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  1. yeah i just did some digging about their sources for the numbers they get and it's from people on reddit who are actively posting and subscribed to the games there xD oh well, it's still gotta be making some kind of buzz to show up apparently. guild wars 2 still has top 5 potential. and i believe anet can do that if they give the game the TLC it needs, along with continuing to communicate with the players.
  2. https://mmo-population.com/ as i post this guild wars 2 is ranked at 7th most played mmo right now. they are making a ton of cash. can't wait to see it at top 5. however i found EoD very low impact to the game overall and very disappointed in the new elite specs (besides harbinger). i expect the following living season will make Cantha and the new features it brought feel more full, and the balance patch in summer will at least attempt to make the new elite specs more viable in harder content and pvp/wvw. i've spent most of my time in sei tung, it's just too pretty. not a big fan of the other maps though. i'm glad they are something different though and they add flavor. my biggest gripe map-wise is probably all the jade tech cluttering echovald. functionally it's gotta be there i guess but aesthetically it's a turn off for me. i really hope arena gives this game the polish it desperately needs to make the new player experience as welcoming as possible. when i first started a couple months ago i found a lot of the systems and UI very confusing, dated, and not user friendly. Also I felt cheated when i found out the living season content wasn't part of the expansions i had just bought at the time, and i know many others who felt that way too. i wouldnt have minded if the game/website was more intuitive about communicating these things, instead of them just being in some obscure area in the cash shop (back before i understood much of the game). i'm honestly just hype arena net finally gave us their gameplan instead of just going ghost like i've heard they had a tendency to do in the past
  3. guess i should just go back to ESO honestly xD sorry for bothering you with a different view
  4. part of me wants to laugh in jest and part of me wants to cry in sorrow. r.i.p. ele
  5. beetle is better imo, for sheer fun factor. same with griffon > skyscale. the fun factor
  6. i guess. do races and fishing tournament breed toxicity? xD or many of the holiday events for that matter. or costume brawl, or snowball fights? whats the difference?
  7. it's ok keep assuming most people who play pvp is toxic and open world people aren't like ever toxic
  8. ele needs severe nerfs to curb anyone from playing it so anet doesnt have to balance it's hundred skills
  9. I disagree as we have had different experiences. Can you see from my perspective or am I supposed to just see yours?
  10. i am 100% talking about the weapon and how it functions. i hate hammer on every single class and when i found out about catalyst i was big dissapointed but i held onto some hope in case it was better than i thought, after seeing how awful it felt during the beta, i still held hope that they would make at least a few changes to make it FEEL good to use. the truth is that hammer is slow and clumsy, without those orbs, what does it actually have? would have prefered something like the mesmer greatsword that has some actual range to it, like at least the auto attacks being 900 or something. i wouldnt even care about hammer dragging the class down if the orb mechanic happened on atunement swap or something, so i could run daggers and use the orbs and call it good. the traits are a total snoozefest, augments are a snoozefest, the jade sphere is a snoozefest, and hammer is a snoozefest. to me, mechanically. i like the spinny orbs though. just wish i didnt have to use hammer for them. the quickness is nice but literally any other class with quickness has much easier access to it. i'm 100% convinced catalyst is for hardcore masochists xD edit: the hammer that you get for unlocking the spec i find actually very aesthetically pleasing to look at, the skills are ok too i guess as far as visuals go
  11. i've been playing a lot of pvp recently and people have been kind, i get the stigma tho. thanks for giving me some understanding. but it's such a great time killer when your standing around waiting for something to happen, that's how i see it. and there's so many places it would be so fun, i'm not saying it should happen, just wanted know why so much backlash for the idea when ive played games with it and literally no one cares besides the duelists xD sidenote: i pvp, wvw, raid, and do open world. i doubt anyone who's met me and chatted with me calls me toxic. tho i often play devils advocate, which can get on people's nerves xD always open to hear people out tho and give everyone a chance
  12. are those metrics including free to play players? cuz i imagine theres tons of people who try the game out and dont get the expansions so they dont have access to rev. i could still see it not being super popular tho, all of the other options are more familiar to the rpg genre with maybe the exception of mesmer, so they choose what they normally play in games like this and end up sticking with it. glad i trusted my gut choosing necro over ele for my first class i'll tell you that xD ele daggers are fun af but i would have struggled so much i probs wouldve quit the game, especially using staff like i would have. staff feels not great to me when in my mind should be a top weapon for ele based on tropes alone
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