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  1. I would love to, and for the new players it would be nice to have something then can work on at the approximate same time as the vets, meaning there will be players actually doing the events and activity needed. I started 2 years ago, and when I went for the Requiem armor quests, it was really hard to find people for the Group Events needed for the collection. For the part about "I already did it, new players have to do it only once, it's unfair", I would say well, if you don't want to replay content you should just move on to the next game once you have done everything once. Should it be fractal, strikes, meta or even raid, the point is always to do it several times to obtain something, so why not some story chapters too?
  2. Just to give my (unwanted?) opinion: I would love it to be a legendary set that you get by doing a crazy ton of achievements, like the Returns *10 volume. - Replay the whole story, - Play each meta event of all games, - Go through each JP - Maybe even combine it with a gift of exploration of each game? And maybe some way to bypass some of the task by accomplishing certain things in WvW or PvP, fractals or raids why not? I don't know if it will actually be legendary, but I have the feeling this will be something like that, at least from what they said about it requiring currencies earned through different game modes. Anyway, I'm really hyped!
  3. Honestly, I love fishing when queuing for PvP. It makes so much more sense than waiting just reorganizing again and again your inventory... On top of that, it mitigate the bad experiences you may have with your matches. "Ok the matchmaking was so bad we got wiped without a chance to fight, but hey I just finished the fishing collection of this map!" So really, thanks Anet, I love it! Just to make it better, I know it maybe hard but: - Don't loose the food buff when entering a match (why not just get it back once the match is over?). I mean, those fishing power buff foods are not cheap... - just position the PvP window (accept or decline window, then choose map window) a little higher so you can still see the fishing bar. Specially when you wait for 1 or 2 mins for the last tick box to appear, would be nice to be able to finish your catch 🙂 OK so that's it, basically I love it, please just had those two things and it would be perfect!
  4. Or try another angle: Instead of punishing afks, reward better NOT AFKs. Something like top stats rewarding one more pip, but not only for top stats (most of the time those who get discouraged and afk would not be in the top stats no matter how much they try). Could be pips, reward track progress, gold, anything is fine as long as it's proportional to your participation: damages, healing, boons applied, cc applied... Lately I have had the worst of luck, and I'm loosing basically all my matches due to the worst matchmaking I ever saw, and have to admit when you get a full wipe in less than 15 sec at the first battle at mid, you just want to give up the match... I don't because I'm trying to progress, but right now honestly I think I'll stop PvP for a while, even though I didn't finish my legendary armor yet (3 out of 6 pieces)
  5. Either having better rewards along the progression of the meta, or making sure an organized group will succeed even if you have really low DPS in the squad. It's just very unfair that even if you are a decent level player and do everything right, you can still loose due to the fact that there were afk/auto1 players in the group that you didn't know of. So yes, better rewards OR easier event OR shorter event, anything would be fine, but LONG event, NO rewards when failing, and RANDOMNESS (=success will depend on your group composition) is asking too much in my opinion.
  6. Everything have been said on that topic, but I'm just sharing my experience so that it may be a small drop helping for Anet to realize how much this meta is frustrating... Ok so I've tried it a few times by just jumping on a map, and of course we failed. And that's good! It's nice to have some content that needs an organized group to clear, even in Open World. But then I tried to do it with an organized group (=prime time, commander knowing the meta perfectly and giving clear instructions, map full 1 hours before starting, indications to everyone to get max buffs including jade offensive and defensive, etc) . And it was quite fun I have to say! The pre events are fun, the escorts too, the different phases of the boss too, I really enjoyed it! But the timer went of when the boss was at 4%, and we were in the last burning phase... And absolutely no reward, nothing. If there were good enough rewards even without clearing, I would love to do it again and again until completion! Or if it was not so long. But both no rewards + need to spend at least 2 hours of gametime on it means I am probably never going to try again, knowing that even with a prep group you still have a good chance to fail. Just for Anet to know my profile when considering the type of players that got upset with the meta and won't do it again: Casual player (frac T4 and strikes are not a problem, but I don't do raids), usually playing an hour a day in short 20 mins sessions during week, and have a 2 to 3 hours session once or twice per week. Which means trying to do this meta usually means I am spending my only chance of a good session of fun, and have to wait for the next week to have a chance to do something similar.
  7. Hello everyone, So I started playing PvP since last December season, with a condi Longbow / sword+shield warrior build that I found on a YouTube video about beginner friendly builds. It was going great! I was progressively learning the basics, how to place on the map, use cc and counter it, choose my fights, well the basics I guess. Most importantly, I was having fun, and I found the ranked matches very interesting as I had something like a 1/2 rate of wins, so I felt like I was always playing with players of the same level as me. But since last week and the release of EOD, it completely changed. Right now I feel like I am made of foam, spending all my time under cc (or even in the air thanks to the new Necro spec...) and not able to do anything of value for the team before getting to the ground. And most importantly, I don't feel I am progressing anymore, as I don't have enough time to learn anything from the game I am playing. Which means at the end, I can't feel the fun anymore... So, anyone has good advice on a build (don't care about the profession, role or anything, as anyway I will have to learn from scratch again) and a way of playing it that would put me back in my slow progression curve while getting some fun again? Btw I am not complaining at all about the new specs or updates, a game has to evolve, I am just looking for a way to adapt to it with my low level of skills! Thanks in advance for your advices!
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