
  9. Can we have the Recharging Teleport to Friend offered? it usually appears 3 to 4 times per year but it appeared only once yet 😞
  10. Literally every 2v2/3v3 season someone opens a bunch of topic calling out how unfun, unnecessary and unbalanced those gamemodes are. Literally every season anet does not give a kitten
  11. is it a bug or it's intended? i tough it was a bug since you have no way of knowing when it'll explode now
  12. Something can be defined glass cannon also if it has low defence compared to the standards, and dh does have very much less defence than most, if not every, semi-competitive for ranked sPvp. It dies pretty quickly if he gets trained or revealed, and outside of his elite his defenses are lackluster
  13. That's how you usually call an 11k hp class
  14. I love how there are a plethora of topics of topic about nerfing a noobstomper build, while there are so few about mechanist, wich is a broken af sidenoder if you know how to kite even a little
  15. Except it wasn't, last AT there wasn't any renegade at all and renegade is unreliable in ranked since it is so susceptible to being focused. If anything a more reasonable nerf (wich wasn't needed) would've been to reduce the aoe part, but not the range
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